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Dear Readers and Supporters,

Discipleship Digest May 2013 (Mother’s Day) Edition

We are excited to welcome you to the month of May, 2013. It’s a month marked by great events and we shall highlight just but a few: May 1, the Empire State Building 1931; May 2, the beginning of the Great Depression 1930; May 4, Kent State University Shooting 1970; May 12, Mother’s Day celebration; May 30, Memorial Day USA and Biafra Declaration of Independence 1967 and May 31, Resignation Speech of President Nixon 1974.

Mother’s Day is celebrated all over the world at different dates and time. The earliest history of Mother’s day dates back to the ancient annual spring festival the Greeks dedicated to maternal goddesses. The Greeks used the occasion to honor Rhea, wife of Cronus and the mother of many deities of Greek mythology. Ancient Romans also celebrated a spring festival called Hilaria dedicated to Cybele, a mother goddess. Early Christian celebrated a Mother’s Day of sorts during the festival on the fourth Sunday of Lent in honor of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ. In England the holiday was expanded to include all mothers and called Mothering Sunday.

The Continent of North America celebrates Mother’s Day on the second Sunday of May. It is the second most celebrated event next to Thanksgiving. It’s said that Mother’s Day is every day; however to celebrate motherhood on a chosen day reignites its importance in the life of a child, family and society. A mother is such a vital figure in everyone’s life yet we do not get to choose who our mother is. Little wonder Mildred B. Vermont said, “Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs…..since the Payment is pure love.”

As a tribute to our mothers in the year 2013, Discipleship Digest reflects on “The Daughter-in-law and Mother-in-law relationship (saga).” A copy is attached for your perusal and enjoyment. These two women love the man (husband and son) in their lives in a different manner. In some union, these two women are at war with each other; this is not supposed to be so. The relationship between these two is a touchy subject; matters to the spouse, parents, and children as well as our God. Yet God asks us to love one another even our enemies, not because any of us deserves God’s love but that’s God’s way and we are admonished to follow likewise.

We wish all mothers and mothers-to-be God’s peace and love as they celebrate this Mother’s Day. Many the Joy of this season remains with you and your loved ones for ever, Amen.

Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill

Director, Weefree Ministries

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