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In our world we take a lot of things for granted. We uphold tradition and culture without knowing the reason behind them. We accept status quo without questioning the rationale. We have casual attitude towards our rights, our inheritance, benefits, ownership and possessions. We loose our rights by ignorance, intimidations and fears. Everybody’s ignorance is his mountains [obstacles]. We say very easily it can never be done or that’s the way it has been, it cannot change. Surprisingly stars are those who do what other people have not done. Boundaries are shifted every minute and nobody ask why. We fear to stand up for our rights or pursue what is right because we do not want to be called names. We are afraid to loose our crowd mates. We keep quitting and compromising because those make us look good and hurt no feelings. Ed Louis once said, ‘Life is composed of our choices, constructed in our words and revealed by our character.’

Many Christians are ignorant of their inheritance, right, glory and power they have in Christ. That’s why the effect of the cross is not manifested in them. They cannot fully appreciate what it means to have riches of his glory or inheritance of the saints; being blessed with all heavenly blessings. Little surprised Satan takes advantage of them, intimidate, deceive and distract them. Inheritance is what we receive or pass on to us because of our positions as heirs; we possess them of right. Heirs are those who inherit or are entitled to inherit another property, title or throne. Heir apparent is one whose right cannot be denied if he outlives the ancestor. He could become a trait to those who lust after or unduly desire the throne and inheritance [Matt.21:38]. Heirs in biblical days were only male children. Jesus was also an heir to all things even unto the end [Heb 1: 1-2]. God told Abraham, “Your own son [not daughter] will be your heir to inherit your possession [Gen.15:2-4]. Isaac was blessed to inherit the land and wealth God gave to Abraham [Gen.28:3-4]. Some people just eat all they have during their lifetime through greed, selfishness and meanness and nothing left for their children [Proverbs. 11: 29].

When the children of Israel were still in the plains of Moab and just crossed the Jordan from Jericho, the 12 tribes of Israel were numbered [head count or censure]. The purpose was to ensure proper division of the land and fair distribution of the inheritance. The larger tribes were to receive larger share/portion. Zelophehad was one of Israel’s army captains; popular and fought many battles. He had five daughters but died before he could get a son. By tradition and culture he had no heir. There was no mention of their mother[s]. Their children knew well enough who their father was and the personality he commanded. The 5 daughters exhibited power of knowledge, strength of unity and agreement. They had courage to ask: A-ask; S-seek; and K-knock = ASK. They demanded for identification, questioned the tradition and contested the status quo. By so doing, they put their lives on the line [life and death]. They went to Moses, in the presence of Elezar, the Priest and the nation of Israel to plead their case. It may not have been easy to appear before the court of Israel to meet with Moses [Numbers 27: 1-11].

They pleaded, our father died in the wilderness not as a rebel but a competent soldier. He died standing sentinel to the battle, of his own sin [not a prefect man]. He did not break any law against the state [felony, etc]. He had no son but we are his 5 children – not slaves [Gal.4:30-31]. They asked why our father’s name should disappear in Israel. Give us a portion / possession among our father’s brethren. We are his children and heir [Proverbs 13:22]. Before that time, only sons could inherit land. That was the first time women pleaded their case for their right /inheritance before Judges and leaders of the nation of Israel. These Children knew they were children of a captain of Israel army. They came to make impart and change the course of history than remain passive as a waste generation. There was a probability that those children were known because of their father’s influence and popularity. They had self worth – confident and courage. Courage is mental muscles that conquer fears. They believed in justice and knew that change was constant; challenge brings change. They had the 3D’s and 3C’s of success. 3 D’s are: Determination, Diligent and Discipline. The 3C’s are: confident, Courage and Commitment [Joshua1: 8].

That was a tough request and Moses brought the matter before God. He did not sweep it under the carpet or stick to the tradition of men. He had compassion on the daughters of Israel. He reflected on the good image and personality of their father. Moses understood his position as a servant of the God of justice [a-go-between], a custodian and not a boss. He knew that the whole earth belong to God [Ps 24:1]. Moses ignored the opinions of the crowd and what other leaders would think of him. He knew that all powers belong to God. Moses did not only ask God what to do but waited until he answered. He did not allow tradition overcrowd his sense of reason and judgment. He waited and listened until God spoke. We are too impatient for God. The God of all creation responded and brought in new status of judgment: [i] give the daughter of Zelophehad their father’s inheritance [ii] from now on if a man dies without a son, his daughter inherits the possession [iii] If no son or daughter his brethren obtain this inheritance [iv] If no son, daughter and no brethren his inheritance passes to his father’s brethren [v] If his father had no brethren his inheritance passes to father’s close relative. As against God commandment, in some African countries, when someone pass without a son [or young child] his relative scramble over the inheritance, fight and can kill to posses the inheritance.

Throughout the scripture and all over the world, challenge brings change. In 1 Samuel 17:5-7, 38-40 and 45-47 David neither wore the old amour nor went to war with sword and spear. He went with catapult and stone and in the name of the Lord. Jabez challenged God to Change his inheritance, disposition; widen his coast and keep him from sin [1 Chronicle 4:9-10]. Elijah cried unto God and challenged the spirit of death over the widow’s son [1 Kings 17: 20-21]. Jesus challenged the waves and storms of the sea that made his disciples panic and they changed. He also Challenged God, his father over the death of Lazarus and God responded [John 11:41-44]. Christians are empowered to challenge cripple-ness, sickness, stagnation, spirit of death, indifference and procrastination; poverty stubbornness among our children, spirit of conflicts in our spouse and demonic sprit of greed, covetousness and deception.

The scripture says, whoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart but believes that those things he said shall come to pass ; he shall have whatever he asked. [Mark 11:23]. Pastor Jude Chukwumaife writing on The Tongue Destiny Moulder said, God knows that true action is from the heart, for with the heart man believes and the mouth confesses what is in the heart. He further added that Mountains are only removed when you don’t doubt. To doubt is to linger between two opinions. Those who have alternatives do not receive from God. If you say it and it is still there, it is because you don’t believe it. Say it until you believe yourself. You have what you say. The tongue is a creative apparatus [destiny moulder]; use it to create good things in your life.[Romans 10:10; Proverbs 6:2; Luke 21:15]. A faithless person cannot receive anything from God [Heb 11:3; 2 Cor. 4:13]. We lack understanding on who we are in Christ Jesus and have no grip of the effect of his death on the cross and the power of his resurrection. [John 1:12-13; Luke 10:19; Col 2:8-10].

It could be that we do not ask or may not ask in the right way and for the right purpose [James 4:2; Numbers 14:28 and Psalms 45:1]; do not understand the authority of the God and his word. [Jeremiah 23:29; Psalms 8:6]. God exchanged his son for our sake and can change any law, any government or institution and any person acting against us or blocking our way. He did for Lot, Joseph, Esther and Ephraim [Rom 8::32; Gen.48:20] and can do it for you. Jesus said the meek shall inherit the earth [Matt 5:5]. If we are God’s children, we are then heirs, also co-heirs with Christ sharing his inheritance with him [Gal 4:7; Rom 8:17]. We have obtained inheritance which had been afore-ordained according to his purpose and inheritance of the saint. We have been born into inheritance that is beyond decay [Eph 1:11,18; 1 Peter1:3-5]. If we are God’s Children we have the Spirit of God in us. This Spirit does not make us slave or afraid; instead ……God joins his spirit with our spirit to declare we are children of God. Since we are Children of God, we shall posses the blessings and inheritance kept for his people……[Romans 8:12-16]. Don’t allow anybody or situation stops you half way. Know that challenge brings change.

By standing firm for your right, your generation could change for better. They are small foxes digging deep into the lives in your household. They need to be challenged, pursued and destroyed. There are many thorns growing alongside the wheat, we should uproot them before they kill the fruit. We have so many lies flying about in our communities; the truth only can set captives free. Many folks are dying in ignorance and fears. They need to know that only Jesus can save. He’s the only religious leader that claimed to have solution to life’s moral issues. All we need is to accept his saving grace. Challenging the status quo may bring us persecutions and attacks from leaders in power. It may not be easy and simple but remain focus and do not give in to intimidation or threats. David did not allow the height and amour of Goliath to intimidate him. Elijah trusted God in the presence of 400 Baal prophets. The Lord said if God be for you who will be against you? [Rom.8:31]. That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God…. [1 Cor.2:5]. ‘Only flowers need planting, weeds grow anywhere and are valueless.’ “The journey of life is live by change when ignorance prevails but it can be ruled by choice when knowledge is in control.”

Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill can be reached by

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