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We live in the world saturated with fears – of harm, kidnapping, accidents, premature death and end of the year ills. Most times we are threatened by family members and unfriendly friends as well as enemies of the progress we make. Too often wicked people forget that they are not God, who is most powerful than all. In the midst of these upsets and intimidation, we seem to lose knowledge and sight of how big and great our God is and He is committed to protecting His own, whether the devil likes it or not. God has a hedge of divine protection over His own children and as long as you remain under His coverage; God will fulfill His promises of protection and safety. God is faithful, dependable and all powerful; cannot deny Himself. Psalm 91 – “You can go to God Most High to hide and God, all powerful will protect you. God is our place of safety and fortress; can save you from hidden dangers and from deadly diseases. He will cover you like a bird spread wings over its babies; surround and protect you like a shield” (VS: 1-4). So nothing bad shall happen to you. “If someone trusts Me, I will save them; I will protect my followers who call on Me for help and be with them in trouble. I will satisfy them with long life”


Hedge – that which surrounds or encloses, whether it be a stonewall gender (Proverb 24:31; Ezekiel 42:10) or a fence of other materials. It could be something that surrounds for defense: to guard or to protect or to hem and /or to prevent escape; something that shelter one’s self from danger, risk, duty or responsibility, etc. The bible uses hedge literally and figuratively. It was used for home security or to keep and protect animals and trespasses out of crops. It is a protection wall around – a refuge, shelter and safety place, armor, boundary, protection vest and rest (Ps 91:1-4; 9-25; Exodus 12:13; Zech 2:5). The vineyard is Israel and its hedge is whatever protects it. It could be force or wall of protection (Job 10:11). It is used to keep thing in, not keep things out (Job 3:22-23; Hosea 2:6; Lam 3:6-9).


  1. Tangled thorn bushes – to protect property, crops and livestock (Isa 7:19; Pro. 15:19);
  2. Fence or stonewall–to keep away predators (1Peter 5:8; Mark12:1; Partition (Eph 2:4 );
  3. Set  boundaries; to guide against trespass;
  4. Gate communities (Rev21:12,14); protection against wrong outside influence & destruction;
  5. Flaming swords at the entrance of Garden of Eden (Gen 3:24);
  6. Towering walls and gates (Rev.21:12,14);
  7. The Church of God (SS 8:10; Heb.10:25). The church unified is the hedge Satan hates because he cannot freely operate;
  8. Human being living in purity and righteousness to stand in gap (Ezek 22:30; Psalm 106:23);
  9. Christian conviction is where Satan has the greatest access to God’s people (2 Cor. 6:14-18). This is biblical separation where anything condemned by God is an unclean thing which we are not to touch. Godly conviction held by believers in obedience to Christ keeps Satan outside.

Getting God’s Protection:

  • God supplies spiritual wall to those who are His beloved children(born again / saved), who seek His way, His providence and His will;
  • God puts a “hedge” on those who obey Him;
  • We can rebuild our personal wall by seeking a strong relationship with God – God becomes our defense and wall;
  • God puts a wall of protection around His people to keep Satan at bay (Job 1:10);
  • The Christian home: Eph 5:21-25. Husbands and wives break the wall of God’s protection by not living in biblical truth. Wives are to submit, honor and reverence their husbands and husbands are to love, nourish, cherish and lead their wives ((1 Peter 3:1-8).
  • If we reject God, break down the wall or neglect our relationship with Him; when the wall crumbles, Satan struck (Eccl 10:8);
  • God can tear down our walls because of our sins (Isaiah 5:4-5);when we violate the commands of God’s word, we give Satan access to our lives.
  • God delivers us to Satan for the destruction of our flesh, to enable us repent (1 Cor. 5:5);
  • The surest way to restore the wall is through sincere and deliberate repentance. Playing at the repair job, remorse not repentance, can only increase God’s wrath (Ezekiel 13:8-16) – our neglected relationship.
  • Any wall lacking God gives the impression of security but lacks complete protection.
  • “At all times carry faith as a shield; for with it you will be able to put out all the burning arrows shot by the Evil One.” (Ephesians 6:16 GNT);

Hedge & Shield:

  1. The Old Testament “hedge” is similar to New Testament “shield of faith” (Eph 6:16; Heb 11:1; Acts 28:1-6; Mark 16:17-18);
  2. Shield or hedge operates:
  1. By trusting God;
  2.  Believing God will give it to you when you ask in faith (Psalm 37:28, 31, 34, 39-40);
  3. The life of obedience is necessary and must be adhered to and/or repentance when the person misses it;
  4. Faith must operate (in God and in His protection).

A shield is associated with faith:

As a follower of Christ, you have fiery darts coming at you in different kinds on regular basis creating uncertainties in your life. Satan implants thoughts into your mind: doubts, discouragement, Delay, difficulty, depression, self pity and worries, etc.  Apostle Paul gives us the only antidote to these fiery darts: the Shield of Faith. Rick Warren says, Shield of faith is the only protection you have against doubt, discouragement, delay, difficulty, depression and self pity. Trust God, no matter what you see, hear or feel about the world around you. You need the certainty of God when you face the uncertainty of Satan’s fiery darts. With the shield of Faith, you have certainty of God’s promises are true even when they don’t appear to be true in your life. You can’t take off the shield of faith. Satan will never stop throwing his fiery darts at you. Little wonder the bible says, “At all times carry faith as a shield; for with it you will be able to put out the burning arrows shot by the evil one” (Eph. 6:16).

We believe God even before we start our walk with Him, and after repentance and baptism, He gives us a deeper, living, growing faith through His Holy Spirit. “For by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves; it is a gift of God (Eph 2:8). “…..but without faith it is impossible to please God…(Heb 11:6). “The just shall live by faith…” (Habak 2:4; Heb. 10:38). Faith is more than belief alone. “Thou believes that there is one God; thou doest well; the devils also believe and tremble” (James 2:19).  Faith involves trust and reliance. There are also three “legs” supporting our faith: Prayer; His word and Fellowship.

A shield guards and deflects. While a physical shield protects us physically, faith protects our spiritual lives even in the middle of physical trails. Satan is always hurling his fiery darts of fear, doubt and worry in our direction but the only time they can hit us is when we let our shield of faith down – when we stop believing that God is in control; that He is working everything out for our good. A shield is also the first line of defense.  When our faith in God omnipotence and care is strong, it is impossible for Satan to break through our shield and land an attack. But when we allow doubt to creep in, as Peter did when distracted by waves, we will start to sink. The rest of the armor will be battered and so will we. A shield can incapacitate. Christ was tempted by Satan but His faith in the word and command of God repelled Satan for a time and in all things (Matt. 4:10,11; Heb 4:15). The metal knob in the middle on the Roman shield allowed soldiers to give their enemies a shun-inducing shove that would allow them to defend and overcome the enemies. The same is our faith in God as shown by Jesus gives Satan a good shove backward  and give us a chance to fight back by doing God’s will and works of obedience and service (James 2:20).

The Romans shield of the time was called a “scutum”. It provides a blanket of protection. It is meant to be taken up in all circumstances. The Roman military had an inventive and very effective tactic that made use of their large shield. When the enemies fired arrows and other projections at the army, the soldiers closed ranks into a rectangular array called “tortoise formation” and those on the outside would use their shield to create a wall around the perimeter, while those in the middle would raise their shield over their heads to protect everyone from airborne missile. When they join their shield together, it became an almost unstoppable force. A Christian who takes up the shield identifies himself as a foot soldier who serves the commander of the Lord’s army (Joshua 5:14). If we as a Church join our shields that is, strengthen each other our faith, building up and serving within the body as we are able. – we will become an unstoppable force able to take on any challenge.

Faith prompts us to believe God. Faith also reminds us that, though fulfillment of God’s promise may not be readily visible to us. God is true to His word. When Satan attempts to plague us with doubt or entice us with instant gratification, faith chooses to believe that Jesus has redeemed us and that there is no more condemnation (Rom 8:1; Rev. 12:10-12). Faith is one of the greatest gifts (1 Corinthians 13:13), and it is the means by which we receive grace and come into right relationship with God (Eph 2:8-9). It is because we have been justified through faith that we belong to God and have peace with Him (Rom. 5:1). Faith is the doorway to hope in God (Rom. 5:2). If we are to have faith, we must hear and believe His word (Rom. 10:17). It is not hearing the enticing words of man’s wisdom, but the word of God which will increase faith. We must hear it as the word of God. Believe the word, read the word, hear the Word is the way for faith to increase.

“Faith will be our strong shield to protect us from the fiery arrows of Satan. Values should not change with time, because faith in Jesus Christ is indispensable to happiness and eternal salvation.” President Harold B. Lee once said, “No matter what his progress in science, man must always be subject to the will and direction of Divine protection. Man has never discovered anything that God has not already known.” James E. Faust once quoted someone, “The greatest of undeveloped resources (in our country – America) is faith; the greatest of unused power is prayer.” Technology may help us communicate with each other and the world, but not with God. Faith is further sustained by daily doses of spirituality that come to us as we kneel in prayer. It begins with us as individuals and extends to our families, who need to be solidified in righteousness. Faith intensifies and magnifies our gifts and abilities. There is no greater source of knowledge than the inspiration that comes from Godhead, who have all understanding and knowledge of that which has been, is now, and will be in the future.

What can break the “hedge/shield?”

  • Sin (Heb. 12:1) –“So we, too should run the race that is before us and never quit. We should remove from our lives anything that would slow us down and the sin that so often makes us fail.” (Psalm 4:4; Ezekiel 18:4; 1 John 1:8-9; Rom 14:23; Heb 7:26; 1John 2:1-2, 15-16).
  • Fear – Unbelief – can break or breach (Acts 28:1-6; Daniel 3:17; Luke 10:19). For the thing that I fear comes upon me (Job 3:25); for God gave us Spirit not of fear (2 Tim 1:7). Fear is the opposite of faith. Fear is a spirit not from God. So the fear Job expressed was a spirit not from God. Unbelief (Rom 3:3).

In conclusion, faith is the shield of the Christian soldier, defending him from the fierce attacks of the foe from within and without. The shield of faith is able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. This shield cannot be pierced or destroyed by the fiercest fires of hatred or malice. The arrows of the evil one, though flaming with cruelty, are stopped by the shield and extinguished. Faith is the foundation of all Christian graces. Dr. Arthur Pink says, “The beginning of faith is faith in the beginning.” The Word tells us, “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Therefore do not fear or be intimidated by wicked folks, as long as you have God, All mighty and all powerful and believe in Him. You are His child and He will shield and protect you from all harm and satisfy you with peace and long life.


1 Comment
  1. Brighton Staubi says

    I want to thank God Almighty for the life of evangelist Godwill Ogbonnaya.This man inspires me so much with his messages.Trusting & relying the Lord always will make Him to be our devine hedge where no fierce arrow of the enemy that is thrown unto us shall find its way.Fear and sin takes away the the shield of the Lord from us.What a message,what a teaching.
    May the Good Lord continue enriching you with more these inspiring teaching.

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