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                                                     MOVE (GO) FORWARD

“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.” –Conrad Hilton

I welcome you to another New Year and another New Beginning. It is also a period to celebrate God and His Son Jesus Christ for who he’s and the great things He has done and continues to do. Even though we are in the New Year, some people are still brooding in the past. They are confused of what to do and what direction to follow. They look at the weather – wind, rain, and season; the position of the sun, moon and stars.  They listen to the analysis of news reports: world financial crises, world wide recession and Jobs Reports, Business turn down, Housing collapse and crises; inexplicable natural calamities and the war rumble in Arab world. The other devastating news is medical prophesies that may give no chances for one’s survival. In the spiritual sphere, you could have been prophesied upon with intimidating events that may happen to you or member of your household or loved one. All these are people’s opinions and not what the scriptures say. You tend to believe them and get bulked down with fear of the anticipating effects.

Some are still standing at a cross road not knowing where to turn to. Never allow the bleak past to overshadow your bright future. Forgetting your past does not imply your memory is erased. It’s a deliberate choice to obey the Holy Spirit of God. God told Moses, “Why do you keep calling out to me for help? Tell the Israelites to move forward” (Exodus 14:15). The Children of Israel needed to trust God on their way to Promised Land. The King of Egypt changed his mind after the Israelites had left and pursue to get them back into slavery. When the Israelites saw the Egyptian armed soldiers and war chariots, they became sore afraid and terrified; begged the Lord for help and complained to Moses that they were better left in Egypt than die in the desert. Moses urged them to be brave and strong and see what the Lord will do. These Egyptians will never bother you again, for the Lord will fight your battle (vs.10-13).

“Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.” Stop looking back at the Egyptians; it does not matter if they changed their minds and decide to pursue you. Listen to God’s commands, go forward. Its God’s desire and plan that His people move forward into a new era. It does not matter the plans of Satan; how many armed soldiers, chariots and horses he has commanded to pursue you. The battle is not yours. They may have come much closed but they shall not reach you. Do not be disturbed by the economic Report or medical prophesies, there are propositions and forecasts that may never happen. You can reject them in Jesus name and command them to be frustrated and cancelled. All you care about is the voice of God or word of God saying move on. “When you reach the dry valley, spring starts flowing, autumn rain fills it with pools of water and the people grow stronger and God shows up in Zion” (Psalm 84:6-7).

We are commanded to Go forward, not backward, not stand still. “Forward ever, backward never.”  Apostle Paul said, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it but one thing I know how to do well is forgetting what are behind me and reach out to things in front (Phil. 3:13). The focus must be to reach the next level, not where you have been or should have been or forgot to be but next level in God’s plan for your life. Just as progress is the culture of Zion, so is increasing the will of God.  As we walk into the New Year, we need God’s lifting hand to direct and walk us towards the new direction. Through this walk, we are assured to be where God wants us to be. As we obey His direction God shall move us into a new phase of our journey with Him. God is already aware of all the demonic forces trying to hinder your going forward. It’s not new to know that if Satan can’t cause you to fall back; he will at least attempt to keep you from going forward. He will make you to dwell on the amusement of last year, the good food you ate and the environmental connection you had. No matter the distractions, listen to God saying, move forward.

PREREQUISITE FOR MOVING FORWARD: I lifted some ideas from Changed from glory to glory (A Daily devotional) of Jan 3 and added insights that will equip you for the race:

i) Have true assessment of where you are. Do an honest position audit of your life and know what the things are that weigh you down. Are you the father’s child and seed of Abraham by faith?  Are you in the Christian race? How well are you running the race? What are the distractions you face? There could be besetting sin, weights that may not be sinful in them but distract and pull you down such as: habits, attitudes and associations, etc and your past that your enemy holds against you.

ii) Have a clear picture of where you are going…. Where you desire to be and where God wants you to be. An Angel of God asked Hagar, “where have you come from and where are you going? (Gen. 16:8).  Is your desire in line with God’s plan for your life or are you running in opposite direction with God?  Know what you really need not want; where you really need to be. A great number of people spend their life time running another person’s race or in a wrong trade or calling. There are so many cars on the freeway not knowing where they are going or where to exit and heading in wrong direction. So many people worry about so many things yet can’t pinpoint one area of priority.

iii) Know what it takes to get to where you are going. What is the cost of going forward, of discipleship, keeping your marriage, staying in business, or running the race to finished line, etc. It may include: achievable objective, playing to the rules, discipline, money, human helpers and divine connectors, leaving your comfort zone, etc.

iv) Are you prepared to pay the price? Great prize entails great price or sacrifice. Success has its price tag. You are day dreaming if you want the crown but not through the cross. It could be quality time alone with God, expectant prayers, doing something unusual, donating to charity or living in purity and holiness.

Why we must move forward: a) A command from God. Go in His strength and might. He will keep and protect you. Just obey and trust in God.  b) God is dependable and faithful; leads you in and through past years; has brought you into a new year. You’re among the living today and that is a testimony that He’s with you and has not yet finished with you – God of ages past and hope for tomorrow. c) The world is moving water. As long as you are in it, its current keeps moving you. The days turn into week, weeks into month and there goes the year. Like a living fish you may have to swim against the current. What matters is what you do with each passing year. Are you passerby or are imparting the world? God gave us the earth to live and till; be fruitful, multiply, replenish, subdue and have dominion. Live by His commands and glorify His name. d) We may have been staying in that place for too long. We become comfortable in where we are and seem to forget that life is a journey.  e) As long as you are not moving forward, the tendency is to look back: at the enemies, failures and regrets.  f) You cannot afford to live in the past. There is no future in the past. The past does not determine your future; so go forward.

Prophetic Message for 2013: “Twelve years they serve king Chedorlaomer and his allies and in the thirteenth year, they rebelled” (Gen.14:4). I charge you to arise and be ready to war against whatever thing, people and behavior that had conquered and held you captive for 12 years. A set time, the 13th year is here to rebel against them and live a life of victory. You have to subdue before you have dominion. “To rebel against the devil, you have to submit and surrender totally to God” (Jas 4:7).  Welcome and Happy New Year to you and loved ones. Thanks for your kind readership and support.

Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill at weefreeministries@yahoo.com or P.O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272. Cell: 832-881-3929.  Web: www.weefreeministries.org

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