Dear Readers and Supporters,


It is with deepest pleasure that we bring to you the special greetings of the month of February, 2013. We thank God once again for the gift of life and for all His bounteous blessings. If you have fumbled on your New Year resolution, do not give up, keep going. Jesus knows all about our struggles. He will guide us till we get to the end.

February is the second month of the year (and of the Gregorian calendar); the shortest month and the only one with less than thirty days. This year 2013, February has 28 days as in common years (as against 29 days in leap years). The word February was derived from Latin term februum (Fubrua) meaning cleansing or purification; a ritual undertaken before spring. It was named after Februaalia, the Roman festival of purification. Originally, February was the last month of the Roman calendar. In Shakespeare’s time, the second month was called Feverell while in Isaac Newton’s time, it was known as Februeer; the modern name February is only about a hundred years old.

The month of February holds some remarkable events in USA that includes: Black History Month, Parent Leadership month, Super Bowl (Every first Sunday), World Marriage Day (Every second Sunday), and President’s Day (Third Monday) to commemorate Presidents Lincoln and Washington). We also celebrate Abraham Lincoln’s birthday on Feb. 12, and Valentine’s Day on Feb.14; mark Ash Wednesday on Feb. 13, the beginning of Christian Lent – 40 days and 40 nights of praying and fasting. On Feb. 2, we mark the feast of Candlemas day commemorating the presentation of Christ in the temple. It needs mention that Queen Elizabeth 11 came to the throne on February 6, 1952 and Charles Dickens was born on Feb. 7, 1812.

It’s not an accident that this month commences the Lent and the ritual of purification. Purification is the process of rendering something pure or removing impurities. It could also be an act of purging of sin or guilt; moral or spiritual cleansing: purification through repentance. The rules for ritual purification for Israel nation were complicated and burdensome. Jesus came and died on the cross for our sins, He provided a once and for all purification for us (Heb.1:3, 9: 24-26). We are all counted clean in the eyes of God because of Jesus’ sacrifice. “You obeyed the truth (WORD) and your souls were purified. Now you sincerely love each other; but you must keep loving with all your heart” (1 Peter 1:22) CEV. Know that the Lord is good and ready to forgive; and abundant in mercy to all who call upon Him (Psalm 86:5). God has given us another chance to repent and cleanse ourselves, so we shall be right and pure to love and cherish each other.

We have attached here our reflection for the month: “A looser becomes a winner, if….” and hope it will help you in the Christian race. Read it, enjoy it and apply the principles. Remember you’re too blessed to be stressed. Happy Valentine!!!

Yours truly in the Lord Service,

Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill

Director, Weefree Ministries

832.881.3929 (c)

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