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Hezekiah was the son of king Ahaz. He started to reign at the age of twenty five after his father died. He was born of a mother named Abijah, the daughter of Zechariah [2 Chronicle 26:5]; reigned for twenty nine years. Hezekiah trusted the Lord, God of heaven and lived in obedience to Him and the Lord was with him. Hezekiah was described as the praying king who governed the people in fear of God. He prayed as a habit and seeked God’s face always. Hezekiah and his people were in deep trouble. The Assyrians had gobbled up the ten tribes of Israel and headed to devour Judah. The Assyrians mocked, belittled Hezekiah and his God. Sennacherib had to send to Hezekiah a letter that was not only insulting to Hezekiah but also to the God and people of Israel. The praying king read the letter, being troubled and provoked by the content, he took the letter to the temple; spread it for God to read. He then directed the people to once again, renew their minds in worship and service to God.

In the first year of his reign, in the first month, Hezekiah reopened the doors of the house of God and renovated the temple. The zeal of the Lord’s house was upon him. The doors of the temple had been closed to all religious activities over a very long period of time. He brought in the Priests and Levites, charged them to sanctify themselves and thereafter the house of the Lord, God of their fathers that was abandoned and deconsecrated [made filthy]; abused and neglected [2 Chronicles 29:1-5]. King Hezekiah said it was his desire to make a covenant with the Lord, God of Israel and reinstitute the worship and glory of the house of God in Jerusalem and in the twelve tribes of Israel; so that God’s fierce anger and wrath may turn away from the Israelites. At that point the people had forgotten how to worship God intimately; they no longer remember the praise of the old house. The doors of the temple porch had been shut up and lamps put off; burnt incense and offered burnt offering no longer existed in the holy place. The Lord’s wrath delivered Judah and Israel into deep trouble, captivity and exile as it was then.

Little wonder the king charged the Priest and the Levites, “Be not now negligent, for the Lord has chosen you, to stand before Him; to serve him and that you minister unto Him and burnt incense” [vs. 11]. The king’s charge fanned fire into flames; the Priest gathered all their brethren, sanctified them and together cleansed the house of the Lord. Since then they became dutiful in the house of the Lord. On the first month of the king’s first year of reign, specifically from the eight to the sixteen day, the priest and Levities led the operation remove the dirt’s and unseemliness; all the sinful dusty junks were cleaned up and sanctified God’s temple for worship again. They also sanctified the Alter of burnt offering, Shewbread table and all the vessels. Thereafter the king made the people relearns how to worship and serve God. He retrieved the Psalms of David, the books of prophets and directed the people on how to practice God’s presence. All congregations worshipped: Singers sang, trumpeters sounded; cymbal, psalteries, harps etc until the burnt offering ended. The joy of the Lord was experienced among the people; the same as the former rains.

In 2 Chronicles 30, Hezekiah summoned all Israel and Judah; Ephraim and Manasseh to observe Passover in the house of God in Jerusalem. This happened in the second month of his reign. He established a decree that made proclamation throughout the 12 tribes of Israel to observe a Passover unto the Lord, God of Israel in Jerusalem; for they had not done so for a very long time. The letters and decree compelled them to return with all their hearts to the Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel.  He in turn will return to them the remnants that have escaped the wicked hands of the king of Assyria. He warned them not to be stiff necked like their fathers and brethren who spent their Sunday mornings on golf courts and juggling on tracts, watching sports on television and playing casino. Most of them were buried into iniquities such as: 419, fraud, greed, and covetousness, gain and power. He charged them, to return unto the Lord, their God, brethren and their children shall find compassion before them that held them captive; for the Lord, God is gracious and merciful and will not turn away His face from you, if you return unto Him. This message has not and will not changed; even in the New Testament, The Lord Jesus Christ emphasized on it by saying: Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you [Matthew 6:33]. It was not surprised then that Evangelist Dr Uma Ukpai drew an insight on this verse to mean, seek God first and all you seek for shall start seeking for you.

The message went out to all the countries of Ephraim, Manasseh and into Zebulun but some people only laughed, mocked and scorned. Even today in our society and world, we get the same reaction when we send out invitations, flyers, and posters for life changing events in the Christian community. When people are invited to crusades or revivals that will transform their lives and the society, they make fun and caricature; the culture is not new. This attitude is not new, after all during Jesus days, He told his disciples a parable of wedding banquet for his son, where a King invited guests to the feast but some people refused to attend to the King’s invitation [Matthew 22:3]. In another version of the parable some people who deliberately absented from the ceremony made excuses [Luke 14:18].

However, the Divers of Asher, Manasseh, and Zebulun humbled themselves and came to Jerusalem to worship God and observed Passover as instructed by the king. The turn out was massive, in great number and very unprecedented. That was evidence that the people had been longing to worship God in a corporate setting, but needed a direction. The same is obtained today. People would be willing to go out to the gatherings of God and participate in worship when they are led by leaders whose passion and goals are to worship God in truth and in Spirit; whose hidden motive are not to exploit the people, pursue personal gains in the name of God; hypnotize, brainwash and manipulate God’s children with flattery greed tendencies and in guile [1Thessalonians 2:3-5]. Is their goal not to chase mammon in the name of God? Many people get dissatisfied and disillusioned with these groups of merchant and tax collectors that they are reluctant to attend Christian gatherings. They have coined out rich making strategies with the gospel comparable to what obtains in World Street. Their agents gather people for the exploit in the name of revival and crusade. Let God be our witness and the judge.

The world is looking for Christians whose passion is to worship God in truth and Spirit; leaders who are led by the Spirit of God; to lead and feed the flocks with unadulterated word of God without bias and fakeness. They want to see Christian leaders who lead by serving; who offer responsible stewardship and accountability. They will always follow leaders who are meek, humble and exhibit fear of God in their actions. This is reflected in the way they relate with the flocks put under their charges. They are looking for leaders who would unite and don’t divide the flock for selfish interest; who leads exemplary. More especially people need leaders whose leadership portrays implicit love for Christ. Our community needs leaders who put God first and make sure their worship is entirely for God’s glory; not for man or any mundane, ulterior motives. These people should have passion for the house of God and make worship a priority before spouse, bills and purchases; leaders who obtain directions on their waiting kneel. Hezekiah was a different kind of leader from his ancestor and those of his surroundings; a God fearing king who believed in the sanctity of worship and prayers, consumed by the zeal of God’s house. The people took away the Alters that were in Jerusalem and cast them in the Brooke Kid’ron. They killed the Passover animals there on the 14th day of the second month. The Priests and Levites were ashamed because the temple was defiled; the house of God was denied her glory. Today, we see many goats in lion clothing’s that siphon God’s treasures into individual pockets. The Priest and the Levites then sanctified themselves and the Alter and brought the burnt offerings into the house of the Lord.

However many in the congregation were not sanctified – multitude from Ephraim, Manasseh, Issachar, Zebulum did not sanctity themselves. Those who came from distant places of Israel were disqualified from sacrificing and could not offer their sacrifices; not withstanding they still ate the Passover meal. This was considered a violation of God’s code of conduct of the Law of Moses [Exodus 12:43-49]. The people considered it more important to obey the spirit of the Passover than its letter. But King Hezekiah understood the nature of God, prayed God to observe the desire of their hearts to obey His calling; prayed for them saying: May the Lord, who is good, pardon everyone who sets his/her heart to seek and worship God [2 Chronicle 30:18-19]. What the law could not give God’s mercy provided. This costly mistake not withstanding, the good God, merciful and compassionate pardoned everyone that prepared his/her heart to seek Him, the Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel. Even though they were not cleansed according to purification procedure of the sanctuary yet their hearts were willingly seeking God and they came to worship and restore the glory of God’s house. The Lord harkened to Hezekiah’s prayer and healed the people. Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart [1 Samuel 16:7].

Have you had an intention to do some good and you made a mistake in an approach or observation of protocol; it’s could be a costly drawback. Have you left the Church and reaffirmed your faith in the Lord but you get home and have not talked with your Lord or read your bible throughout the week? Kids eat sometimes without washing their hands. Hypocrites cleanse outside but are dirty inside. Are you so crowded with worldly activities and have not had time to look inwards and relate with your Redeemer and Savior? Yet you have a yielding heart unto the Lord and you have found time and faith to go into the house of God to share in praise and worship, you have a place in the heart of God. God looks at the heart, not at outward dressing or physical apparels or how smooth your skin is or how coordinated your talks are. He may not listen to the repetitions of your words or how well placed your grammar is arranged yet God sees our hearts, the inner part that men do not see. God sees our faith and commitments, obedience and sacrifices not in the sounds and rhythms of the song or tongues we speak. Genuine seek after God is more important than adherence to rituals [1 Samuel 15:22].

You may have invited your spouse and children for a short family robbing of minds but due to unexplainable misgivings the meeting ended in disagreement. Even though it erupted into misunderstanding but the intention was well known to God. You may have been struggling with certain things in your walk with God and each time it’s mentioned your heart pricks. Do not give up or feels you can’t make it. Hezekiah’s gracious prayer for the people of Israel shall apply to you. That is why the scripture says, if you drift into sin, we should not run away but apply the rebound techniques – confess our sins sincerely to God. He’s faithful and just, merciful and abounding in grace; shall forgive and restore us to Himself [1 John1:9]. Come to think of it, the whole of Israel and Judah and her neighbors were invited for the worship but only people whose hearts were passion towards God showed up. They responded to the call, just as they were; with dirty dresses, torn shoes and nasty hats. They neither say they were not born again, nor were no members of the Assembly or baptized by emersion. They were concerned with obeying the call and restoring the glory of God’s house. Therefore though they made sincere mistake in procedure for not following the regulations of cleansing, but had responded to God’s call and had inward desire to lift up the name of God in His Holy Temple. Even when our best attempts wind up in wrong result, God is merciful, gracious and more equitable. We should see people the way God see them [James 2:2-5]. Hezekiah understood, “If thou Lord should mark iniquities, O Lord who can stand? But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou may be feared” [Psalms 130:3-4].

“It’s God’s great gift to each of us as parents, Church members, Stewards of God’s mysteries and spouses, to build up each other and make cheerful encouragement.” It may not be easy or fun and probably glorious but you can hear God saying, “Do not now be negligent, for the Lord has chosen you to stand before Him and to serve Him…..” Hezekiah’s call is relevant to us today more than it was in the olden days to the Israelites. God has called us to serve Him, stand before Him and minister unto Him. The Church of God needs stewards and ministers: those who are not afraid or ashamed to call Him Lord and to defend the power of the Gospel. She need people who will volunteer their time, talents and treasures for the kingdom. They need teachers in the Sunday school, mentors for our children in Middle and High Schools. The Church needs men and women who shall volunteer for missions and world evangelism: to take the Gospel to places where it has never reached or where it was before now forbidden; take the love of Christ to the hurting world and her people. The Church needs encouragers who support operations reach the un-reached; operation PUSH [pray until something happen]; praying for people all over the world who are at the fore-front of the message of hope in Christ. In the house of God, we learn more about Jesus, how to trust Him; accept His saving grace and believe His word even when we do not see immediate outcome or does not make natural sense to our little minds. We learn to worship [not war-ship], pray expectantly and meet in fellowship; how to stewardship our relationship with God and other human beings. Christian race is a very demanding and difficult process and needs a lot of encouragement and partnership.

Some people do not believe in corporate worship. They say that Christianity is in the heart and it’s an individual thing. Like a team game, we have individual talents and gifts but to achieve collective progress we need corporate talents and understanding in working together. The Christian calling is very personal; you give your life to God by putting faith in Christ Jesus. But you became a Christian through the testimony or preaching of someone. After you become saved, you need the company, the sharpening of other Christians to grow and keep focus on the race. Some believe it is a place to pay tolls and collect taxes. As against this opinion, the scripture says where two or three gather together in His name, His presence is there. His presence brings His presents – uncommon gifts, uncommon favor and blessings and corporate anointing. The book of Hebrews charges: “do not forsake the gathering of brethren.” The Psalmist says, “I was glad when they say let us go into the house of the Lord.” O magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together” [Psalms 34:3]. How glorious and amiable are thy tabernacle, O Lord of Hosts – For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I rather be a door keeper in the house of God than to dwell in the tents of wicked men [Psalms 84:1-4, 10]. God stands in the congregation of the mighty; he judges among the gods, defends the poor, fatherless, do justice to the afflicted and needy [Psalms 80:1-4].

In Acts 2:41-47, we witnessed the early Church in corporate worship. Here the unadulterated word was preached in the power of the Holy Spirit and there were convictions that later manifest into transformation. Those who repented and accepted Jesus as God’s sent were baptized; they joined and became integral part of the Church. They continued steadfastly in worship, in studying the word and in prayers as well as exhibiting love in action. They had things in common and shared their beliefs. This behavior and attitude was what attracted new people to join them. All that believed came together in worship and shared life in Christ. Great miracles were witnessed in these meetings that gave confirmations to the power of God in their midst. Today these manifestations remain the same. When those who are saved come together in corporate worship, corporate anointing is experienced. Souls are redeemed, restored and temples rebuilt.

Hezekiah did not only restore and rebuild the house of the Lord; he rebuilt the people’s life, individual and family temples and brought about family reunion. As the people came together in worship, they reconstructed and panel-beated their lives to blend with the life of God. It brought about the pursuit of holiness that is the life of God and tapped into the hidden treasures from the book of life. The pursuit of holiness is yielding to God’s way of life. God in His pleasure released blessings and uncommon favor unto the people. The families enjoyed healthy lifestyle that promoted the society’s wellbeing. Hezekiah may have not raised a dead person but he indeed rebuilt a dead nation and gave them right sense of living. He taught them again the way to God’s heart and the importance of corporate worship. He reconciled the people with their God and taught them how to return to God and worship Him.

Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill at: weefreeministries@yahoo.com  OR Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.


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