Psalm 1:3 “That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither– whatever they do prospers” ((NIV). “They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do” (NLV).

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His prosperity: His blessedness is pictured as a healthy, fruitful tree, nourished by rivers of water:

i) Like a tree planted by rivers of water (Psalm 92:12-15; Jeremiah 17:7-8: a) that brings forth fruit in its season; b) whose leaf shall not wither.

ii) Whatever he does shall prosper (Josh 1:7-8). Whatever he does, he prospers

Underlying information: You cannot deal properly on this subject without better understanding of the custom and peculiarities of Eastern culture better known as Orientalisms. In KJV the phrase “river of water” is in the Hebrew “Palgey mayim.” ‘Palgey’ means “divisions of” and “mayim” refers to any small artificial channel. So, “ palgey mayim” or  ‘rivers of water’ are channels by which the water is distributed or divided especially the channels which divide up the Eastern garden. Therefore, Verses 2-3 read, “The man who meditates on God’s words is like a tree planted by the palgey magim ie in a garden, where it will have an adequate supply of water and constant care of the gardener. Each little channel in the garden was filled by the gardener with water from the spring, or well or fountain.

How was the water distributed? By the simple movement of the gardener’s foot, the water was sent first into one channel, then into another. By simple moving his foot, he released the water into another.

This gardener takes care of the garden the same way God takes care of us. He protects us by damming up a certain area (gully) that could bring harm to us. In areas where we need more guidance and instruction, He allows irrigation to flow freely through that gully. We should not ever again limit God’s Almighty power by our doubtworry, and fear but believe in a positive manner. It takes a renewed mind to understand this.

A person is likened to a tree

·         Because of the mostly arid terrain [A region is arid when it is characterized by a severe lack of available water, to the extent of hindering or preventing the growth and development of plant and animal life. … ] of Israel, lush trees (Having or characterized by luxuriant vegetation; growing in extreme abundance; plentiful, Extremely productive) served as fitting symbols of blessing in the Old Testament. A tree has deep roots and is usually very sturdy especially when compared to a tumble weed.

·         A tree portrays stability and the capacity to withstand the storms of life (Jeremiah 17:5-8). It’s the picture of mental, emotional and spiritual stability in every kind of situation (see Phil 4:11f).

·         A tree does not plant itself. God plants us where He wants us to live and serve. A tree that has a constant supply of water by the river is a picture of the Holy Spirit pouring in us to produce His fruit in us. He gives us what we have for His glory. God blesses us to be a blessing.

·         The image of a tree nourished by the constant supply of water from the river. The Hebrew word suggests the attributes of strength, stability and endurance.

·         It also pictures the concept of growth over time. As it takes time to produce a Hugh sprawling oak, so it take time to grow and mature in the Word. Keep reading, studying  and meditating

·         “Like a tree.” This is an analogy of growth and blessing from being responsible and bearing the fruit because we are being fed from the never-ending supply of His word and truth.

·         A good strong tree withstands the trails of life, gives comfort and nourishment to others and is pleasant to have around. Our waywardness disappear when we fill ourselves up in Christ Isa 61:3; Jere 17:8; Matt 15:13; Gal 5:16-26.

·         We live in a society of instants – milk, tea and even drive – through marriages, we want and expect an overnight change and transformation. But true spiritual strength comes from a long term, establishes relationship with God in his Word (Heb 5:11ff; 1 Peter 2:2; 2 Peter 3:18).

·         It also pictures ministry (or calling). If a tree is a fruit tree, it produces fruit. If it is Oak, it gives shade. God has given us His Word that we might become fruitful trees in His service and in Ministry to others. Supplies of grace drawn from the Word of God are what sustain godly people. They put down roots in scripture and draw strength from it for their lives (Jeremiah 17:8).

The word planted, could literally means transplanted. Trees do not plant themselves. In a similar manner, sinful people don’t transport themselves into Gods kingdom. Salvation is His marvelous work of grace (compare Isa 61:3; Matt 15:13).  A tree planted by streams of water would be very strong. It would also be nourished by the water as it sinks down deep roots. The leaf will never wither away because it gets what it need. Water in the scripture means the Word. This means it is evergreen – symbolizing everlasting life.

·         If we read and meditate on the Word of God, we shall be strong. By this nourishment of the Word of God, we become very strong in the spirit and fruit bearers. Christianity is contagious.  If you have a good dose yourself, you will give it to others around you as well. The life of the righteous person is marked by strength and stability. Those who are deeply planted in God’s Word may not wealthy but they will be fruitful in God’s work which is true prosperity (Psalm 92:12-14). They shall neither lose their beauty nor their fruitfulness.

·         By the rivers of water. The river represents the Holy Spirit. The tree mentioned here bear fruit (Gal 5:22-23). That brings forth its fruit in its season. So even if one river should fail or dry up, another would flow. According to C.H. Spurgeon, “The rivers of pardon (and forgiveness), the rivers of grace (and mercy), the rivers of the promise (of God) and the rivers of communion with Christ are never-falling (unfailing) sources of supply.”

·         That brings forth (or yields) his fruit in his season. ‘In its season’ literally means ‘in its time’ i.e at the proper, or suitable time.(Ps. 104:27). According to David Guzik, ‘the righteous man bear fruit such as the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23). The fruit comes naturally from this tree because it is planted by the rivers of water. It is abiding in a life-source as Jesus spoke of bearing fruit in John 15:5.

·         Fruit is the work of God within us; it is the proof of our genuine faith and the application of the truth. Our walk is what points others to Him. Our prime fruits are holiness and righteousness that also display His wonder and grace. (Jere 6:19; Matt 4:4; Rom 7:4-6, 8:14; Gal 5:22-23; Phil 4:17; Eph 5:9; James 3:17-18; 2 Peter 1:5-11).

·         Fruit has its seasonSome get discouraged when they begin to walk in righteousness and fruit is not immediately evident. They need to wait until they bring forth fruit in its season. The righteous person does not have signs of deadness and dryness. His leaves are evergreen       and      alive.” Spurgeon said, it’s not unseasonable graces, like untimely figs, which are never full-flavored. But the man who delights in God’s Word being taught by it: i)brings forth patience in the time of suffering, ii)faith in the day of trial and iii)holy joy in the hour of prosperity.                                                                                                                       He summed up fruitfulness is an essential quality of a gracious man and that fruitfulness is seasonal. As the word “yields” signifies continued fruitfulness, so is the inherent power of the scripture. Constantly living in the word results in continued fruitfulness (1 Thessalonians 2:13).

·         O. writes, How much fruit each tree yields depends on several factors: i)The filling of the Holy Spirit or the abiding life (John 15:1-7; Gal 5:22-23); ii) One’s level of maturity (1 John 2:12, 13; Heb 5:11-13; iii) One’s particular gifts (1 Peter 4:10-12); God’s own special blessing and use of our gifts (1 Cor. 3:6-7); The conditions in which we labor, the preparedness of the soil (Mk 4:14-20; John 4:37-38). Every tree should have some fruit and fruit is a proof of the root – whether one is living in truth or in falsehood (or error).

·         Also mentions 3 categories of fruits: a)The character of Jesus Christ (Gal 5:22-23); b)The exercise of our spiritual gifts in Christian service (1 Peter 4:10 – 11; Rom 12:3f), including exhortation, giving, showing mercy, helping and c)Witnessing and leading people to Christ (John15:16 &27).

·         His leaf shall not wither (his testimony). This is a picture of vitality, of being green, healthy plants in spite of condition. Brown, dead, withered leaves are signs of death and dryness. The righteous man does not have these signs of death and dryness; his leaves are green and alive ie everlasting. Not only that its fruit is preserved but his leaf also.  If you are constantly in need, it’s worth examining if you are planted by the rivers of water or not.

·         Whatever he does shall prosper (Rom 8:28). Literally it could mean “in all that he does he continually or repeatedly prosper.” It’s not that a righteous person does not have setbacks or trails but God brings forth something good and wonderful out of everything even tough situations bring us something good and end in praise. Real prosperity results from the work of God in the life of one who meditates on His word. This is not a blank check to fill in whatever we want. Prosperity is judged not by feeble sense but with the eye of faith that God’s word is made sure and we perceive that our works are prospered even when everything seems to go against us. It is not outward prosperity which the Christian most desires and values; it is soul prosperity which he longs for. “As there is a curse wrapped up in the wicked man’s mercies, so there is a blessing concealed in the righteous man’s crosses, losses and sorrows.”

·         God’s prosperity includes money but it is more than money. God desires to bless His children. Never be jealous of someone’s blessing. God has enough blessings for all His children. His will never runs dry.  God’s plants and God’s prospers. i) He prospers first because he always seeks to operate in the framework of God’s will according to God’s value    and      purposes. ii) He also used as a guide – the word of God for whatever he does (Prov. 3:5-6).iii) He operates in the sphere of God’s enablement, supply and direction (Psalm 37:3-5). iv) Sometimes, God could engineer failure and pressure as trails before He can bring about success or may allow severe suffering for other reason as He did with job.

·         The kind of prosperity God has in mind includes spiritual prosperity, discernment, and godly character. People of the Word could become wise and stable in areas like business (higher profit), gainful employment (promotions, upliftment). It could also attract persecution as one stands for righteousness and truth or refusal to compromise or do anything that will tarnish his faith.

·         Prosperity could mean being healthier, since a joyful heart is a good medicine. It’s important that we judge prosperity not by physical wealth or even physical wealth, but primary by spiritual growth and capacity for life with people and in service to God.

Don’t allow your blessings become an idol. Don’t spend all your life trying to make money (dollar) that will burn up in the end. What matters most in life are God and people. Be generous with your 3T’s: Time, Talent and Treasure. Let your life bear fruit that will not only last forever but bear seed that will produce further fruits.

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