Arise, shine for your Light has come
To arise means to get up, awake, stir up, stand firm and be alert as well as mount up. It could also mean be strong, stand sentinel, go to the mountain, seek God’s power; tarry, meditate and be watchful. To shine is to take off the veil of darkness, of death and remove the covering of shame as well as take off the garment of sorrow. It could also mean to be in light out of shadows, be imitator of Christ, be transparent and exhibit exemplary behavior; live above reproach, purge the weight and walk across. Arise and shine is a command to those in darkness, weak and troubled; about to give up or throw in a towel, contemplating quitting or backslidden.
This call is pertinent because the light will always dispel or outshine darkness and the Lord’s glory is risen on His people. No doubt that darkness has covered the earth and gross darkness upon God’s people. They are desolate, discouraged, distracted and under pressure. There is no justice anywhere and people are no longer truthful in their dealings with God and one another. People lived in falsehood, injustice, fears and perpetuating acts of violence in their hearts and heads. They hasten the waste of innocent blood and conceive evil that gives birth to iniquities. They have made for themselves crooked paths that lead to destructions [Isaiah 59].
There is neither righteousness nor purity anymore. They look for light but are overtaken by darkness. They grope for the walls like blind people who have no eyes; stumble at noon like dead men in desolate places. They growl like bears and moan sadly like doves. Salvation and justice are far off; our transgressions multiply daily and are always before us. We are aware of our iniquities and they keep us far away from God such that whatsoever departs from evil makes himself a prey. The Lord watches these and was displeased with all.
To worsen the matter, there was no justice and no person to intercede and help the common people. The Lord prepared to rescue His people and in His own arm brought salvation and victory. He put on righteousness as a breastplate [coat of armor], saving power like a helmet and the garments of vengeance for clothing to set thing right, punish and avenge the wrongs that people suffer. He was furious to His adversaries and recompense to His enemies. From the East to the West everyone will be gripped with God’s fear and His saving power. He will come like a rushing river, like a strong wind against the enemies who come like a flood.
The Lord shall rise upon His people and give them light in the midst of darkness. There shall be a turn around in their lives. I dare you to pause a bit and look around; see what’s happening around you. You will see natural calamities, atrocities in high places, lame and blind walking in and out of God’s temple. Has the Church lost God’s power? I doubt not. Curable diseases killing people at will, people living alternative lifestyles and enjoy their misfortune that is gaining unholy acceptance; child abusers and pone perpetuators living next door to their victims. The blinds and ill informed leading the crowd, wobbling and fumbling their ways to the grave. Some build financial empires in the name of Churches and ministers with high sounding titles watching their gates and recruiting people of like minds as sales outlets. They source members and more money avenues; preach prosperity and play ‘churchanity,’ just to enrich themselves and sponsors. Is the Church still seeking lost soul or wealth and membership?
In these ugly situations, ministers of God are people saddled with the problems of care, whether spiritual, social and physical. Daily they take up challenges of providing these cares and needs. They also face the challenge of trusting God even when they feel less of Him. They pray continuously for the people and against such unhealthy situations yet they persist as if the Lord has not heard or answered. They fast and agonize before God, striving to twist His hand for intervention. Sometimes ministers and/ or families are being attacked by satanic agents in the process and they begin to wonder where God is in all these? They also face the challenge of being betrayed by those who they have trusted as co-partners and have served faithfully. They face the problems of running their ministries and not ignoring their household responsibilities – being a good husband and caring father before being a great pastor. Ministers also face the problems of discouragement and depressions; thought of failure in the midst of competition and meeting their monthly bills especially when the income is lean.
Ministers could face the problems of growing their ministries and keeping themselves afloat trying to meet the demands of their high money givers, caring little how they fetch their monies. Some are battered by unfavorable result as they try to compare themselves with other ministries, as if they are in a rat race. Worst still others compare themselves with fallen World Street corporate firms and dabble into doing whatever brings money, compromising Christian standards as well preaching another gospel. Unfortunately, there is no ground for comparison. We already know that our lives do not belong to us and we just obey without knowing the outcome. Many have mistaken godliness to financial gain and thus contentment.
Being a Christian does not mean we deserve the best things in life and we can claim financial blessings in Jesus name and it becomes ours. That’s why when they come preaching financial prosperity they are simply after your pockets. Writing in TODAY on contentment, Kent Van Til opined, “God does not promise we will be full of anything but the Holy Spirit……… But fullness of life is not measured in goods; it is valued in immeasurable grace.” Most fathers of faith lived their lives trusting God even when it did not make natural sense. They stood by the Word of God for power and anointing but today ministers depend on money for power and gain. The reason many float churches and ministries at will as a source of grabbing the hard earned from the pockets of the vulnerable worshippers.
Ministers may be saddened and bothered by the death in their families or families of faith yet they are expected to rise up, encourage and support members going through pains and struggles of life. It’s believed that since they are God’s servants and collect tithes and offerings in every worship service, they live in plenty and never suffer lack. It does not matter even when the weekly income cannot absorb the various bills to be paid to remain a float. Their congregations look forward to them for encouragement and support even when they are saddled by greater burden and heavier loads. Yes they might not be where they want to be but certainly they are not where they used to be. They should not allow few backfires to pollute their hearts and weaken their faith and desires. The biggest challenge before ministers of God is to arise and shine even in the midst of distracting pressures of life; remain humble and forsake backbiting, pet jalousies and being judgmental. They should stay focus and keep their eyes on the Compass; keep their confession strong even when what they see does not support their hope evidence. It could be all they need is as little as fold palm that Elijah saw, held unto and put his faith out to it that His word is true and cannot fail. Brethren, believe me, the Light comes in the turnel…
Now that the light comes, the glory of the Lord will shine on God’s people while other nations will be covered with darkness. People from far and wide shall be drawn to the light. Young people who had migrated to other lands for greener pastures shall return home for good. Wealth and riches of other nations would be brought to them. Foreigners shall build their walls and their kings shall serve them. Sheep of other lands will be brought to them as sacrificial lamb. People will proclaim the Good News of what the Lord has done. The Lord’s mercies shall be shone in abundance and favor shall follow it. Jerusalem shall no longer be forsaken, hated or despised. Violence shall stop and no more wars or terrors. Then rulers shall rule in righteousness. Their days of grief will come to an end. No longer shall the sun be their light in the day or the moon their light by night. The Lord shall become their Everlasting Light more lasting than the sun and moon. People will live in God’s fear, peace and righteousness.
There is Good News for servants of God – your Light has come. It does not depend on what you see or have been through. This is the season you have been waiting for. The Lord came down on top of Mount Sinai and called Moses to the top of the mountain [Exodus 19:20]. An angel appeared to Zachariah while ministering in the Altar of incense [Luke 1:11]. This season Jesus of Nazareth is passing by and like blind Bartaemus, we should position ourselves to cry out even when we could not see. Similarly, Mary learnt that the Master had come, she rose and ran to meet Him leaving behind mourners and comforters and reached out speedily to the Light and Life [John 11:28, 29, 33]. We cannot afford to relax on the same level we have been. Arise and challenge the impossible [Luke 18:27]. Arise beyond the pressures of Egypt. Arise amidst all the unbelief and fears. God’s power and promise swallow up all fears.
Ministers should arise and go fast beyond the critical attitude of unbelieving unbelievers; above petty jealousies and selfish human nature. Arise beyond the sight of tall walled cities and giants; the level of unnecessary suspicion of baby believers. Arise above rebellion by way of self-pride that is most troublesome area for most ministers. We must learn to submit ourselves to one another and sharpen each other; comfort one another with these words, the death in Christ shall rise first [2 Timothy 4:8].
Anticipating the Lord coming, Apostle Paul urged Timothy and all believers: preach the word, be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage with great patience and careful instruction. Endure hardship and discharge all the duties of the ministry. It implies to be consistent and unswerving even through difficulties; never fail to present the gospel [1 timothy 6:13-15]. We shall look forward to the day we all shall worship the King and all the earth will submit to Him [Philippians 2:10-11]. Again Paul writes, strengthened in your hearts to be blameless and holy in the presence of God, the Father when Jesus come [1 Thessalonians 3:13]. Live in godliness in this age, looking forward to His appearance. He will redeem and purify His people. Be strong and boldly passionate living for Christ and His kingdom [Titus 2:11-13]. Blessed are those servants whom the Lord when He comes shall find watching [Luke 12:37]; not playing Church in cheerful deceit. Remembering someday in glory, Christ shall hand in a crown for those who want His appearance [2 Timothy 4:8]; not forgetting that judgment shall start in the church. Let this Light dispel your darkness and you live in transparency.