When one become a Christian

A Christian should be Christ-like.


When people who are saved come together in worship, they experience the fullness of God’s presence. These Saints of God, just forgiven and saved by grace are individually indwelt by the Spirit; meet in worship and praise, for instructions, encouragement and service, God’s shows up in a very unusual and amazing way. As they worship in Spirit and truth, hear the gospel unadulterated and undivided proclaimed, they grow in Spirit, dwell in Spirit, manifest Spiritual gift and proclaim the word with boldness.  They become messengers of God that the Church sent out to reach the world. These ambassadors go out with wonderful messages of God’s love and compassion in their mouths and actions. They speak in faith, with boldness and power and demonstrate the risen power of Jesus Christ. It’s such messages of the gospel that arrest and turn around drug addicts, homosexuals, sex offenders and the self righteous to see the light of the gospel and the love of Jesus. These people who are lost just as members of the church once were are attracted by the compassion they experienced to the Church.

These experiences should not be likened to an invitation to come and buy that may turn out different at the cashier’s table [actual payment point]. It should not be the same with the fast food products that looks magnified on advert only to find out when you have paid and received order that it was simply a photo trick [an invitation to buy]. It’s therefore one thing to be invited to a worship service or fellowship meeting but another for the person to feel the love and warmth inside. Sometimes the warmth may be there but exclusive; not made accessible to the visitors. It could be a cultural thing that the visitor may not yet be conversant with, so he/she feels uncomfortable or perhaps alienated. Little wonder, in most Churches a reserved attention is given to visitors and new members fellowship/meeting organized to introduce and acquaint them with proceedings in the Church.  

As these folks join the gathering of saints, the Church grows. These converts becomes members of the Church, enjoy exciting worship and praise, bible study and prayer fellowship. They are trained, groomed and mentored to become stewards and His witnesses; sent out to speak for Christ and win souls for Him. If you have found warmth and joyful fellowship in a particular meeting, you will be challenged to go out to where you were drawn from and tell those folks the good news. When the four lepers found something good at the camp of the enemies, they enjoyed it and went out to invite others who were also hungry and in need [2 Kings 7:3ff]. On the same token, when Andrew found Christ, spent time with Him and convinced He was  the Messiah, He reached out to his brother Simon, whom Jesus named Peter [John 1:35-42]. You cannot introduced to another what you have not been convinced exist; that wouldn’t even be considered a commercial sales. Everyone became a Christian by the testimony, persuasion or message of another person: be it from the pulpit, on radio or television; gospel exposition in books, bible or tracts.

The disciples were called Christians because they were like Christ Jesus. He rose from death and became a person in Spirit. If you receive Jesus into your heart and give Him your life, He will give you His life and you will live the life that Jesus lived. When you become born again and have invited Jesus into your life, He comes into your soul and spirit, so that He can live in and through you; in doing that, He reveals Himself to others through you. On conversion Jesus did not enter your life only to take away sin but also give you the Holy Spirit power; through Him you will reveal Christ in you to the world [Acts 2:38]. At this point you have surrendered to Jesus and He now lives in you. You exhibit the life of Christ; His desires become your desires, His compassion becomes His compassion and His vocation, your vocation. Through this process you continue gradually in reforming; find yourself living and doing things that pleases the Lord; that’s no longer your early lifestyle. Indeed this is when you become a Christians – one whom Christ lives in and behave like Christ. You become Jesus representative, co-worker, co-labor and ambassador. You can do what Jesus did: lay hand on the sick, speak the word with boldness and followed by signs and wonders. However, this does not make you a perfect person, since it was your spirit that got born again while your mind and body undergo faces of training and discipline.

It’s the power of the risen Christ in us that heal the sick, cast out demons and speak the word in boldness because we are His co-workers. God had chosen us to show Jesus who died for us to the world as a Savior, Redeemer and the Lord of all. In every place these representatives go, God shows up because He that sent them is with them [John 6:38; 8:28-29]. We are created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do [Ephesians 2: 10]. Whatever Christ came to do is the vocation of those called by His name? There’s no higher calling than to became a Christian worthy of His vocation [Ephesians 4:1]. We should be watching over the word to perform it [Jeremiah 1:12].

Everywhere these people go, they proclaim Christ death; the works of faith are manifested while the compassion that Christ shared is exhibited in words and actions. The kingdom of God and the compassion of Christ are made manifest. In this way God shows up, confirming His words with signs and wonders. Again in such community they exhibit love in action and preserved in faith. The cross of Christ becomes a level ground. It does not matter who owns what; it’s presented for the common good. In this group, titles and chains of degrees are not important, whether you’re rich or poor is not relevant. The level ground is that they are people whom the blood of Christ was shared for; people just forgiven and loved by Christ unconditionally. They also exhibit that same love among them that outsiders were attracted to them. Daily people joined the Church and she grows inside out in love and number; amazing things happen in the power of the Holy Spirit. They have inward drive to go out and witness for Christ; revealing Him to the world.  This is also our vocation. There’s no greater vocation for Christians than to do the work of Christ. We can do the work of Christ only when we become one of His own; be with Him, abide by His word and led by His Spirit.


Reach Ogbonnaya, Godswill at: weefreeministries@yahoo.com or Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.


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