Brethren, October is my birth month and am excited to announce to you good news. “Your season of laughter has come; it’s a turnaround season. It does not matter what you’re presently going through or had been through.” Your weeping season is expired and mourning season ceased. You’re ready to laugh and dance. God has kept me laughing. He has given me amazing life, supporting family, great ministry and unflinching helpers. The song writer wrote, ‘I can see everything is turning around, everything is turning around, [twice] in my favor.’ “Also Master Jesus, you’re the Pillar that holds my life.” God has turned my labor into favor and my mistakes into miracles. This incredible God deserves an incredible praise and worship.  Brethren join me to shout seven thunderous hallelujah to the Lord. Say to Satan shame to you; you’re a lair. Sometimes it may not look like you’re blessed. Just pause a minute and take time to ponder, consider and count your blessings. It will surprise you who this great and glorious God is and what amazing things He has done. I declare: You shall laugh again by forced whether your enemies like it or not; laughter shall not cease in your life in Jesus name.  It has just started.  Believe it to happen.

The God who made Abraham and Sarah to laugh shall make you laugh. It does not matter how long it has been delayed; the Lord, shall do it in your life, family and ministry. Your response shall make men who laughed at you, to laugh with you.  Those who mocked at you shall come to celebrate with you. As a matter of fact, they shall announce your promotion. May the Lord, the Most High [Psalm 7:7], therefore dismantle any strange images or forces competing for your glory and pull down every stronghold trying to steal away your laughter. Your word says, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord deliver him out of them all” [Psalm 34:19]. …He will make an utter end; for affliction shall not rise the second time [Nahum 1:9b]. For surely there is an end; and their expectation shall not be cut off [Pro. 23:18]. I prophesizes to you this day, in this season, that every trial you are allowed to pass through will end with Isaac [laughter]. Your life shall not end in pains or shame. God has put laughter in your mouth that demons can’t take away.

In Genesis 18:1-14 God appeared to Abraham while he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day, still wondering, yet expecting possibilities and turned his expectation into reality. He pondered, would this great God call me out from my comfort zone in vain and would not honor His word? He must have said I shall not be depressed as a looser, weeping, murmuring, complaining and hopelessly losing my focus and direction. Just like the Psalmist, He prayed and cried unto the Lord saying, “Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King and my God; for unto you I pray.  My voice shall thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayers unto thee and will look up” [Psalm 5:2-3]. He must have lifted up his eyes, looking and expecting for answers. Behold he saw before him three men standing under the sacred trees of Mamre.  What do you see in your inner mind, when you lift up your eyes –Jesus or man, possibilities or failures? When you sit in the pew in worship, kneel before your Creator in total resignation, what do you see – Jesus or mammon, health or wealth? Your strength is not in money or breakthrough; not in prosperity or wealth.  Your strength is in the joy of the Lord which is in you even when the world around you is falling apart. Make no mistake: God is not against us having money. He’s against money having us.

Abraham saw three men! Three is a number for Trinity – representing God the Father, God the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit [1 John 5:7]. God, the Father gave Abraham a revelation spirit to see things in the supernatural. Abraham ran out, met them at the door of his tent; bowed down and worship them. He said to them, if you have found favor in my sight, please stop by and get refreshed. Let me bring you some water to wash your feet after a long trip here; thereafter, you will have some rest beneath this tree and I will fetch you some delicious food to eat and nourish your body and comfort your heart; give you strength to continue the trip.

They accepted his invitation. He hurried into the tent and asked Sarah, his wife to prepare a delicious meal of flour and bread. He then ran to the herd and picked a fat and tender good looking calf; gave it to his servant to slotted and make ready. Abraham fetched some butter [cream], some milk and meat; set before themNote, it took the support of Sarah, his dear wife (not a knife) and servant to prepared, and host these august visitors. Could this happen in today’s free world society where the authority of marriage and headship is undermined. Could a husband just walk into a house and ask the wife to prepare a meal for unplanned guests? This is a matter for the church and Christian community to gabble with. It’s also concerns our cultural communities in the midst of the challenges facing marriages in western and contemporary society. The visitors ate the well – prepared meal and were satisfied. They turned around and asked Abraham: Where’s your wife? Abraham responded, she is in the tent. And one of them said to Abraham, “Nine months from now, I will come back and your wife Sarah will have a son.” Pause a minute! What prompted the visitors’ uncommon announcement? Sumptuous meal or what? Prov. 18:16 – a good gift makes a way for the giver.

Invariably, God fulfilled His promise and put laughter (meaning Isaac) in their mouths that nothing can take away (Gen 21:1-4). This proves that God’s delay is neither denial nor refusal. His delay only challenges us to keep trusting Him even when the evidence or the outcome to us is still not feasible. Your life is a miracle waiting to happen; you are work in progress and unstoppable. Your best days are still ahead. Don’t quit, just keep holding!!

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