HE KNOW NOT HOW (Mark 4:26-29)

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                                 HE KNOWS NOT HOW!!! (Mark 4:26-29)

I welcome you to another session of celebrating our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a session where praise and worship go up and erupt down uncommon blessings to men on earth; the praises adore God and supplicate to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. It prepares the heart to receive the word and for miracles to happen. It’s another session of encounter with the God who frustrate the token of lairs and set free those held in bondage or tight down in different coven and caged in evil altars. “And he (Jesus) healed many that were sick of divers’ diseases, and cast out many demons…” (Mark 1:34). Jesus came to destroy the powers, works, and wickedness of Satan over God’s creation (1 John 3:8b). Jesus thereafter sent His disciples to go and preach the gospel and heal sickness (Luke 9:1-2; 10:1f).

We did not come to see the Revivalist; not to imagine how He just spoke words and uncommon supernatural things begin to happen: sinners turned saint, the blind began to see, the lame walked and dumb began to hear and speak. We are not to wonder how a virgin could give birth to a Messiah; how an advanced woman who had grown beyond child bearing age could conceive and give birth to a special child. Should we bother how a woman that medical sciences declared inconceivable or fruitless shall be pregnant and bear a child (or children). We should not be surprised how simply laying of hands could cancel every demonic and ancestral power that had frustrated some people all their lives. We’re in that season and His presence!!!

We should stop imagining how the prophesy that you will become a testimony this season shall occur; stop wandering how simply obedience by Moses to raise what he had in his hands could cause the Red sea to divide and the children of Israel passed through in dry land. We quit wondering how ordinary people like us (sinners) who did not have formal theological education would have insight and revelation of the scriptures; preach and teach as the Holy Spirit reveals and give utterances. Don’t keep thinking or surprised how a condemned prisoner, Joseph – the dreamer lad later became the Prime Minister in a foreign land. He started his journey in the pit, was sold to foreign traders. In Pontiphar’s house, he grew to become a chief caretaker but only to end up in prison. From the prison, the God who fetches water with basket to shame those walking about with empty pots and buckets catapulted him into his destiny, the palace. Don’t ask, for I don’t know how!!!! Jesus birth was natural but his conception was supernatural. His death was natural but his resurrection was supernatural, a mystery that shocked Satan and his demonic kingdom.

We are today in the season Jesus talked about: when John sent errands to Jesus asking: are you the Christ or is another coming? Jesus replied, go and tell him what you see: the crippled walk, the deaf hear and demon possessed cast out. This implied the kingdom of God is already here; miracles and supernatural wonders eruption. Those healed shall go out to advertize Jesus.

When the Holy Spirit comes on you, the impossible become possible, the unusual events occur and the uncommon happens. Nothing is impossible for God; so start believing and stop doubting. Fear not! That which you prayed and fasted for, shall manifest and even more; for delay is not denial. Today, I declare by the power of the Living God and in the name of Jesus, you shall receive nothing you wanted but shall receive everything you needed. When you come in contact with the Lord Jesus in the presence of the Holy Spirit, you become either bitter or better but nobody remains the same. Enjoy October, the first two digit month; it’s a new beginning!!!

Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill, Director, Weefree Ministries

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