Welcome to the month of October, the 10th month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars and the second EMBER month. October was originally the eight month of the Roman calendar, when the calendar year began with March. The month retained its original name from the Roman calendar; Octo meaning eight in Latin. It always has a length of 31 days and became the tenth month when king Numa Pompilius reformed the calendar thereby added the months of January and February around 700 BCE. Octobers birth flower is the Calendula and the birthstone is the opal. It is often joked that the opal will crack if it is worn by someone who was not born in October.
The opal will not crack on me because Im an October baby. I enjoin you all to celebrate with me because God has added another year to my life. Thank God for the gift of life, grace and mercies. I have been availed another opportunity to fall in love again with God and continue His calling on my life. The past one year has been challenging but thank God because whatever the enemy stole from me, He is recovering and restoring. God is turning my days around and replacing despises with acceptances and disgrace with commendations and favor. In His mercy, God has lifted high the work of the ministry: sustained those doing labors of love and increased readership of the Discipleship Digest, supporters and encouragers as well as open doors for ministering. What the enemy thought as blackmail and destroy, God through the process is increasing my experiences, polishing my character and building my faith. To Him be glory and honor.
The month of October is richly blessed with notable events and here are very few highlights: Oct. 1st – Independence Day in Nigeria. She is 53 years old. Also National Day (China, Peoples Republic of). Oct. 2nd International Day of Non-Violence. Oct. 5th International World Teachers day. Columbus Day (Most of USA) 2nd Monday. In US, Clergy Appreciation Month; Domestic Violence Awareness Month; Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Infertility Awareness Month, etc.
In this month of my anniversary, Discipleship Digest reflects on the topic: Who is your friend? A copy is attached for your perusal and enjoyment. This topic many give no deep thought of and take for granted. A friend is one who knows you well and fond of; could be an ally, supporter or sympathizer. Some among them are friends in deed and in need while others are unfriendly friends or better put internal enemies. Evaluate the people in your life; then promote, demote and terminate. Youre the CEO of your life. This topic is my birthday gift to all of you our readers and supporters. Hope you will find it inspiring and educating, pruning and correcting. Feel free to pass it to a least ten friends and loved ones. We sincerely appreciate your comments and support.
We thank God for Pastors/Church leaders, who support the vision of Weefree Ministries; invite our Evangelist/Director to preach, teach and participate in their Church programs during the past year. Others allowed Discipleship Digest (Weefree Ministries Publication) to be circulated in their congregations. We appreciate their encouragement and wide readership (email and print media) as well as support. Enjoy October, the second EMBER months and reflect on what the season means to you. Remain blessed. Do not forget youre too blessed to be stressed.
Elder/Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill
Director, Weefree Ministries
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