WOMEN’S LOVE AND CARE

So many things are happening around our world; some odd and ugly; others are wonderful and pleasant but the bad ones make the News we hear and wonder. Many people are questioning the validity or the truth of the word of God. Some people doubt whether God really exist? Would God fold His hands and watch His creation got into ruins?  The values we once held prime are now rationalized; anyone trying to raise a voice against these ills is considered insensitive.  Many hearts are troubled and great numbers of troubled hearts are failing. There are delayed expectations and doubts whether God really answers prayers or cares for His own.  We are in a failed state: no jobs, unstable economy, immoralities increasing, crime rate hit the roof, poor health prophesies and discouraging economic news. In the midst of these personal and societal failures, the Churches are busy preaching money prosperity which lacks impact on the broken society. The Church seems as broken as the society in which they exist and crying, “I’m broken too, please, Lord, fix me.”

There are anxieties and worries, insecurities and fears everywhere. These ills reveal lack of faith and trust in God. We live in wealth driven society and concern ourselves with earthly treasures – what to eat, what to wear and how to amass riches. We depend on our spouses, family members and friends as well as earthly institutions to solve our problems while God says, “cast your burden on the Me” and “invest your treasures in heaven.” You cannot love the world and have stable emotions. Our women are concerned on how to better the society they live in for themselves, families as well as loved ones. These concerns have turned many women to seeking the Lord. Like Mary Magdalene, some have experienced Jesus touch and compassion on their lives, grabbed Him passionately and would not let go, no matter what life’s situation they find themselves. Historically, a woman was made from the finished product of a man. The bible reveals that a woman was created with just one bone from a man’s rib and that perhaps explains why she has so much volume in her; stores minute details than men. When they love you, they love to pain and death; have soft spot for the one they love and sacrifice their comfort to show it. Jesus resurrection story can not be complete without mention on the very crucial role women played.

During the morning watch, on the resurrection day, the two women who were burdened by the death of Jesus woke up and visited the tomb. Even at His death these women were caring for Him. They brought with them spices they prepared to anoint His body. The worst eminent dangers in history existed and risk, fierceness of the Jewish soldiers and the pandemonium occasioned by Jesus cruel crucifixion on the cross did not deter the women. The morning is the beginning of the new day, new week, new dawn and new life. It’s not only for human beings but for angels and demons. Whatever is planned in the night, they go out early in the morning to execute them. Workers [farmers, traders, public and private employees] wake up early and go to work. They work and look unto God for yield and wages. After the burial, only loved ones go back to the tomb; when every other person had gone, only the deepest lovers and closed relations stay close. These two women were willing to stake their lives for Jesus.

These women had only one fear: who will help roll away the stone at the tomb so that they could minister to Jesus. Jesus tomb like the ancient tomb was covered by heavy stone(s), governor’s seal on the grave and additional sentinel soldiers provided tight security; following Jesus prediction that He will rise on the third day. The stone separates deadness in the tomb and life outside. The Acts of the Apostles records that death could not hold Jesus captive in the grave. To actualize that decision of the throne of heaven, in the fullness of time, God sent just one angel to roll away the tomb. He pulled aside the stone that covered the tomb and sat on it. The power of heaven has authority over the earth. Most of the things human beings worry about never happens. God has power over every life, death, situations and circumstances of life; whether it’s sickness or attacks of demonic wickedness whether on earth or in heaven. Every thing that God allows to die: every dead person, dead situation and dead relationship must obey the direction of divine council of heaven. By sitting on the stone, the angel subdued or had perfect control and had dominion over it. It also overcame the power of death and any other associated ugly situation of life. Preceding the angel’s assignment was a great earthquake evidencing something unusual, tremendous and catastrophic has happened.  The works of Satan was destroyed and an ambush of the kingdom of hell foiled. God has rolled away every spirit and power of death and Christ is risen to reign for ever. He’s not here, He’s risen, hallelujah. “Men are the works of God’s hand and can’t prevail against God, their creator. “When the pangs of death surrounded me and the flood of ungodliness made me fear. At the sight of the angel from the throne of heaven, the guards were frozen and shocked with fear like dead men.

These women went into the opened tomb and did not find the body of Jesus; they were afraid (second fear). The angel said to them, “You’re seeking the living among the dead. He’s not here, but is risen. What has happened was beyond human device and comprehension; the power of heaven was responsible for that uncommon singled event in history. Do not be afraid: the king of glory heals one whose medical reports have declared incurable; when God turns a village drunk into a local Evangelist and when the powers of heaven subdue the works of iniquities. God disappoints the devices of the crafty so their hands could not perform their enterprise (Job 5:12). Jesus is risen!!! The good news is for all people regardless of their color, race and circumstances; no matter how screwy their lives have been, God has taken away the pangs of death and restore your health. Jesus resurrection brought total recovery, restoration and reconciliation in completion.

Women were prominent in the ministry of Jesus. He was born of a woman and had numerous interactions with women and was seen first by women after his resurrection. Many women in the scriptures not only benefited personally from Jesus ministry but ministered to Him and accompanied Him and His disciples on evangelical missions. Prominent among them was Mary Magdalene whom He delivered of seven demons. She happened to be the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet with an expensive perfume. The same Mary with her sister, Martha had friction on how best to serve Jesus. While Martha prepared the meal Mary sat at Jesus feet hearing His word. Today many women still care about the tables at the expense of worship and the word of God. Many women whose situation subjected to ridicule found liberty in Christ. Even today so many women are attracted to Jesus ministry, some in desperation and others in servant hood.

The scriptures contain some women who knew Jesus, trusted Him and loved Him as well as served Him. The Ministry of Jesus continued by His disciples after He had ascended into heaven. Dorcas was full of good works and alms deeds. Her Love for Jesus was actualized in concrete service (Acts 9:39-43). Rhoda was the young door attendant at a Fellowship Prayer meeting for Apostle Peter’s release in prison (Acts 12:13-16). Apostle Paul called Phoebe, our sister and a minister of the Church in Cenchrea. He urged the Church to receive her as a saint and assist in whatever way she had need of them. She was a helper of many including me, Paul (Rom. 16:1ff). Even today in our homes and Churches women still care and are of good service.

Even in this era and world, women still love, care and protect the men in their lives (Jere. 31:22). They work hard and provide for their families and care for their husbands and beloved children. Some of them have respectfully and diligently lifted their husbands out of pit of shame and justified the proverbial saying that a man’s greatest treasure is his wife; she is a gift from God (Pro.18:22). Again, a woman’s family is held together by her wisdom (Pro.14:1). A good woman is the most precious treasure a man can find! Her man depends on her and she never lets him down. She is good to him every day of her life (Pro 31:10-12). A helpful woman is a jewel (crowning joy) to her man (Pro.12:4); her husband is well respected and known at the city gates because of the clothes she made for him. She is strong, graceful and secure, rejoicing about the future. She speaks sensibly and respectful; her advice is thoughtful and takes good care of her family and never lazy (vs 23-27). Charm is deceitful, beauty fades away, but a woman who honors the Lord deserves praised (Pro. 31:30). I wish all our women of honor, Happy Mother’s day.


Reach: Evangelist/Elder Ogbonnaya, Godswill at email: weefreeministries@yahoo.com or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272; Web: www.weefreeministries.org; Call: 8328813929 (Cell).



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