Dear Reader and Supporter,
Dear Reader and Supporter,
Once again, we gladly welcome you from summer break to the beginning of the school year with its associated school runs and supporting our children in school activities. September is the 9th month of the year and the beginning of EMBER months i.e. the last quarter (4 months) of the year. It is one of the 4 months with a length of 30 days. Very unique about September is that it begins on the same day of the week as December every year. September (from Latin septum, seven) was originally the seventh of ten months on the oldest known Roman Calendar until 153 BC after calendar reform that added January and February to the beginning of the year. September then became the ninth month but retained its name.
September birth flower is the Aster, the meaning of the Aster is love, faith, wisdom and symbolizes valor. The month brings with it some remarkable memories and events: 1st Monday in September marks Labor Day, dedicated in honor of the workers; also called the Workingmans Holiday. Labor Day is also viewed as the official end of summer. 1st Sunday (September 8th) after Labor Day is National Grandparents Day, originated signed in 1978 to celebrate and to honor our grandparents. September 8th also marks the International Literacy Day. September 9/11, 2001 reminds Americans of the worst terrorist (Islamic al-Qaeda) attacks on the World Trade Centre in NYC and the Pentagon in Washington. September 13th is Uncle Sam Day– a symbol of America. September 17th marks the Constitution Day (a document signed on Sept. 17, 1787). Sept 17th is also celebrated as Citizenship Day, signed into effect on February 29, 1952. Sept. 21st marks the World Gratitude Day to show appreciation and gratitude to someone or people who have done outstanding things in the spirit of Globalism and Sept. 28 marks National Good Neighbor Day. September also marks the National Preparedness Month.
Discipleship Digest dedicates September to Marriage Challenge and Repairs. For this reason, it prayerfully reflected on the topic: Where is God in Your Marriage? Whether youre singled, married or divorced, this topic speaks to your perspectives. It attempts to explain why we have little, much or deep-rooted challenges in our unions. Kindly find time to peruse it and pass it on, first to your spouse, other couples and those getting ready to make commitment. This ember month is a gift season; pass it (as a gift) to at least 10 couples/people you desire God to bless.
We are not taking your support and readership for granted. We therefore appreciate all you do (reading, passing on, prayers and financial and moral supports) to help us continue in serving God through you. Your comments have been beneficially and useful. Do not relent on your good work. Remember youre too blessed to be stressed. Enjoy this season of Gods favor and uncommon blessings.
Truly in service,
Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill
Director, Weefree Ministries