God’s Reward System
As the world marks another Labor Day, I hope every-one can realize that God has a job for all and a pay/reward system that is better than the one our society offers. The whole earth belongs to Him and He’s capable of engaging all. By the Reward or Remuneration system, we simply mean the pay-and-wage system. People work so that they will make a living. Even when we say we love our jobs the main drive is the reward; it includes salaries, wages and/or benefits. In recruitment and discharge policies, employers adopt FIFO [First In, First out] and LIFO [Last in, first out] principles. Even before human beings and organizations [accountants and Human resources personnel], Jesus, in the Gospel of Matthew 20:1-16, told the parable of the workers in the vineyard. Jesus concluded, “So those who are last will be first and those who are first will be the last” [Vs 16]. People resent and criticize this principle as unfair and irrational, es-pecially during lay-off periods. God has a system that could baffle most economics and pay specialist. Since God’s way is not our way, so does His thought differ from our own thoughts; His pay system is also different from the world’s. In a dream, Abram heard the Lord Say, “do not fear, I will shield you from danger and give you a great reward [Genesis 15:1]. Let’s consider our ways and works; what would be our re-ward?
In the parable of the workers in the vineyard, Jesus narrated a story of a man who went out early in the morning [about 6 A.M.] to recruit some people and he agreed to pay them the regular wage of a silver coin a day. He sent them to work in the vineyard. At 9 A.M, he went out again at the market place and recruited some more people and told them that he would pay them a fair wage. At noon and yet again at 3 P.M., he did the same. At about 5 P.M., the man went out and found some other people standing idle. God hates idleness and as such has a job for everyone. He asked those he engaged at 5 P.M. why they were wasting the day doing nothing? The workers said nobody hired them. It does not matter whether you are pres-ently unemployed, if you look unto Jesus He will surprise you with a job you never bargain for at His own time. He sent them to work at the vineyard. When evening came, the owner told his foreman to call the workers and pay them their wages starting with those who were hired last and ending with those who were hired first. The foreman paid those who were hired last in the evening the same amount as paid those who were hired first. Those who were hired in the morning started grumbling, murmuring and complaining. Those who were hired last worked just for about an hour and yet their compen-sation was the same as those who were hired in the morning. In response to the grumbling workers, the owner said, “I have not cheated you. After all I paid you what we agreed on as wages for a day’s job. Take what you’re entitled to and go your away!!!”
Human beings do not understand that God rewards those who work for Him more than our world payment systems do and in different ways. Our labor represents our time, our talent and our efforts (sweat). Some people may have accepted or finally yielded to God’s will in their life in their advanced age and thereafter started working for God. God looks at our labor of love and service of faith. People may come late to the king-dom but travailed and labored harder than those who were born in Church. God looks more at the heart and our perse-verance than the outward eyes service. God listens more to those who fear Him, agonized in total resignation than to those who only lift up ‘holy hands’ and babble (lip service) in worship. God knows those who are serving Him honestly and truthfully and those who serve only when people are looking [Matthew 6:1-2, 5, and 16]. …He rewards each one according to his deeds [Matthew 16:27].
God met Saul of Tarsus while he was already a grown man, a practicing lawyer and scribe of Jewish law but his encounter helped progress the Gospel [Phil 1:12]. He was the man God used to fulfill His salvation promises to the Gentiles; indeed all Christians. He labored in faith, preached under persecu-tions and planted Churches around the Mediterranean; au-thored most of the Epistles’ in the New Testament. Only God can qualify and evaluate Apostle Paul’s labor of love. God knows whether he had fulfilled his purpose and destiny. He may not have done everything well in human judgment or pleased everybody, but he may have satisfied God’s calling on his life. God will reward each one according to the work each has done [1 Corinthians 3:8]. Therefore consider what you do. Are you doing what God created/called you to do? Some people spend a lifetime doing another person’s calling or standing in someone else post.
Similarly, in the parable of the Talents, God gave the same praise to the man who turned five talents into ten and the one who turned two talents into four. God created us and knows our giftings and abilities as well as our weaknesses. He does not compare one person to another. God has plans and pur-poses for everyone and only He can evaluate and reward fair-ly and adequately because He is a just and faithful God, as well as God of justice and love. Some rewards come in the form of reverence [worship/honor], good health, wonderful spouse, amazing children, an enviable job, and prosperity in life. It could also be in revelation of Spirit, peace of mind, great faith, and abiding in Christ such that whatever you ask in Jesus’ name, you receive it. Little wonder the Psalmist says that God will honor any person that fears Him; they will have children who possess their possessions and are mighty in the land. With the grace of God, they shall be wealthy, rich and prosperous for many generations [Psalm 112:1-3].
Even in this world, God has a job for everyone; He created Adam and gave him a farm land to tend. You may not have discovered yet what and where God wants you to serve. Many people are not in their called vocation. Do you like and enjoy what you do? Are you sure you’re fulfilling your purpose in life? Even in the Church, some who would have been better Ushers and Deacons have been made or coveted ‘armchair’ Pastors. Even when they like to answer the name of the post but are not doing the work, they get easily frustrated but pre-tend all is well. The worst thing in life is to be stocked in a wrong vocation. Jesus came to serve so He understands our faithfulness in service and labor of love [Mark 10:45]. The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing and makes the plans of the peoples’ of no effect, but the counsel of the Lord stands forever.
God fulfills the desires of those who fear Him; He hears their cries and saves them [Psalm 145:19]. It becomes very clear that in whatever we are called to do or to serve, we should know that God is the giver of life and judges what we do; how we use the life He gave us. He allows us free will to make choices and so as to fulfill our destiny. He is a great Rewarder and Pay master!! Would God say to you at the end of the day, “Good and faithful servant, you have done well,”? You have been faithful with the little, now have much [Matthew 25:21-23]. God watches and sees beyond human eyes; our lives and labors must be living sacrifice and reason-able service. Human beings look and judge on physical ap-pearance and labor but God sees the hearts, minds and hidden service of love and sacrifice. Who then can understand God’s judgment and parameters for His rewards? No matter where you are or what you’re doing, know that God has a job for you and a rich Reward Package that is compared to no other.
Reach: Evangelist/Elder Ogbonnaya, Godswill at email: weefreeminis-tries@yahoo.com or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272; Web: www.weefreeministries.org; Call: 8328813929 (Cell).
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