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Balaam was a celebrated Soothsayer in Mesopotamia. He is one of the greatest tragedies of the Old Testament. He was a Gentile Prophet of God (Peter 2:15-16). His story is very funny and complex; relevance for Christian today. A man who speaks on God’s behalf to bless Israel yet advised Israel enemies on how best to destroy her. Balaam made some poor decisions: to use sorcery in the act of power instead of God’s power. Most of our men and women of God today apply same. On the other hand he appeared to serve as God’s mouth speaks yet his actions most definitely shows he was not a faithful man of God. Balaam put greed above God. The humor is this man’s behavior is very crucial with what obtains in the world especially as it affects our beloved nation, Nigeria in maladies of the 2023 shameful Presidential election. When people are overly focused on wealth is blended to other important matters around them.

Numbers 21:1-3 records ancient Israel traveled along the road to Atharim towards the Promised Land in their journey from Egypt. They fought and defeat the king of Arad’s; the Ammonites (vs. 21-26, 31) and Bashan (Vs 33-35).

  • The neighboring nation of Moab became threatened, terrified and most fearful and assumed that they would probably be the next to be attacked and defeat by Israel nation led by Moses.
  • King Balak of Moab decided to take immediate action to protect his people. He sent for Balaam, son of Boer who was living near River Euphrates in Mesopotamia to help him deal with imminent threat to his nation.
  • Numbers 22:5-6, come and help curse this people for me. They covered the face of the earth and are settling next to me. Help me to defeat them and drive them out of the land. I know whom you bless is blessed and whom you curse is cursed.

God instructed Balaam not to go and he obey Him . King Balak sent another group the next morning with more generous offer and enticing rewards. Balaam didn’t wait for Balak’s messengers to arrive; he saddled his donkey and went to meet with the Moabites. God’s anger aroused because of Balaam’s behavior. God decided to use Balaam donkey to instruct and warn him. The donkey saw the angel standing on the roadside with a sword in his hand. The donkey went into the field and Balaam hit the donkey even the 3rd time. God’s faithful servant doesn’t attempt to add or removed from what God’s say. They don’t compromise God’s instruction or try to work or deal contrary to God’s will.

Balaam in response to God’s instruction, tried to mechanically (or technically) obey God not wholeheartedly. His eyes and heart were on the financial opportunity for doing something in opposition to God. As they journeying, the donkey kept veering off the road because it saw an angel with a sword standing by the roadside (vs. 22-27).

Later on Balaam figured out a way to get his reward from Balak. Balaam then advised the Moabites on how to entice the people of Israel with prostitution and idolatry. This Balak followed and caused Israelites to sin by committing fornication with Medianites and worshipping Baal of Peor. (Numbers 25:1-9; Deuteronomy 23: 3-6).

Lesson: i) Beware of false teachers among you with destructive heresies (2 Peter 2:1, 15-16).

ii) Selling of one’s soul for financial gain Jude 1:11.

iii) Eating food sacrificed to Idol and committing sexual immoralities (Revelation 2:14)

The above situation Balaam compromised godly behavior for dishonest gains. We must serve God wholeheartedly. (Ps 119:2; Matthew 22:37). James 4:8 –Serving God and the world is neither proper nor right. Not ideal/acceptable to God. Balaam was a wicked prophet but not a false prophet.

Balaam had a reputation of being able to bless and curse. Apparently this ability was based on witchcraft/Sorcery. Vs 7- The Elders of Moab went to Balaam with “diviner’s fee” if he would agree to curse Israel. Numbers 24:1 Balaam sought to use sorcery as in other times against Israel for a diviner’s fee. Today, in the same way, most of our so called servants (men/women) of God obtain power from Cults, witchcraft and sorceries and use it in the name of God Almighty. Funny enough, the truth is that no faithful prophet of God practice sorcery or witchcraft or take diviner’s fee. They are not paid fees for faithful service in the vineyard of God.

Balaam – Greedy prophet:

  • Numbers 22:8ff: After receiving King Barak’s offer of a mouth warming fee to curse Israel, he asked them to “lodge with him tonight.” I will bring you words from the Lord.
  • He knew he was consulting coven instead of God yet he said he would bring back words from God. Vs 12: God said to Balaam 1. “Do not go with them.” 2. You shall not curse the people because they are blessed. Balaam passed the same message back to Balak’s messengers. He pretended to be God’s faithful servant. Vs 20 God said to Balaam since they have come again, go but speak only what I tell you. When Balaam heard he would be honored to make his own offer he became more willing to go.

God sent a plaque that killed 24, 000 of those wicked people. God commanded the Jews to take vengeance on the Medianites; they kill Balaam with sword in the war.

New Testament referred to Balaam:

1.   False prophet who loved the wages of wickedness (2 Peter 2:15)

2.   Jude echoes sentiments – with the selling of one’s soul for financial gain (Jude 1:11).

3.   Jesus speaks of Balaam when he warns /reprimands the people in the Church of Pergamum of their sins. Some among you who holds to the teaching of Balaam who taught Balak to entice the Israelites to sin so that they ate food sacrificed to idols and committed sexual immorality Revelation 2:14 (corrupting others into idolatry and immorality.

In Old Testament:

a) Balaam tried unsuccessfully to prophesy against the people of Israel (Numbers  22).

 b) He pursue a campaign of seduction against them (Numbers 31:8)

c) The doctrine of Balaam is the attitude that one can still cooperate with the world and still serve God. This doctrine teaches compromise, wanting Christians to forget they are called to be separate and holy (Lev 20:26; 1Peter 1:2).

d) This doctrine makes believers indistinguishable from the unbelieving world (Matt5:13).

e) Believes a little sin (lies, steals, and conforms) doesn’t hurt Gal 5:9) especially if financial gain or personal gratification/benefit is involved (1 Tim 6:5).

f) A person addicted to doctrine of Balaam believes on the economics of goal. He contains with sinful behavior for personal gain or participates in them. (Romans 1:32)

A doctrine of Balaam view that Christians can or should compromise their faith and conviction for the sake of popularity, money, sexual gratification or personal gain. It treats the issue of sin very lightly or as no big deal or inconsequential. Christians should shun sinners or unbelievers (Luke 7:34; 1 Corinthians 5:9-13). We are obligated to stand up for the truth (Ephesians 4:25); righteousness Prov 23:20, Rom 14:22 and goodness 2Peter 1:5, Matt 5:16) whether it’s what others want to hear or not John 14:16-18, 8:11, Acts 24:24-25.

Balaam had encountered Jehovah but chose false god instead; he rejected the true God instead worshiped wealth and fame. He set his mind on the state of spiritual blindness on the reward he will gain and not on true obedience to God. False teachers are plentiful in Christendom today. The gospel is not getting rich quick scheme but God’s plan for salvation from sin.

Does the name Balaam sound familiar? Whoever he was he’s mentioned in eight books of the bible – Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Nehemiah, Micah, 2Peter, Jude and Revelation. The manner he is mentioned and his activities are noted to provide great lessons on human life.

3 Lessons from Balaam’s story:

I)             God sees your heart, so heed his call 2 Peter 2;15

II)           Enticing others to sin will be the death of something.

III)          God is in charge.

There are many who desire to die the death of the righteous but don’t endeavor to live the life righteous.

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