Dear readers and supporters,
Dear readers and supporters,
We are glad to welcome you to the year 2013. Since New Year is a gift from the Lord, our God, He deserves our wholehearted thanks, praise and worship for who He is and for His mercies and compassion. This act we should not take for granted; many who had desired to see the New Year did not make. Others made it but in devastation, in sickness and sorrow because of the many afflictions and calamities they are passing through. The mere fact that they made it is evidence that God has not finished with them. The God of our ages past is still our God in this year and in years to come. The greatest thing about God is that you can look back as far as you want into ages past and still find God there. Never allow the bleak past to overshadow your bright future. God is saying, Be still and know Im God (Psalm 46:10). These enemies, you would never have to bother about them again. God told Moses to urge the children of Israel to MOVE (GO) FORWARD.
Coincidentally, President Obama chose the same two words Move Forward in his 2012 campaign slogan. Both the Children of Israel crossed over the Red Sea and President Obama got re-elected; so shall all who adhere to God command to move forward make it in the year 2013, in Jesus name. The Most High is ruler over the kingdom of men and He gives it to anyone He wants (Dan 4:25). No matter how and where you find yourself, join to celebrate Gods faithfulness and goodness. Permit me to congratulate our President Obama and new members of congress for accepting to represent us. Let us pray for our leaders and nation; only by His Spirit and guidance can they rule well.
We have attached herewith our reflection for the month of January, 2013 titled: MOVE (GO) FORWARD. We hope it shall challenge you enough to do something in the right direction. This year, 2013 we urge you to arise and rebel against whatever thing, people and behavior that had enslaved and held you captive for twelve years. In their thirteenth year of servitude, the kings of nations rebelled (Genesis 14:4). You have to recover all that youve lost in past years. This uncommon restoration will not only surprise you enemies but also unfriendly friends. Enjoy a year of fruitfulness, recovery and restoration. We wish you and family, a prosperous New Year.
Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill
Weefree Ministries
832-881-3929 c
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