DISCIPLESHIP DIGEST JULY 2012 EDITION

July is the seventh month according to the Gregorian calendar and the beginning of the second half of the year. On the Roman calendar, it was the fifth month and it was called ‘Quintilis’ meaning fifth. Until 46 B.C, Julius Ceasar gave the month 31 days and the Roman Senate named it ‘Julius’ in honor of Ceasar. Also according to Catholic culture and tradition, the month of July is dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus. It falls with the liturgical season of Ordinary Times represented in green color. This symbolizes hope of the sprouting seed and arouses in the faithful the hope of reaping the eternal harvest of heaven especially the hope of a glorious resurrection.

July 4 is the celebration of the 236th Anniversary of USA independence. On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress adopted the declaration of Independence of United States of America. This year, 2012 as Americans celebrates this anniversary, two aspirants to the White House; one the Democrats incumbent, President Barack Obama and the Republican Front Runner, Mr. Mitt Romney are busy canvassing for votes towards November election. God is busy setting the stage and He will do it again. Discipleship Digest congratulates all Americans and wishing us Happy Anniversary. We also wish those born in the month of July, uncommon favor of the Lord this season.

In July 2011, Discipleship Digest published a write up titled The Challenges of living a Christian lifestyle and that write up attracted unprecedented comments. I was encouraged to look again into some of the issues raised and came up with this month’s publication titled: Genuine Christian Lifestyle.  I also attached herewith a publication in TCFT titled: A man under Authority. I believe you will be blessed if you find time to peruse these two articles. We shall be glad to have your comments and support.  Enjoy the month of July and know that each day is a gift from the Lord. Remember you’re too blessed to be stressed.

Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill

Director, Weefree Ministries

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