Dear Readers and Supporters,


Dear Readers and Supporters,


We gladly welcome you to the month of March, 2013 and assure you that you’re not a failure. You may have failed several times but have not given up. Do not mind the momental delays; there are simply temporary. You are what the Word of God says you’re and shall accomplish your purpose in life, even in this month of March.  Your divine dove is on its way with green olive leave as your evidence (Genesis 8:11).

Some people regard March as a month unpopular with much activities and holidays but we remember vividly, “Beware the ides of March.”- The Shakespeareans’ Julius Caesar that was betrayed and assassinated by his own bosom friend, Brutus. Among other events in the month of March are: Self injury Awareness day on March 1st; Texas Independence Day and National Reading Day on March 2nd; International women’s Day on March 8th; and Multiple Sclerosis Awareness week, March 14-20.

 Thalassa Cruso views March as a month of frustration – It’s so near Spring yet across the country the weather is still violent and changeable the outdoor activity in our yards seems light years away. Notwithstanding, March brings with it the promise of Spring and you can feel the whether change and watch the earth green up. Emily Dickenson made this poem, “March is the month of expectation; The things we do not know; The persons of prognostication; Are coming now.”

March is the month of marching forward. It does not matter how January and February treated you. Your dreams and desires for the year start are yet reality. This have kept you wondering, is that how the year will be! The year is still young and God is still on the throne; still faithful and dependable. He has never failed. In His set time, you will laugh last. The month of March brings with it new expectations and accomplishments. It may not be the devil that you have alleged to be responsible for the delays and difficulties you are having but you when you fail to undo, delete, let go past short comings and failures. You need to trust God again and again for His promises and the authority behind His power and name, even when you’re still expecting the results or outcome.

We have attached herewith our monthly reflection titled: We are the “undo” people. Hopefully, it shall bless your life and those of your friends you forward it to. Do not forget, “it is by grace that we become Christians and it is by grace that we live the Christian life.” You are too blessed to be stressed. We thank those whose comments have improved our ways of serving you. We shall be glad to hear more from you. God bless you and your loved ones.

Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill

Weefree Ministries.

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