We welcome you to the month of July 2013. July begins the 2nd half of the year 2013. It could be a good time and appropriately too, to revisit our New Year resolutions made at the beginning of the year and evaluate our Half Year performance. How would your Half Year Report look? Exciting, progressive or regressive!!! Some have abandoned their resolutions after repeated failure to meet their expectations and goals. Others are fumbling and wobbling on their ways in trying to make it. Even though they have not quit, they are still pushing and struggling; expecting and depending on God to help them through. Some chewed and blamed themselves; others get distracted and discouraged as well as placed imaginary limitations looking for whom to put the blame on. Certainly, not on God; we must be honest about our lapses and weaknesses. Some people made impossible or unrealistic resolutions and from day one it was dash and unmet.
On July 4th the United States of America celebrates her Independent Anniversary. An anniversary is a time of reflection on the journey so far. We give thanks to God for the freedom and unity we enjoy as a country. We appreciate who we are as a people and those God has put in our ways. We celebrate the various uncommon achievements we have made and the unusual strives our gallant soldiers daily make, fighting to keep the freedom we enjoy. We are living in a season of undreamt changes and have to accept the challenges these bring. We reaffirm we are still Gods own country or does it just exist on our currency? We dont seem to have forgotten the God who brought us to greatness or do we? Are we still holding to the ideals of our founding fathers? God bless America.
Discipleship Digest congratulates all the citizens of the beloved country of the freed on our national birthday celebration. This month the Digest reflects on the topic: God is everywhere and affirms you cannot hide from God even when in a bunker or hidden closet. We enclose herewith a copy for your perusal and enjoyment. Feel free to pass it on to at least ten of your loved ones, whom you desire to share with and bless. Be assured that just because you are not where you desire to be does not mean God has finished with you.
Do not quit on God because God does not quit on you. Your best days are still ahead. Keep striving and dangling but refuse to quit. Quitters do not win and winner do not quit. No one except God sees, knows and understands all your struggles and shall guide you to the expected end. Remember you are too blessed to be stressed. As it pleases God, we shall be glad to reach you again in the month of August. Remain richly blessed and let us know how your feel about us.
Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill
Director, Weefree Ministries
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