Everyone has a sinful nature from birth

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Everyone has a sinful nature from birth.  All who live without God go to hell.

I know I’m a sinner; I can deal with them myself.  Why do I need God when I can go to a good doctor? Good doctors can cure people but only God can heal the soul, quickens the spirit, deliver from sin. Power source comes from God, the Holy Spirit and the Word of God [Gospel] [Acts 1: 8; John 6:63; Eph 6: 17]

4 types of unsaved non-believers [All need Christ].

  1. Moral sinners – nonbelievers who feel they are righteous.  Self righteousness [Isaiah 53:6; Rom 3:10, 23; Gal 2:16; Rom 6:23; James 2:10]. They try to distinguish between whether God is right or wrong in His commands. They try to rationalize the rightness of God or themselves.
  2. Righteous sinner – People, who go to Church, take communion but continue to live sinful lives.  They had given their lives to the Lord and minister in churches and are leaders of some sort in the church but all the same live in sin.  A person can have an anointing and work miracles but without holiness in one’s life; no one enters the kingdom of heaven. They can know the bible by heart, know everything about faith, about power and anointing of God, but God has his priorities: His children should have righteous life.  People ruled by fleshly, sinful desires, etc.  Saved person who continues to live according to these desires will fall into sin and are ruled by sinful desires and flesh except he/she repents [Matthew 7:22-23; Romans 8:1]

Some Churches do not even preach against sin so as not to offend some people – the mini gods and sponsors and high money givers. Some Churches cannot afford to offend certain people talk less of loosing them. They do not use the word sin because it will be offensive and embarrassing to some people. They call it mistakes, lapses, errors, etc. They hear sermons on faith, love and prosperity [about success stories] but nothing about sin and righteousness. They dip into what they want to hear and skip what God wants them to hear [Hebrews 12:14].

  1. Besetting sinners: Besetting sin is something you do repeatedly but it’s something you want to be set free from and you have confessed them before God. God sees the desire of your heart; He sees that you still haven’t gained victory over those sins. Little wonder, a hymn writer says, “Jesus knows all about our struggles.” He knows what are troubling us and the efforts we are making to get over them.  As along as we do not give in, and always trying to turn towards God, you will overcome and be victorious.
  2. Rebellious sinner: These people are open opponents of the Gospel. They say I know what to do; I do not need your advice. I can deal with my problems. They openly contradict every word you speak about the Gospel [Proverbs 12:15; 14:12; 29:1; 30:12; Psalms 10:4-5; 53:1]. Some of them read and know the scriptures but do not believe in it. They are inclined to following God in their own terms and agenda; end up missing the point.

Hypocrites: They think themselves clever but they are held by a spirit of contradiction. If you tell this group of people they are sinners, they would respond: you are a worst sinner. You should remove the peck in your eyes before you seek the peck in another person eyes [Romans 14:12]. They are full of pride, ego and do not humble themselves to accept the truth of the gospel. Yes all have sinned, we are sinners saved by grace, I mean just forgiven. [Romans 2:1-5; 2 Corinthians 5:10-11]. Repentance is turning away from a sinful lifestyle, turning to Jesus Christ, and changing our way of thinking

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