Discipleship Digest December 2013 Christmas Edition


Discipleship Digest December 2013 Christmas Edition

              Welcome to the month of December, 2013. This brings us into a season of Love and celebration that begins with Advent. Advent reminds us of the cries of the Hebrews prophets, the voices of John the Baptist and Jesus heralding us into preparation, waiting, anticipation and hope. Today, this time of Advent reawakens Christians to be in readiness and expectation of the second coming of Jesus Christ as we celebrate His birth (first coming) on Christmas. That message is still ringing clear through the dark winters of today’s world re-incarnating old time idolatry and fashioning new age adulatory, giving them new names. With the new names, they seem to be attracting the sympathies of the blind minded and underplaying the consequences. However, the truth remains that the consequences have not changed.  The more reason as we celebrate His first coming, we remind ourselves of His imminent second coming. Jesus was born to save his people from their sins (Matt. 1: 21). He will be called, Immanuel which means “God is with us.”(Matt. 1:23). Jesus is the reason for the season.

              The first Christmas was not all celebrations as we have it today. Some people had to go through struggles, shame, pains and threats of death to usher in what we enjoy today. How did a teenage virgin girl felt that she knew no man yet became pregnant and gave birth? Was it not embarrassing and shameful? Was Joseph, a respected village carpenter not devastated that a virgin engaged to him was pregnant without sleeping with her? These agonies caused much pressure, stress and disappointment. That singled event brought forth some unusual things: A virgin became pregnant. The king was born in a sheep pen without medical aids. A carpenter became an inexperienced labor nurse. Bethlehem a place where nothing significant happened made history. The wise men sort their way to the new born through the guiding of a star. The decision and unplanned trip to Egypt was a tough one. These were things only God could plan, design and execute.

              Little surprised that Discipleship Digest on this edition reflects on: The joys and pains of the First Christmas (copy attached) It is our hope that this reflection shall provoke thoughts on the struggles the earthly parents of Jesus underwent to bring us the joy we celebrate this season. Many people had suffered pains, persecutions and martyrdom to propagate the Good News of Jesus Christ which includes: salvation, light, liberty and freedom, education and even healthcare.  Do the new age propagators of the Gospel understand the pains and struggles founding fathers went through to get what they peddle with today? I doubt! If they do the Gospel would not be an enriching mechanism.

              Thanks God for the gift of life, His grace and His mercies that endures for ever. You will not enjoy the full benefits of Christmas until you decide to make Jesus your Lord and Savior. Let those around us feel the impact of the joy that comes with Immanuel (Christ is with us). For God so loved……. and He gave…….. (John 3:16). Kindly pass the attached message to at least ten people. Thank you for your readership and support. Do not quit, be bold, strong and keep expecting. Remember you are too blessed to be stressed. Wishing you and yours Merry Christmas and fruitful New Year.

Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill

Director of affairs, Weefree Ministries.

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