Discipleship Digest November (Thanksgiving) 2013 Edition


Discipleship Digest November (Thanksgiving) 2013 Edition

Welcome to the month of November, 2013. November is the eleventh month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian Calendars. It is the 3rd of the EMBER months and one of the 4 months with 30 days. November retained its name (from the Latin “Novem” meaning “nine,” when January and February were added to the Roman calendar.

Some Major events that occurred in November are: Nov. 1: All Saints Day; Nov. 10: The Birthday of the US Marine Corps; Nov. 11: Veterans Day in USA (Remembrance Day in the Common Wealth of Nations) to commemorate World War 1 and other wars; Nov. 14: World Diabetes Day; Nov. 19: International Men’s Day; Nov. 20: Transgender Day; Nov.28: Thanksgiving Day in USA and Nov. 30: Advent (for Western Christians) begins the Sunday between November 27 and December 2.

            The two most outstanding events in November are Veterans Day and Thanksgiving Day respectively. The latter – Thanksgiving is the most celebrated event in US. It is a period to eat, rejoice and thank God for all His goodness and benefits. These includes: the yields of the fields, fruitfulness and increases in our families and husbandry, growth and promotions in our businesses; good health and gift of life. We thank God for keeping, providing and preserving us in the faces of danger and insecure environment, etc. Thanksgiving is the beginning of “Love season” through Christmas, end of year and the commencement of the New Year. It’s a time to celebrate God’s faithfulness and marvelous works. Just pause a little bit: remember where you are coming from and where you are; say, “thank you Lord for all YOU are in me and have done

            In the spirit of thanksgiving, we celebrate and give thanks to God. Christian giving includes tithes, offerings and alms – all three are important. These are made to Missions, the Church and worth Charity. Our thanksgiving shall be incomplete without giving. We are exhorted to remember the needy and poor. We are persuaded to remember the words of our Lord Jesus: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” It is to buttress this belief and practice that Discipleship Digest reflects on the topic: Almsgiving, a component of Thanksgiving (a copy attached).  Kindly take time to read this write up and do the needful; pass it to at least ten persons.

            We cease the opportunity of this celebration to thanks you all very dearly for your readership, support and comments. We do not take them for granted. May God in His infinite mercy grant you favor and uncommon blessings. Expect an eleven hour miracle. This season the Lord that remembered Noah shall remember you. Do not quit or give up; your season of laughter is at the corner. Remember, you are too blessed to be stressed.  Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

Yours truly,

Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill

Director of Affairs, Weefree Ministries.

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