We thank all who have been reading, encouraging, supporting and commenting on our monthly journal. They have helped us to improve each emerging edition. We shall be relentless in seeking your support and partnership. Our desire is to keep serving you and improving our outputs and services. We welcome all your comments and supports; be reassured that we read all and listen to all your critiques.

In the month of August, we shall explore the topic: Do you believe in miracles? Some Christians and denominations do not believe in it. Others that believe hold the opinion that it happened in the early Church era and no longer exist today. A great number of Christians believe that miracles still happen today and look forward to them. As long as God is the Lord of heaven and all earth, He still does strange things and has never failed. “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle” – Albert Einstein. “Seeing, hearing, feeling are miracles, and each part or bag of me is a miracle” – Walt Whitman.

American Heritage Dictionary describes miracle as an event that appears inexplicable by the law of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin and or an act of God, “Miracles of spontaneous;” they cannot be summoned but come to themselves [Katherine Anne Porter]. They excite admiring awe or wonder and evoke great surprises; are extraordinary events attributed to a supernatural power. Belief in miracles exists in all culture and nearly all religions. The bible describes many events which appear to violate or deviate from the known laws of nature; the cause of which is ascribed to God’s presence or power. “Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature” – Saint Augustine. Our God still intervenes in the work of nature; only Him can do that. The opinion you hold works for you. Enjoy your Digest.

Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill

Weefree Ministries

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