Discipleship Digest November, 2012 Edition


Discipleship Digest November, 2012 Edition

November is the third EMBER month and the eleventh month of the year. Prominent events in the month of November include: Election Day (on 6th), Veterans day (on 11th) and Thanksgivings Day (on 22nd). It’s a month of deep reflection on God’s goodness. Looking back from the beginning of the year, the Lord has been gracious to us and has seen us through the year to the eleventh month. We trust that He will lead us to the end of the year and beyond. Our time went 1 hour back on Nov. 4.

Our hearts reach out to fellow citizens living in the East coast especially in New York and New Jersey who have experienced a devastating Sandy Storm. This ill storm has left many people homeless and hopeless but not helpless. As we collectively lift them before God in prayers, we should not forget to make sacrifice of love through government recognized body like Red Cross, etc. If you know people living in the affected areas, please find time to reach out to them on phone with words of encouragement. It helps real well. Do not forget, “Bear you one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2).

Discipleship Digest this month reflects on two issues: Why Conversation and Christian Race respectively. Christian Race is published in Christian Faith Trumpet Newspaper while Why Conversation is in our Weefree Ministries’ monthly journal (Discipleship Digest). Please find time to peruse them and feel free to pass on, if you can. I believe there shall enrich someone somewhere. This is our way of Christian Discipleship.

Finally, November 6 is an Election Day. I and many others have already casted early votes. We encourage all eligible voters to cast their votes. It’s a civil responsibility and a democratic process for change. Also pray for United States of America and her leaders.

Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill


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