Facing temptations
Facing temptations 1
This joke from belief-net titled: “No parking Zone” speaks for itself. A minister parked his car in a no parking zone in a large city because he was short of time and couldnt find a space with a meter. So he put a note under the windshield wiper that read, “I have circled the block 10 times. If I dont park here, Ill miss my appointment. Forgive us our trespasses. When he returned, he found a citation from a Police officer along with the note: Ive circled this block for 10 years. If I dont give you a ticket, I will lose my job, Lead me not into temptation. In life, we face both trials and temptations. This is no longer a joke. Recently telecast news featured a minister who parked his car in a no parking area after hovering many times without a space to answer pastoral call in a hospital. He placed on his car a notice that read Minister on call; notwithstanding he was issued a ticket. I allow you the judgment. This shall not be the end. Trials are testing while temptations are the actual enticement of the devil to sin against God, authorities and one another. We give in to temptation when we disregard Gods word, rules and directions. Temptations could be from Satan [Matt 4:1-3; James 1:13]; from men Mark 8:11]; self lust [James1: 13-15] and love of the world [1 John 2:15-17; Gal.4: 14; 1Tim 6:9; Rev.3: 10], etc.
Adam and Eve – our first earthly parents were tempted by the Satan [Gen 3:1-13] and since after then, temptation is ongoing. In Adams era, there was only one commandment and they knew it. That every fruit of the trees in the garden [including the tree of eternal life], they should eat but the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they must not eat, less they die and be separated from God. Satan knew Gods commandment and the consequences of its disobedience. The devil exhibits his power of manipulation, confusion and deceit. He offered the forbidden fruit to Eve; she ate and passed it to her husband, who also ate in gross negligence of Gods commandment. Adam and Eve represented the federation of earthly parents and their sin affected all human races. Satan deformed man whom God formed in His image. Since Adam failed short of Gods glory, every human being has failed; no one passed the test of faith.
After Jesus baptism He was filled with the Holy Spirit and led into wilderness where He fasted and prayed for 40 days and nights. Satan went to Jesus and asked Him to make bread out of stone and eat as food. Jesus knew Satan was manipulative so He refused to fall into his trap. If Jesus needed food, He could command angels to send down heavenly meals. He responded, it is written, man does not live on bread alone, but by every word of God. In todays world, some people are possessive and addictive with bread [food] that they do anything just for it, even at the detriment of their health and lives. Many have eaten themselves into obesity and have become public charges. What we eat and how we eat determines our state of health.
Not satisfied with Jesus resistance, Satan took Jesus and showed Him the world government and kingdom as belonging to him. He offered to give Jesus the kingdom for one act of worship. Do you realize how important worship is? The devil has not changed his strategies and games. He manipulates Christians to worship him. The devil tries to tempt us by placing us in tantalizing opportunities to obtain world wealth, world power, and world recognition. In the world of greed, acquisition of riches and covetousness, many people do funny thing for gains, for power and for ego. Beware; the devil is ready and most willing to offer us the world for one act of worship. Its the devils commonest strategy.
The third temptation was for Jesus to exhibit spectacular display of power just to tempt God. He asked Jesus to jump down the pinnacle of temple for its written that angels shall be kept charge over Him. Jesus already predicted Satans dictates. He quickly responded, Its written, thou shall not tempt the Lord your God. Yet many Christians are seeking for anointing power for showmanship, self-glory and make riches. How often have we been led to mountains and asked to jump down that God had placed angels to rescue us. Some years back, a Nigerian Evangelist deliberately walked into the den of lion in a Zoo, hoping that God will deliver him as He did to Daniel. Gods power is not for drama. Brethren we must be careful and learn to walk out of un-noble deeds. We must be as wise as a serpent and uphold uncommon character; avoid every manipulation of the evil one and yield not to temptation. Temptation is no sin, but yielding to it is sin. Many in the Church make feeble choices behave unwisely and get into mess, ridicule and shame. Some of us turn around to blame God for our wrong choices and failures.
Many have failed in their responsibilities and conducts; abuse the public confident by receiving bribe, awarding elephant contracts, engaging wrong people in right places. The sordid story of an African-American Major who was caught receiving bribe in the course of his duty as a public officer is still fresh in mind. Similarly, some custodians of our culture and tradition have sold chieftaincy titles to highest bidders with no regards to their dubious and shady lifestyles. Funny enough, we seem to have more chiefs than subjects in our communities. Some public opinion molder and public office holders have engaged in scandalous and terrible pen robbery; theyve stolen from the public treasuries. Unbelievably, dogs have eaten the bones hung at their necks. Some clergy are not absolved from the hustle for riches and position games. They offer and sell Church offices for money to highest bidders in gross negligence to the stipulated conditions for such positions. “We should keep watchful eyes on those who claim to be Gods authorities yet fool people about Gods requirement for personal gains.”
Everybody faces temptation of one kind or another daily but the ability to resist them is what matters. In 1 Samuel 18, the Bible described David as “behaving wisely” than all Saul servants such that his name became highly esteemed. He enjoyed unusual respect of all who were impressed by his noble character” In another instance, the Bible says that King David was tempted by his own lust when he invited Bathsheba, his subjects wife into his bedroom. The King not minding his position made love to her while the mates watched with dismay, disgust and wonder. He quickly directed his war captain to place her husband, Uriah in an area of fierce battle so as to be killed. That misdeed resulted to grievous consequences in his life, family and kingdom. In another biblical story, Daniel was tempted to eat food sacrificed to idols, but he refused the kings delicacies in honor and obedience to Gods law. God blessed him, prospered and increased his wisdom. Later Daniel was put into lions den for refusing to worship man-made god. The three Hebrew boys- Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, suffered similar feat and were put into furnace of fire for refusing to bow and worship the King Nebuchadnezzars Baal god. [Daniel 3:15-18]. In another development, Joseph was living in Potiphars house and was promoted to a prominent position of honor and given authority over his masters household. It was then that his masters wife lured him to sleep with her. But Joseph who had Gods favor resisted the temptation and fled. He considered it a sin not only against his master but primarily against God of the universe. Despite the initial intimidation and persecutions, God vindicated him. Also, Job was so tempted that he lost all except his soul, yet he remained faithful to God.
Brethren, temptation is not new to humanity. Some people overcome when they truly abide in God and control by His Spirit while others conquered by worldliness fall prey to the enemy. Today as every time the enemy tries to manipulate us into disbelieving God or offering an option of other gods. His plan is to create confusion and enmity with our creator. Whatever actions we chose to take have diverse repercussions. Has someone offered you free food and drinks while on fasting or invited you to a party while youre on mountain/wilderness? Many credit cards companies offer us juicy credit facilities we may have no need for. All these are part of temptation and are common daily happenings. 1 John 2:16 says For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the world.” Rick Warren in the Purpose Driven Life identified four [4] common temptations that saints of God fall into: (i ) Desirous of vainglory [Gal 5:26; Phil 2:1-3; Col 2:18]; ( ii) Provoking one another [Eph 4:31-32; Col 3:8-10]; (iii ) Envying one another [Rom 13:13; 1Cor 3:3; 2Cor 12:20; 1Tim 6:4; Titus 3:3; Jas 3:14-16]; ( iv) Taking Gods grace for granted. [Gal 2:21; 3:3 & 6:7]. These are common weakness perverting our faith.
We avoid physical adultery, fornication or idol worship but are greedy, lustful and covetous, excessively angry for nothing, bearing grudges and jealousies; being unforgiving, and opening the gate of our minds to evil thoughts and desires. We accept Gods word but doubt its power and offer Him unaccountable stewardship. We hoard our time, talent and treasure and are selfish in our giving. There are always temptations to withhold and make excuses, attempting to justify our inactions. Be not deceived God knows those who are His true worshipers. Jesus said, “That true worshiper worship God in truth and in Spirit”. Also if you love me keep my commandment.” Each time we neglect Gods commandment we are prone to temptations and temptations lead to sin. A hymn writer wrote: “Yield not to temptation for yielding is sin……….Ask Jesus to help you, He will carry you through.” Brethren do not loose sight that the fierce battle with Satan is on-going; Satan is still tempting and has become more subtly aggressive in this age and time. If we happen to sin, God in Christ Jesus offers us a fresh start. We have to confess our sins and the Just and faithful God cleanse us from all our trespasses and restore us back to Him. That is the grace of God
Reach Evangelist Ogbonnaya Godswill at: weefreeministries@yahoo.com or P.O Box 720035, HoustonTexas77272