Has Christianity Failed? – Part 2

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In July 2014, Discipleship Digest reflected on the topic: Has Christianity failed? The answer was nope, nay and never!!! The foundation of Christian faith rests on Christ, who never fails. However, the practice of it has failed. In July 2015 at the heels of Supreme Court sweeping ruling on June 29th 2015 in support of same-sex marriage, the question resonant and the answer has not changed. It appears unbelievable that in a so-called Christian nation biblical principles are thrown to the ashes. This is one of those avalanches of events that portray how far off our nation has turned her back on God, who made them and brought them to higher height. The Supreme Court decision permitting same-sex marriages nationwide is the latest of the fierce attacks and persecution this God’s created institution suffers in the hands of the world. Before now, prayers and bible studies have been banned from public schools and the bible (The word of God) prohibited from government institutions and public places.
Since Christianity has not failed, one is tempted to ask: Has marriage failed? Angie Lewis wrote, “Marriages do not fail; it’s the people in marriage that fail. God would never design a marriage program that fails. God is perfect and has established perfection in marriage.” Marriages seem to fail where people are not taking responsibility of themselves in marriage. No one else cares about marriage more than God does. However, there are more temptations today than there were during the time of Adam and Eve. Human societies are fighting against God’s good design for humanity. The very building blocks of society – marriage and family, are crumbling. Our organized societies no longer honor and protect God’s designed and created institution – marriage and of course the family. Today, two monster elephants – abortion and same-sex marriage have invaded the farm of our society. These two are abomination in the sight of God yet our societies condone and accept them even from the high offices of our land. Despite the attack this God – oriented institution has suffered in recent years, many people still believe in its place in human society. They believe that God created man and woman and also marriage, therefore marriage is seen as a divine institution. It’s good and safe to be married and marriage is between a man and a woman. Yet, most young adult are looking forward to getting married and raising a family.
If neither Christianity nor marriage has failed, where is the Church in all these? Has the Church become so worldly that it is difficult to differentiate the two? Is the Church shinning as light to the world on a hilltop or has her light dimmed? Could it be that the Church is sleeping or cold? Or is the Church like the Church in Sardis and God’s Spirit said, “I know your works; you have a reputation for being alive, but you’re dead.” Same as the Church in Laodicea, “I know your works, that you’re neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were cold or hot; but you are lukewarm. I will spit you out of my mouth. Or Like the Church in Ephesus, “They have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember then how you have fallen, repent and do the work you did at first……For example: In Houston, The Church leaders look other way and keep sealed lips until the city enthroned a lesbian not once but twice and thereafter the monarch turned around to fight its first enemy, the Church – dictate to the Church what not to preach. It was then the Church called for prayers to contend with her enemy.
The Church enjoys tax exception from the state and some have faith-based organizations that receive enablement and supports from the state. While some are living on grants and are afraid to speak out against the wrongs of the state for fear of losing their status. Some Church organizations openingly proclaimed that they were losing members and their income depleting; so they felt constrained to support same sex movement, to burst membership and increase income.  The Church is busy preaching tithes and offerings, prosperity messages and building financial empires. Their leaders are busy buying jets and custom-made cars and establishing institutions that compete with commercial ventures while the devil has invaded Churches and nations. The Church looks other way in matters affecting God’s law and kingdom; keep sealed lips in matters of faith just to remain politically correct and faith insensitive.
Since the Christianity has not failed, it also means the Church of Jesus Christ cannot fail. But the Church leaders of today have failed in their roles. Some depend on human strength and cult’s power instead of the Holy Spirit. The devil cannot drive out the devil. We have Churches that do the talking but are missing in the actions; Churches who believe that Jesus Christ is the way but there are other ways. We have Churches who proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord of all but indulge and exploit the powers of other gods. We have Churches that preach Jesus had conquered death but afraid to die. Yet the call of Christianity is “come and die with Christ.” Many of the Church leaders, so-called Apostles and prophets are frightened by their shadows and flying roaches and specialized in meaningless demonic prayers. Wake up Church! Wake up!! Jesus told us in the world we shall suffer persecution.
I believe we need the return of “HOLY FEARS” to the Church similar to what happened in early Church (Acts 5:11). We need Church leaders who are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit not “money-hunger” Spirit; who are ready to die with Christ (John11:16). We need leaders who would heed to the commands of Jesus Christ to go and disciple the world. Do not be afraid of anyone; people who can kill the body but cannot destroy the soul (Matt 10:28); unless you are willing to take up your cross and come with me, you’re not fit to be my disciples (Vs. 38). Jesus said not all who call me lord mean what they say. Wake up Church!! The Church is to change society … it is not to be changed by the society; faithful to the word of God and faithful to the God of the word. The Church must have the boldness and access with confidence through faith in Christ to manifest manifold wisdom of God to the world (Eph 3:10-12). We are in the world but we do not live like the world.  We are the hands and feet of Christ to our society …yeeh to the whole world.
How can a living Church not stand up for truth as light of the world and speak with one voice in support of the Gospel and biblical beliefs that marriage is between a man and woman. The Church shall continue to open her doors to people that live alternative lifestyles to come in and enjoy the love of Christ and the transformation by the Holy Spirit. This will help them receive right teaching and regeneration of the mind and heart; repent and live right. Legality does not equal morality. Slavery was wrong, even when it was legal; abortion is wrong though legal and same-sex marriage is equally wrong even though legal. “There is a common worldly kind of Christianity in this era; cheap Christianity that offends nobody, make no sacrifice and cost nothing and worth nothing.”-J.C.Ryle. Wake Up Church!!!Stop dosing. It is time!!!
Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill @ weefreeministries@yahoo.com or P. O. Box 720035, Houston , Texas , 77272 . Web: weefreeministries.org.  Ph. 832.881.3929 (c).
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