Discipleship Digest March, 2014 Edition


Discipleship Digest March, 2014 Edition

We are excited to be in the month of March each and every year. It’s an eventful month of expectation!!! March is named after Mars, called Mauritus in honor of the Roman god of war. In old English, March was called Hlyda or Lide meaning “Loud” referring to the loud March winds; so make a joyful noise!!! Celebrate this third month of the year (Georgian calendar). Three symbolizes the number of Trinity; the 3rd person, the Holy Spirit brings changes, refreshments, miracles, breakthroughs and uncommon events. March has 31 days and its color is violet. March used to be the first month of the year in Roman calendar, hence a time of renewal and starting over or a fresh start. March symbolizes New Hope, New Beginning, spring, Resurrection and fertility – wow!!

 Some Memorial Events in March:

  March 3rd, 1931 –The Star Spangled Banner became the USA National Anthem

    “      5th – World Book Day and Ash Wednesday (beginning of Lent)

     “     8th – International Women’s Day;   March10th –   No smoking Day

     “     13th 1781 – The planet Uranus was discovered;

 March 17th – Saint Patrick Day; March 22nd – World Water Day

     “     30th, 1867 – The United States purchased Alaska from Russia

     “     31st, 1917 –The United States Purchased Virgin Islands from Denmark

March, 1870 – The Amendment 15 to the US Constitution, stating that a person cannot be denied the ballot because of race or color was proclaimed.

Some Important celebration in March:

* American Red Cross month       *Fire Prevention month     * Women’s History month

*Commonwealth Day, on the 2nd Monday     * World Kidney Day, on the 2nd Thursday

*World Maths Day, on the 1st Wednesday     * Mardi Gras (March 4-9)

* Employee Appreciation month     and          * Spiritual Wellness month

We celebrate the month of March with renewed courage and resolution. Have you broken your New Year resolution already?  Don’t chew yourself up and get into self blaming. A fall is not a failure. Go on your kneels in His presence and in faith make amends, renew it and start afresh. Simply learn from the past. Life itself is full of ups and downs. God understands all that you are struggling with. Never give up!!! Pick yourself up, dust it well and keep moving. Whatever your goals are, always stay focus and strong; and pursue it. “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing” – Abraham Lincoln.

Discipleship Digest reflects on the topic: “God’s grace is sufficient.” Grace is unmerited favor; something no human being can earn. Every mankind is born into slave market of sin (Rom. 5:12; John 8:34). This condition erects a barrier between us and God. No one is good enough by his/her desires or works to remove this barrier. As slaves we cannot save, redeem or purchase our freedom. The good news is that God does not abandon us in the slave market. God in His infinite mercy and grace made provision to get us out of this state and remove the barrier; provides us a Redeemer, His Son Jesus Christ who alone reconciles us with the Father. All that we receive from God is because of His grace, not of any goodness or works on our part. His grace is sufficient!!!

Brethren, “The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not our circumstances” – Martha Washington. Be excited and stop being worried; Nothing good ever comes from worries (Matt. 6: 25-27). Read and ponder on the article and pass it to at least 10 people. Your comments are welcomed and helpful. Remember, you’re too blessed to be stressed. Make it a point of duty to fellowship and commune with God daily. “Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it’s a thing to be achieved “ – William Jennings Bryant

Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill @ weefreeministries@yahoo.com or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272. Web: weefreeministries.org.  Ph. 832.881.3929 c.

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