Discipleship Digest welcomes you to another exciting season of the year. Its a family season in the months of May and June annually. The month of May brings with it the second most celebrated event of the year in North America. Its the Mothers Day celebration. In the month of June we mark the Fathers Day celebration on June 17, 2012. The continent of North America celebrates Mothers Day on May 13, 2012. Even though Mothers Day is an every day affair but a day to reflect on the good virtues of motherhood is wonderful and commendable.
This year 2012, Discipleship Digest reflects on the topic: An Excellent Woman (Proverb 31:10ff). Verse 10 says, When one finds an Ideal wife (an excellent woman) her value is far beyond pearls. She is a good thing and carries Gods favor (Pro. 18:22) as well as builds her home (Pro. 14:1).This qualities re-echo the purpose God created a woman as a companion (helpmate).
The challenge of an excellent woman becomes pertinent at this time and age when divorce rate soars higher, couples living lonely together like cat and rat and domestic violences become common occurrences in most homes. Some women believe that because they bake more bacon, they can lord over everyone in the household. Also they become the head and everyone else craws at their wimps. The violences and abuses around our cities and communities have taken new dimensions. For example: a couple of weeks ago the news media had it that a woman murdered a young mother and kidnapped her infant baby. We learnt the alleged murderer was a professional nurse. This mis-normal leaves our world in total disbelief and anguish. This has become a news because a man has bitten a dog as against the reversal. In the midst of this unholy happening, we aguishly ask: who is an excellent woman?
Discipleship Digest also publishes another article titled: Lydia A Precious Treasure and a Woman of conviction, in honor of Mothers Day celebration for your perusal. We are confident that these two articles shall provoke enough thoughts and insights and renew your conceptions of motherhood. Enjoy them and if you can, pass them to your friends and loved ones.
The Digest wishes our mothers, all mothers and mother-to-be a fruitful mothers day. Keep reading your monthly digest and supporting our course. We enjoy your feed backs. This is your year of performance; do not quit. Keep trusting and hoping on God. Your evidence is coming.
Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill
Director, Weefree Ministries
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