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Every fourth Thursday in the month of November annually, the North American continent celebrates Thanksgivings. This appears the most celebrated holiday in America. Many Americans living in different cities travel to country side to celebrate this time with families and relations. The whole family set at table during dinner and offer prayers to God Almighty for His bounteous gifts and grace. Annual Thanksgiving kicks off the festive mood that ends in early January. The tradition of thanksgiving includes family reunion, serving of stuff turkey meals, gifting to family and relations as well as to charity, parades and football games. In both Churches and media, people are encouraged to be thankful to God. Again people and organizations make bulk donations to charity and the less privileged as a way of expressing their thanks to God for multiple blessings. For Americans, Thanksgiving is a time for merrymaking, family union, feast, shopping and family dinner. There is a high volume of sales in the chains of stores around our cities as people shop gift items for their loved ones. Turkey is the stable food most people eat during Thanksgiving and is readily available in all the stores in abundant supply. Some apartment complexes buy it as gifts to a host of their tenants in appreciation for being good residents.

If I may ask: Is Thanksgiving just for a special day or should it be a way of life? Should it not be a daily obligation? Many can excuse themselves from giving thanks but that does not make it right. The scriptures admonish us to be thankful always. As a matter of fact, it is a command and not an option. I do not know about you, I have every good reason to give thanks to God; to appreciate the life I live, every new dawn and every new happening, whether good or bad. I know for God to allow anything to happen, it’s for a good purpose. It may not seem so initially but the ultimate effect will drive me to say, thank God because of whom He’s and all He allows my way. I am living today and in good health, yes only the living praise the Lord. Many died last night and did not see this new dawn. I enjoy fresh air, eat good food and drink clean water. I have a roof over my head [whether own or rented] and freedom to move around.

Have you ever thought that millions do not afford a meal, a day; are locked into prison with and without walls; some drink shallow and untreated waters that causes water borne diseases. Others live in war torn areas and some suffered losses from natural calamities. Yet they’re grateful enough to thank God for survival. I have a job when others in high paying jobs experience retrenchment. I have unfriendly friends and internal enemies who keep me alert, watchful and sentinel. I have a great family and families of my admirers and readers as well as Christian community. They support, criticize, and counsel me and of course cherish and love me. Most importantly I have a gracious Lord, God in Jesus Christ, whose love is unconditional and sacrificial; loves me even when I am unlovable; even when my friends forsake and family denies me. He is my Lord and my paymaster, directs my life and watches over me. Little wonder in the midst of terrible things and unsaved society, I am most secured and anchor my faith on Him alone. Do you have any reason not to thank God? Do not attempt to hide it; be kind enough to share it with me.

In our hostile world, God cares for His children; provide a way of escape and victory over the forces of the enemies. The world economy is experiencing crises and banks failures; our investments in stocks and 401k are gone in one blink. Fears of the futures grip us and a way forward appear blurred. As these chaoses happen many business ventures shot down; workers are laid off and unemployment has reached its pinnacle. Divorce rate is at its peak and fatherlessness as well as quest for alternative lifestyle is souring high. These impart the family and make our society most unhealthy and unsecured. However God’s economy is still strong and has never shaken or failed. Its foundation rest on God Himself; does not borrow but lend. Its vision and planning is built on God’s wisdom and its provisions from the treasures of heaven. God has taken the treasures of the heathen and given them to believers. When worldly businesses are collapsing, God’s unction and driven businesses are soaring high. That reminds me that Houston Christian Herald is five years old; stronger and getting wider reach as well as touching numerous lives. Come to think about it, God businesses are the most viable in world recession. By the same token, all who secure their lives, marriages, businesses in God hands survives in troubled waters and bad climates. Little wonder the Psalmist could say, “Give thanks to the Lord. Worship Him; tell the nations what He has done………Remember the wonderful things He has done. Remember His miracles and how He judges the whole earth.” He continued, Give thanks to the Lord for His goodness and for His wonderful works to the children of men [Psalm 105:1ff, 21].

Our Daily Bread of October 10, 2008 under the titled: A Handful of Thorns, narrated how Jeremy Taylor, 17th century English cleric who was severely and severally persecuted for his faith responded, “They have not taken away my merry countenance, my cheerful spirit and a good conscience; they have still left me with the providence of God, and all His promises….my hopes of heaven, and my charity to them, too and still I sleep and digest, I eat and drink. I read and meditate. And he that hath so many causes of joy, and so great should never choose to sit down upon his little handful of thorns.” Are you still complaining or grumbling or blaming self for your past or what you are going through? Jeremy Taylor’s grievous difficulties teach us not to allow little hard times obstruct the numerous blessings we enjoy in life. We should not allow the many challenges and obstacles we face to discourage us from being thankful to God for who He’s and the great, uncountable things He has done. Most especially for the gift of His son, Jesus Christ, who came, lived, suffered and died for our sins and rose again to live for ever. Those that believe in Him have eternal life and future.

Jesus Christ had the habit of giving thanks to His Father always. In many of His parables and teachings He admonished and encouraged thanksgiving. One out of the ten lepers who returned to give thanks was not only healed but made whole. For this and many reasons, Apostle Paul urges, “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances……. [I Thessalonians 5:16-18]. Not only when we win lotto, obtain Green card, pass board examination, have swollen bank account, got a high paying job or set up new business ventures, etc. We give thanks always in all circumstances; even in ugliness, delays, failures, in persecution, in sorrow and in crises and death. We give thanks not only in prosperity but in recession, not only in health but in sickness, not only in victory but in defeat. During this season of merriment and always, we should give thanks in words, and in deeds. This is the will of God in Christ Jesus for us all. Happy Thanksgiving.

Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill at: or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.

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