An Evangelist and what he does do

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                               An Evangelist and what he does?

One day a friend invited me to pray for her sick relation. As I entered into their home, she introduced me as an Evangelist. The sick man’s wife’s countenance changed and she murmured, “Who is this one! Why do you bring Pastor’s Assistant? In her mind, she wanted a Pastor not a Church Errand boy. However, I overlooked the distraction and went ahead to pray after a short reflection on a bible passage. After prayers she asked, do you say you’re not a Pastor? In another instance, I was about leaving after preaching in a Church program, and a man asked me, Pastor, which is your Church? I replied, I am an Evangelist and I have no Church. He said I like your preaching; you preach like a pastor. At an African store, I handed a copy of Discipleship Digest to someone. He flipped it and asked: Do you have a Church or just write in the papers? What does an Evangelist do? How are you paid? Among African people who covert the title of a pastor and those of authordoxChurch’s background who for lack of knowledge treat the office of an Evangelist as a Church errand boy, this articles comes to inform you.

An Evangelist is an announcer, bringer of good news or proclaimer of the Gospel (Isaiah 52:7; Nahum 1:15).  A person dedicated to the ministry of teaching and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. The word Evangelist comes from Greek words: evangelizo, evangelion and evaggelistes which means a messenger of good news and preacher of the gospel; one that brings good tidings; shows the glad tidings and addresses or declares the gospel. Another word, Minister is derived from diakones (Greek) meaning a general servant or helper. Also the Greek word kerusso means Preacher, one who herald for the king; proclaims the King’s message to be listened to and obeyed; to publish, to proclaim publicly the gospel and matter pertaining to it. He speaks expressively or lends a voice in matters concerning God’s kingdom and social freedom and justice. Unlike a Pastor, an Evangelist does not lead a flock or oversee a Church, though he may work closely with local Church(s). The bible assigns the work of overseer of the Church to Church Elders – Teaching and Ruling; both must be ordained into office. (1 Peter 5:1-5). It must however be noted that in the New Testament all Christians are royal priests; should study and understand God’s will for themselves and offer up their spiritual sacrifices (1 Peter 2:5; Hebrews 13:15). The Lord Jesus Christ alone is the High Priest and mediator between us and God (1 Timothy 2:5).

The Theological Dictionary of New Testament describes an Evangelist as the one who proclaims the glad tidings. Invariably, anyone who brings good news to another is an evangelizer. In obedience to the commands of The Great Commission, every born again child of God must evangelize. God is the original Evangelist who sent out people and angels to declare the good news about what His son Jesus Christ would do for humanity (Acts 10:34-36; Gal 3:8; Rev 10:7). Angels announced good news to the shepherds, Zachariah, Virgin Mary, etc (Luke 1:12ff, 2:10-11, 31-33). Jesus Christ is the greatest Soul-winner and consummate Evangelist who went about spreading the good news of God’s kingdom with full authority and healing power and manifestation accompanying the evangelical messages as well as taught others to do the same (Luke 4:17-21, 8:1; Matt.28:19-20; Matt 10; Luke 10). In Jesus’ days, under severe persecution, all Christians, Apostles and disciples continued to evangelize (Luke 9:1-6; Acts 8:1-4). In Ephesians 4:11, the fivefold ministries – Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher had specific duties and callings including Deacons and Elders were all evangelist by means of their teaching ministries. Philip one of the seven deacons (Acts 6:5-6) was the only one publicly named an evangelist (Acts 21:8) in the bible. The writers of the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) were later known as evangelists.

You can be Pastor/ Evangelist, Elder/ Evangelist or Deacon/ Evangelist, etc. The underlying determinant is having the passion and zeal, responsibility and motivation to proclaim God’s words to the lost and dying world that so badly needs the good news and gospel (Jere.18:7-10). An Evangelist/ Preacher must not only be properly motivated but must diligently perform his work as directed in God’s words even when the audience are reluctant to hear the truth. (2 Tim. 4:1-5). Except one is ready to bear the burden, responsibility and even persecution for speaking the word of God unadulterately, thereby fulfilling your ministry (2 Tim 2:1-5), one should resist or stay away from that work. Just like John the Baptist was imprisoned and later beheaded for speaking the truth to Herod, the King; it was unlawful to have your brother’s wife (Matt. 14:1ff), you will be lied against, called names, ridiculed and imprisoned and murdered for the sake of the gospel. If you preach against Church heresy and hypocrisies, as well as misguided prosperity doctrines you will for sure be stigmatized, demonized and hated and cursed by Church leaders.

The work of an Evangelist:

Apostle Paul admonishes his young son, Timothy, to “be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an Evangelist, fulfill your ministry” (2 Tim. 4:5). Doing the work of an Evangelist could be derived from the book of Ezra 7:10 – “For Ezra had set his heart to study the law of the Lord, and to do it and to teach His status and ordinances in Israel.” This is an excellent description in summary of the work of a preacher:

i)                    Study & meditate the Law of the Lord. Apostle Paul instructed Timothy to, “Give attendance to reading” (1 Tim. 4:13). Also, “Diligently study to show yourself approved to God as a workman that does not need to be ashamed; handling accurately the word of truth (2 Tim.2:15, 3:15-17). Also in 2 Tim. 4:2, correct false beliefs that are contrary to the word of God.

ii)                  Practice the law of the Lord. Strive to apply the truth of the word of God and live by them. Apostle Paul instructs Timothy to show himself, “an example of those who believe” (1 Tim. 4:12).

iii)                Preach the word (2 Tim 4:2). Preach and teach His status and ordinance to the spiritual house of Israel. Apostle Paul also instructs Timothy, to teach the doctrine of the Christian faith (1 Tim 4:6). He proclaims and commands God’s will and by speaking as the oracles of God (1 Peter 4:11). A preacher’s words bind people because they are God’s words, carrying God’s authority (not the preacher’s).

iv)                Others:  i) Spread the gospel to their community or other areas outside of your community and in some cases abroad, speak in conferences and Church’s crusade in targeted areas. An Evangelist could help in establishing new Churches and disciple new believers in places where no Churches have been found yet.

ii) Involves in the work of local church in equipping the saints and building the body of Christ. Also he could work for national and international organizations. He travels “goes” to them whether across the room or across the city or world and spread the good news. Pray for God’s miracles; baptize people who believe and make “follow ups” for the new converts.

In our contemporary society, many church denominations have shunned evangelist for several reasons and have dropped the title of an evangelist for a term like church planter, church growth experts, and missionaries as well as musical artists, etc. Those who dare give them a place induct people into this office for want of appropriate title and to use them as Church errand mates; who handle all the miscellaneous functions of the church. This biblical term is reserved for a few of many God gifted servant such as Billy Graham, Greg Laurie, etc who have geared towards winning souls and equipping and motivating the Church. In this era, we have evangelist trying to pastor local churches and pastors who travel to evangelize. These actions confuse and frustrate the saints and may cause unfruitfulness in the work of the kingdom. Some evangelist like pastors have given God’s kingdom bad names or raised dusts in the actions or comments but the vital roles should not be over emphasized. It could be sensed by the moral decline of our society, civilization turned away from God, prayers and bible kicked out from public schools, and dirty exploitation based on wrong teachings in the Church and heresy, and discipleship deficit, etc.

            The harvest is still plentiful and the workers are few. We need to seek God and identify those He has chosen for the purpose of spiritual harvest; train and position for the work of winning souls and edifying the church. They are “sales force” for the good news. They communicate clearly and persuade those without Christ to confront their need for the Savior. An Evangelist who are worth of the cross and calling must be willingly serve as guardians of the gospel in the twenty-one century are to live a righteous life and love Christ and the Church enough to become reapers in the harvest. The Church in various ways must actively identify, train, affirm and support gifted evangelist. The church most times derail in her teachings and doctrines but the evangelists prune her and challenging wrong misconceptions and teachings and indulgences. He must be teaching sound doctrine and refuting false teachings.

             Evangelism does not consist of speaking and preaching alone, it proclaims the gospel with full authority and power; rightly using God’s authority through His word and Holy Spirit. It creates a healthy state where bodily disorders are healed and man’s relations to God set right and restored.  It transcends history and scope of historical justice and judgment’ I mean only narratives and saying concerning Jesus Christ to every Christian but it relates to humanity and proves itself power of God to salvation for all who believes (Rom.1:16). The gospel is God’s declaration unto men; it demands decision and imposes obedience. Even though spoken by men, it’s not empty words but power of God and brings to pass what it says because God’s Spirit is the author.

Joy is regained where the word is spoken with anointing from high and provokes and creates faith and imparts peace; effects regeneration and gives new life, brand new person and new relationship with the Lord. The heart of the message of an evangelist is God’s love towards mankind; it convicts and not condemns and responds to sins in God’s way. God loves mankind but hates sin. The gospel brings judgment and grace to a meeting point; sin faces judgment and judgment destroys sin because the grace of God is in the court room. This is the salvation history and story. Filled with compassion at the pitiful plight of mankind, a preacher finds every opportunity to declare the gospel that pricks people’s heart and brings deliverance to anyone who hears and believes. He doesn’t know who until the word is spoken in love and truth. God is the cook and we’re servers only.

Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill or P.O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272. Cell: 832-881-3929

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