Genesis 38:1 end; John 9:1 25 (Text: Genesis 38:26)
Today is the day the Lord has made and we shall rejoice here in Him. I therefore bring you a message of love, comfort and satisfaction that would challenge our faith.
Please say to yourself: I am in the right place and at the right time. Jesus will answer me today. Say to someone: Jesus will surprise you today; to another, Jesus must increase in you today. Join and sing with me: (1) Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice in the Lord (2) Smile, Jesus loves you.
Today we shall illuminate our minds on the topic: knowing yourself. This topic is derived from the theme: That I may know Jesus as Lord. Salvation is: knowing yourself and knowing God. You cannot know God without knowing yourself.
Have you ever pondered on whom you are, where you are (place). Why were you made and why are you here and where are you going from here? Infact, attempt to provide answers to these questions will give you a proper vision of who you are. In todays society, God is present and we live as if Hes not. In our mouth, we confess Him but in our hearts we doubt and deny Him. Many feels God is so far off while Hes Omnipresence. As a result, the head thinks separate from the heart and actions different from intentions. We think of God as present and live as if Hes absent. The reason is not far-fetched we do not know God because we do not know ourselves. Ask yourself who am I? (Ps. 139:14-15; Ps.8:4-6; Ps. 56:19-21; Isaiah.29:13-14; Romans 3:10-20; references to the following passages speak explicitly. Are you what you portray to be? Does your outward appearance reflect your inward person?
You need to rediscover yourself. I mean your real self – who are you? A proud man, liar, murderer, coveter, idolater, deceiver or a sinner and yet put up a behavior of a saint? Do you have a deceitful opinion of yourself? Always thinking you are who youre not or better than the other person? What character of person are you? Do you possess different behavior, response, and attitude? Have you different commitment, love, work/walk, sorrow/bitterness or unforgiveness? Are you quick to temper; condemners of others and justifying self? Perhaps you are self centered or have spiritual pride; does not care, share or bear one another. You have no confidence in who made you and dont dip in His promises. I challenge you to accept who you are; unveil the mask on your face. You should come clean before God, your creator and accepts a sinner place, where you could confess your sins and be forgiven; start life a new.
In the Old Testament passage, (Genesis 38: 1-end) we read the story of Judah and Tamar. Judah was one of the 12 sons of Jacob (later Israel). He married a Canaanite woman and she begotten three children – Er, Onan, and Shelah. Er married Tamer but He was wicked and sinful. God took his life (v.7).They had no child. As was then a Jewish custom, if an elder brother married and died without a child, the immediate brother will have to sleep with his late elder brothers wife to make children for the brother .(v.8-11) what did Onan do ?
What type of person was Onan?
– Lawless and selfish; had no respect for custom and family.
– Had no love for his brother
– Deceitful/cheat.
God was angry with Onan and took his life because he went into his brothers wife and refuse to make baby for her which is abominable to the Lord.
Are you like Onan? You enjoyed the sweetness of sleeping with your elders brothers wife but ignore the purpose and aim. You may enjoy the world but are not living to fulfill your purpose in life. Then this morning you are in the right place and God will surprise you today.
What type of person was Judah? (15-18)
– A carnal man/world man
– Environmental /circumstantial Christian
– A religions man very unrighteous /a crook
– Self righteous and lack real love – full of greed and hatred.
– Care free lived as if nothing matters in life. (Vs 22-23).
Judahs friend Hirah, the Adullamite; the man Judah sent to take gifts to the woman. The saying goes birds of the same feather fly together and show me your friend I will tell you who you are. Psalm 1vs1… Blessed is a man who does not walk in the ways of ungodly. In vs. 26 Judahs nakedness was uncovered. He confess he was worst than a harlot. God used Tamar to humble Judah and teach him who He was. It could be recalled that Judah was a ring leader in selling his brother Joseph. Judah 1ater offered himself hostage to save one of his brother (Gen 44: 33) – what a changed life? God in His mercies through Judah, Tamar bore twins (two nations) -Perez and zerah that were decendance of King David and Jesus Christ (Matt.1:3)
The same God can humble you and your family. We may be worst than the people we condemn or despise. Jesus does not avoid or hate sinners but hate their sins. He loves sinners and save them. So no matter what our sins are – prostitution, adulatory, embezzlement, covetousness, pride, greed and anger etc. Jesus is here to deliver you. He will answer you today. The scripture says, while we were unacceptable and unlovable, Christ died for us.
In the New Testament passage (John 9:1-25), we read about a man who was born blind. He knew himself that he was blind from birth and could not see. He reaffirmed that it was Jesus who caused him to see.
Many of us forget who we are in the mist of the crowd; we less remember where we started from, who help us climb the ladder, as we stand at the top of the Tower. Today an average church member is spiritually blind and cannot see the truth of Gods word (2 Cor. 4: 3-6). Today darkness has covered the earth (Micah 6; 2) darkness in the heart, in thought, and in deeds. Many born again Christians live in the misery because they do not know God; have not seen the light of God and have not had an encounter with God. They only made decision that was neither real nor upheld. So how on earth could they make exploit for the Lord, the person they dont know or belong to. In darkness, we do not see, lost in visibility, one is fearful and afraid; not secured and easily frighten. Most sins are committed and innocent people killed as well as the devil are at work.
As you read this message, ask yourself: who am I? Remember:
– A sinner is dead and darkness hangs over his heart.
– Has on fear of God before his eyes (Rom3.19, 9-18)
– Death in trespasses and sin (Eph.2:1-3)
– His understanding is darkness (Eph.4:18)
– Hes depraved, hopeless and without God; prejudiced against the truth and believe not-(John 5: 40)
– He is rebellious and fights the truth (Acts7:51)
– Always fighting Gods servants and justify himself (Acts 7:57; Gal. 5:13-15)
Today many Christians do not know who they are; as a result, they live no different life from the individual of the world. They go to the same pleasure house; smoke, drink, womanized, dance together, and connect with same dubious businesses; they are stingy and close fisted in giving. Infact, they are no different from the world, whatsoever. Little would one wonder why we are not making more convert and discipleship. We are supposed to be the Gospel. We have missed the mark because we dont know who we are people saved by grace.
What has happened? The average church has brought the world into the church to help build the church and hold the people resulting to disaster and Churchanity. Col. 1: 13-14 says salvation is a deliverance from the world and for us to be true disciples; we must forsake all and fellow Christ (Luke 14:33). Before you are saved know God, you must know yourself and take your right place sinners place. In this place where grace can reach you, where you accept blames without excuses; you longer blame it on time, work, distances, circumstances, spouse or other people. You will accept criticism without self justification. If you must know God, if you must have encounter with God, you must first know yourself.
If we could consider ourselves (take an inward look) this moment, things would be different in our lives, our families, our Churches and our world. The Bible contains names of those who encountered God and know themselves Saul (1 Sam 15:20-26); David (2 Sam. 12:1-14; Psalm 51:1-14), Job 40:4; and Isaiah 6:5. The Publican (Tax collector- Luke 18:13), Peter fell at Masters feet and cried (Luke 5:8), and the prodigal son (Luke 15:18) just to mention but a few. Until you get to the place of total surrender, Christ will not begin with you.
Many do not like to be called sinners or to accept a sinners place or even to be told the truth about them. The reasons are:
– Afraid to hurting pride
– Not honest to call sin, sin instead rename it – short coming, weakness, failure, fault, mistake and everything else but not sin.
– We like correctors role like the Pharisees.
Benefits of being at sinners place include:
– Obtain grace – unworthy/underserved gifts
– Obtain true peace with God.
– Cast away all pretends and lies
– Accept reality without excesses.
– Gods cleansing- truly set free.
Today is another day of uncommon events and miracle. As the word of God is spoken to you in the power of the Holy Spirit, do not be surprised if you experience same terrible reaction:
– Confounded/confused (Acts.2:6)
– Amazed(deeply strived) Acts 2:7
– In doubt, perplexed, in a state of fear (Act 2:12)
– Pricked in the heart (Acts 2:37).
– Embarrassed, feel guilty, stripped naked before God.
The Holy Spirit takes the Word and place in your heart; brings light/sight and create cosmos out of chaos, darkness/blindness and death. You are set free, loosen and strip naked and liberated.
Released yourself and ponder on who you are. Would your wife/husband call you a Christian? Would your children feel you are one? How about colleagues and friends? Who indeed, are you? Are you what you think you are? This consideration could change your mis- conceptions about yourself. Come clean with God and let the Holy Spirit help you; perform a spiritual surgery and purge out indecencies.
Test of sermon delivered by Elder G. N. Ogbonnaya (Guest preacher) at Ikeja Presbyterian Church, Oshodi outreach Lagos, NIGERIA on Sunday 18th