Discipleship Digest January, 2014 (New Year) Edition
Discipleship Digest January, 2014 (New Year) Edition
Hurray! Welcome to the year 2014. New Year brings with it New beginning. New beginning comes with new aspirations and expectations; while goals and plans are built from it. For individuals and organizations, its a time to take stock and examine past activities, looking beyond the looming past into bright and hopeful future. We have to reappraise our plans and reset achievable goals. It may entail dropping those weights that contributed to our drawbacks (those we have done the same way severally and obtain same results) and pursue a change in direction. It is a time again to fight our ways through the despairs that had devoured too many of our yearnings and chances. We have to redouble and build on our gains/strengths of past years. A dream doesnt become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. – Colin Powell.
We have begun yet another journey of life (365 days). Life is controlled by time and season, in the disposition of the Lord Almighty. Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have and only you can determine how it will be spent Carl Sandburg. What were experiencing in our lives today is the result of our past choices. Every choice we make allows us to manipulate the future. John Lue Picard. Wise people make responsible choices in the face of emerging life challenges. One responsible decision you make today can wipe out all the past bad decisions. There are nagging problems you may not like and cannot avoid or do away with, then its time you change your perception (the way you see or react) towards them. Whatever reason you had for not being somebody (you desired to be), theres somebody who had the same problem and overcame it Barbara Reynolds. All glory comes from darling to begin Eugene F. Ware.
The world celebrates every New Year as a passage of time. Its Gods way of reminding us that because of the coming of the Savior we can have a new beginning; giving us another opportunity to burry our past, right our wrongs and start a fresh. Its a great opportunity to renew our vows and recommit ourselves to God and one another. God is calling us into new challenges; to arise and begin a new walk with Him. As we face the new challenges in the world that may appear ominous and scary, one path is certain to lead us right I am the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6) – Jesus Christ assured. His way is a path characterized by joy and peace with God and leads to eternity. Therefore, follow Jesus lead and enjoy a wonderful future. In Him, youve been equipped to succeed; not patterned or permitted to fail.
In the midst of world struggles and persecutions, it is an open secret that not all who had wished to, made it to the New Year. Some who happened to have crossed over have made early exit. God still invites us, Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carrying heavy burden and I will give you rest (Mat 11:28). Be what Gods word says you are and belief that God can do what He promises to do. Focus on your expectations, keep moving on and press towards the goal.
Discipleship Digest welcomes all our readers to the year 2014 with a fresh topic: Celebrating Gods faithfulness (copy attached). You will be blessed as you find time to read it. Kindly pass it to at least ten (10) people. It gladdens us to receive your comments. Begin the year by trusting your future into the hands of our faithful and dependable God. Do not forget, You are too blessed to be stressed. We appreciate very sincerely your readership and support. We exist and do ministry because of you. Thank you. We wish you and loved ones a fruitful New Year!!!!!
Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill
Director of affairs, Weefree Ministries
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