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“The title of mother is the biggest honor I have ever received.” Mother Teresa

As we celebrate 2008 Mother’s Day, I shall attempt to look into the life of one great mother in the scripture: Elizabeth – the mother of John the baptize. She was a daughter of Aaron and married to a priest from the course of A-bia named Zacharias. The scripture [Luke 1:5ff] says, she and her husband were both righteous before God; walking in obedience to all the commandments and ordinances of God. They were also blameless; served God faithfully and vigorously through their youthful days and even in their well advanced ages. But Elizabeth was barren because she could not bear a child. Let me reiterate the key words in the passage that described the great and uncommon qualities this wonderful mother possessed. She was righteous, obedience and blameless. Does it surprise us that God could withhold the desires of one who possessed these qualities? Why should God wait until she was stricken in age to put her through the agony and pains of child bearing? These and other questions kept bothering my heart. Why should one who had served God in obedience and preserved in faith suffer such setback? No answer would make sense except saying: for God’s glory and honor.

Let us consider some of the qualities that made Mother Elizabeth:

  1. Righteousness: [Luke 1:6]. She was right with God both in heart and action. She was just and devout. Translated from Greek word dikaios [Hebrews –yasher] means straight. It does not mean just mere conformity to the commandment but person who is truly passionate towards God from her heart, based on sincere and honest faith. She believed God and His word even when it did not make natural sense. She was not a perfect person but knew how to acknowledge her short comings in repentant and apply rebound technique. She believed in God no matter what and lived in purity of heart.
  2. Walked in obedience to all the commandment and ordinance of God. [Luke 1: 6] She is described to have exhibited great love for God. Only those who believe obey and obedience to God portrays love of God. Little wonder Jesus says, If you love Me keep my commandment [1 John 2 : 3 ]
  3. Blameless: Blameless portrays purity of heart. She was pure inside out and preserved in faith. One who walks blameless with God, make God honor His covenant and satisfy the person [Genesis 17:12].
  4. Trusted God: Even though she had some unmet desire, she had an excellent heart towards God. She relied on the integrity and ability of God to do, fulfill His promise. She firmly believed in the honesty and reliability of God and was fully surrendered to Him.
  5. Honor God in her marriage: She came from a priesthood family and joyfully accepted the constraints to married one of the great God’s servant of her time. She was a helpmeet; became submissive to the authority in marriage. Had great respect and honor to her husband and supported his calling and ministry. Even her husband’s family loves her and rejoiced with her when she had her unique baby [1:56-61].
  6. Praying woman of faith: Even when she had no child of her womb, she had children by virtues of our ministry; submitted to God and her husband. She maintained a prayer ministry and upheld her husband in prayers. Elizabeth must have loved and prayed for numerous children. She never lost hope on God and kept prayed expectantly. Even now you don’t just pick any woman to become a wife to a priest of God. She was a woman that could be trusted and feared God.
  7. Pursue godliness: “Godliness is the sacred impression and workmanship of God in a man, whereby from being carnal he is made spiritual.” When godliness is wrought in a person, he does not receive a new soul, but he has ‘another spirit’ [Number 14:24]. Greek word eusebeia express the idea of inner piety and spiritual maturity. She maintained undivided fellowship with God through confession.
  8. Bore a unique child: [Luke 1:15-17, 44, 76-80] She bore a delayed son and named him, John meaning Jehovah shows favor. The messenger of God delivered his name and annunciated his ministry. Even in the womb, as a baby he leaped in salutation to Jesus, his Lord and master. He was a prophet of the highest God and was filled with the Holy Spirit; came to forerun Jesus by preparing people’s heart to remit their sins. In most delayed children God padded more wisdom and anointing in them and used them mightily. Yours could be the next; keep faith.

Not withstanding the advancement in medical care, in this age and time, they are women or families who are yet to be blessed with a child and some are still expectantly praying for one. Some are advanced in age and may have lost hope. Others have adopted children and some have secretly hired ‘Hagar’ to help them out! Do you think Elizabeth was not ridiculed and mocked for being barren or trusting God without evidence or a heir? Could others who witnessed her setback doubted God’s sufficiency to provide and fulfill dreams? They may have sought medical advices but trusted in the word of God. Being barren was a grave disappointment in ancient times as well as in this age. This state could harass couples who are not preserved in faith and trust God for who He’s. But one day, God remember her and the throne of grace sent an answer to her many years of prayers. In the midst of her frustration, an angel of God brought a message of hope, “Your prayers are answered; your wife Elizabeth shall bare a son and you shall name him, John.” She wondered could this be a joke or a surprise!

On this special occasion, I dedicate this piece for wives and mothers who await God’s manifestation in the area of child birth. Some are stricken in age and may have lost hope. Others are still in their youthful ages and almost loosing their breath. I pray that this season, God shall remember them. He shall take away their reproach and wipe away their tears. There shall be a reassurance that God is faithful and worthy to be trusted in their lives. God is about to compensate them for all their failures, looses, delays, defeat and tears. All their past disappointment, pains and even pleasures are only a tiny faction of God’s ordained great destiny on this planet.

You may have been down to nothing because of your setbacks, but be joyful for God is up to something: new, greater and more rewarding. He has a better alternative. Disappointments are like road bumps, they slow you down a little bit but the moment you drive past that spot or season, you drive smooth again. Also know that God’s delay is neither denial nor refusal. God is never late but always on time. When God remembers you, those who mock at you shall laugh and rejoice with you. God is turning around everything in your favor. For with God nothing is impossible. Begin to rejoice and praise God for the joy of being a mother and for great things He’s doing. Your dumb founding miracle will surprise you, friends and even enemies. They shall celebrate you at last. This is your season of refreshment and compensation. Have a fruitful mother’s day.

Reach: Ogbonnaya, Godswill at: weefreeministries@yahoo.com OR P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.

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