Literally, the word rebel has been defined as to break away from or resist or flagrantly disobey a recognized constituted authority; refuse allegiance to or subjection to any authority, control or tradition. It could mean to reject, repulse or rise in arms against one’s government or to feel utter offensive and distasteful; utter disgust or abhorrence or revolt against parental authority. Also it’s an expression or movement of spirited protest or dissent from an accepted moral code or convention of behavior or attire. It could also be described as insurgent, to wage war against whatever has been putting you down: afflictions, depression, self-pity, failures, self-comparism, procrastination, self condemnation and strangulation and stagnation of any kind, etc.

The book of Genesis Chapter 14 verse 4 reads, “Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer and his allies but in the thirteenth year, they rebelled.” Verses 1-4 tell the story like this: About a set time, four kings: Amraphel of Babylonia, Arioh of Ellasar, Chedoriaomer of Elam and Tidals of Goiim went into alliance and went to war against five other kings: Bera of Sodom, Birsha of Gomorrah, Shinab of Admah, Shemeber of Zebolim and King Bela (that is Zoar). These five kings lost the battle to king Chedoriaomer and his allies whom they served and pay taxes to for twelve years but on the thirteenth year, they rebelled (revolted). These five kings came together and joined forces in SiddimValley, which is now covered by the southern part of the Dead Sea (or SaltSea).  For twelve years the five kings, their nations and people were ruled by four kings; they served as slaves, lost their freedom and were subject to critical management. In their thirteenth year of servitude, the kings of the nations rebelled.

This word, rebel is commonly used negatively. Worst still, in the book of 1 Samuel 15:23, God compares rebellion with the terrible sins of witchcraft and sorcery. Another version (CEV) put it this way, “Rebellion against God or disobeying Him because you’re proud is just as bad as worshipping idols or asking them for advice…” King Saul disobeyed God, so He rejected him as a king. God does not take it kindly when people He loves, reject His commands. Little surprised God says, He delights to bring His people into the land that flows with milk and honey, only if they do not rebel against Him or live in fear of the people of the land (Numbers 14:8-9). The first question is: what and who do you rebel against? Rebellion against God and His precepts is a terrible sin (Dan. 9:5-6; Ps. 78:56-59); consequence is divine chastisement (Is.1:20; 1Cor.10:1-12).

The second is: what is witchcraft that God compares with rebellion? “Literally, “Witchcraft has been described as an umbrella term used to describe any set of beliefs that teach the use of magical powers, herb-lore, spirit invocation/evocation, as well as the use of divination.” Simply put, this is idolatry, control by evil spirit; God forbids divination and soothsaying (Lev.19:26; Acts 16:16). The whole concept of Christian belief is to submit to God and rebel against Satan, his devices and manipulations (James 4:6-7). In verse 7, James gave two commands: first, to submit to God, meaning to abandon all our selfish pride, put faith in Him alone and trust in the truth of God’s word. Second, we must resist or rebel against the devil, his schemes and his options. Satan will have no choice than to flee, for we belong not to him but to the army of the Living God.

There is a stage of rebellion in young people that they get to, they begin to discover themselves, question who they are or what they want to be, that would mould their character; they begin to challenge some status quo, rules, regulations that do not make sense to them or attempt to restrain them from achieving their potentials. Sometimes they are seen and labeled stubborn and rebellious.  However, rebellion also has positive dimension. For example: when one rebels against character flaws or indecencies and immoralities as in the story told here. One afternoon, I just flipped and switched onto one of the African Television Channels and behold, it was casting a movie about a father who had slept and made love to her only daughter when she was a minor or an adolescent. It was alleged that her father murdered her mother (his wife) in a cold blood when the daughter was still an infant but little did the father know the daughter had knowledge of the havoc he committed. Her father kept brainwashing the little girl that he loved her more than anyone on earth. This unholy act continued until the young girl grew up and got to know it was abnormal and to say the least, an abomination.

The father’s behavior was nerve wracking and repulsive to the young daughter. The girl was bold enough to resist and rebel against the father’s manipulations, cheerful deceits and immorality. She told the father, “The game is now up; that time has expired. You did it when I was ignorant and naïve; you cannot do it again” (1 Cor. 13:11). When the father threatened her, she replied to her father, “You may want to kill me the way you murdered my mom and left her in a pool of blood.” The father was shocked in disbelief. The father tried many devious means; even sneaking into her room to sneer her but the daughter rebelled against her father’s absurdity and abuse. She pulled a knife and threatened to stab her father if he ventured to touch her. Whatever you resist or rebel against will flee from you; so did her father. The daughter did not fail in telling her father that he was sick and needed help or counseling….call it deliverance!

Twelve (12) years may look like nothing; but it’s 144 months and about 4380 days. Twelve represents the government of God, completion like in the months of the year and tribe of Israel. By serving your enemies 12 years you have completed the circle and years of servitude. Have you asked what is it that had held you captive for years? Could it be behavioral, such as indulgences in: drunkenness, smoking or womanizing? There are things young people should watch and beware as they face life: Weed, Wine, and Women (3 W’s). It could rest on morality such as: gains, greed, ego and covetousness, pride etc. Psychological draw backs include: depression, laziness, failures, lies and deceits of all kinds, lateness, ingratitude and un-forgiveness. These days many Christians are becoming aware that our warfare is not carnal (flesh) but spiritual (2 Cor. 10:4) and we battle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places” (Ephesians. 6:12). These are weights, shackles and bondages that pull us down from our efforts to move forward and live the full potentials that God preplanned for our lives.

The bible tells another story of the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.  He stopped at Bethphage near the Mount of Olives. Jesus sent two of His disciples to go into the nearby opposite village and untie a colt and donkey that has never been sat on or used and bring it for the Master’s use: the Lord has need of them (Matthew 21:1ff; Mark 11:1ff). For many years these animals were chained down in bondage. They could neither move about nor live their life in full potentials. But one day, Jesus showed up; He who came to save and deliver those held in bondage was passing by and instructed that the animals be released. These animals lived their lives in chains occasioned by human beings but God who created them had a life of freedom and fulfillment in their plans.  These animals could represent human beings who had been chained down for years and retrained from living to their full potentials. They live like dead people, moving corpse and living life dictated by other people, other gods and spirit and do not fulfill their purposes.

The year 2013, is a set time to say enough is enough; resist Satan and his schemes. It’s a year to discover and recover that which had demoted, caged and imprisoned you for so long a time. It requires aggressive actions to reverse, unchain and liberate yourself from satanic hostages. Satan does not easily give up. If he cannot stop you from moving forward, he will make you feel comfortable where you’re.  You have to wake up and rebel against whatever thing, behavior, people that had held you captive, relabeled you and demonize you; say evil things and spread false rumors to tarnish your image. You have to break loose from every inherited evil covenant, inherited bondage and evil curses; renounce any evil dedication placed upon you, revoke every foundational evil seed, incantation, divination and enchantment fashioned against your destiny, in the past, present and for the future.  You have to cut off from every evil padlock and evil chain hindering your spiritual growth; reject any demonic limitation on your progress and spirit of non-achievement on your life. Break the yokes of backwardness, the spirit of laziness, strangulation, depression, procrastination, self defeat and feeling of worthlessness, etc. Realize that your biggest enemy is the person you see in the mirror – yourself; when you do nothing about your flaws and drawbacks.

Our weapons of warfare are: the Name of Jesus, the Blood of the Lamb and our words of testimony (John14:13, 14; Rev. 12:10, 11; 1 John.4:15). It starts with confessing your sins (known and unknown). Believe God has forgiven you and forgive yourself (Heb.1:3, 4:14; 1 John. 1:9). Accept Jesus as the Savior and Lord of your life (2 Cor. 5:17; Rom.8:1; Rom. 10:8, 9). Renew your faith in the Lord and in His power to heal and deliver you in every situation. Plead the mercies of God on yourself. The best way Apostle James admonishes to resist or rebel against the devil is to submit to God. You resolve to fall in love with Jesus again and again; for whosoever abides in Christ does not sin (1 John.3:5, 6). The love of God is to obey and keep His commandments…. (1John. 5:3). When you do this faith that overcomes the world overtakes us.

As a combatant soldier you have to subdue before you can have dominion. Begin the year 2013 with Jesus, the Deliverer and Yoke breaker and you will experience uncommon break throughs. You will enjoy divine favor, divine connections and all round victory. Then every death contractor will kill self, negativity will become positive, refuge of sickness destroyed, internal disorder will receive divine order and God will arise and give you a turn around miracles. Enjoy a spirit filled life of victory and fruitfulness in 2013. Happy New Year to you and loved ones, wonderful readers!!!


Reach: Evangelist/Elder Ogbonnaya, Godswill at email: or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272; Web:; Call: 8328813929 (Cell).




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