Dear Readers and Supporters,


On March 13, 2013, the Roman Catholic Church elected a new world leader, Pope Francis from south America after the Pope Benedict (now Pope Emeritus) had stepped down (the first in about 600 years) following ill health that had impeded his ability to perform efficiently the responsibilities bestowed on him on such position. As we raise a sacrifice of praise to God for the retired Pope Benedict that God’s peace be with him in his retirement until he is called home; we also ask that God will guide and direct Pope Francis and sustain him as he serve God and humanity. It’s also expected that the new Pope shall attempt to tow new paths given the deep scandals and growing malpractices that have engulfed the Roman Catholic Church in recent past.

From March 24, 2013, Palm Sunday, to March 31st Easter Sunday, the Christian community worldwide celebrated Jesus’ life, sufferings, death and Resurrection. This season reminds us more than any other, God’s great love and the price He paid to redeem us. We celebrate Christ resurrection among other reason because it brought cure and healing to human moral issues, freed from bondage of sin and rise to new life. Little wonder Apostle Paul could say, “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live and walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit’ (Rom. 8:1). Dr. Erwin Lutzer said, “We don’t need a Savior who can just ‘help’ us; we need (one) who can resurrect us. We don’t need a Savior who only helps when life gets tough but also (one) who help us when life ends.”

Whereas Jesus death removed guilt and paid the penalty for sin, His resurrection completes the process of restoring and reconciling us to God. Death did not only loose its ability to harm but also its ability to terrify. Even though physical death in inevitable, because it helps to separate us from the contamination of sin but Christ resurrection assures we can be raised again. Jesus is the trailblazer, the one who defeated death on the cross. The resurrection of Christ Jesus and Christianity stands and falls together; one cannot be true without the other. Christ has been raised from dead; then He’s alive at this moment and one can get to know and relate with Him personally. As John Scott puts it, “Jesus is the resurrection of believers who die, and the life of believers who live.” The same Spirit that raised Christ from dead is now at work inside us. Christ has conquered everything and every force that is at war against us by His resurrection power and has given us victory.

Attached herewith is our reflection for the month of April, 2013 titled: The Victory of risen Christ, for your perusal and blessing. Feel free to pass it to your loved ones and well wishers. By so doing you help to spread the word of God. Your comments and support are highly appreciated. May your Easter be joyful and fruitful in Jesus name, Amen.

Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill

Weefree Ministries

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