URIAH, A MAN FROM HITTITE

Uriah is a name that means Jehovah is light or Flame of light. He hailed from the city of Hittite and married to Bathsheba, daughter of Eliam, one of the sons of Ahithphel. Uriah was one of King David’s mighty men; a combatant soldier and a foreign mercenary who became Israel’s citizen by naturalization. He got converted to Jehovah, the true God of Heaven and earth and became dedicated to Israel’s God and worshipped and served Him truly; resolved to live and died in and for Him.  Literally, the word “resolve” could mean to reach a decision, firm determination and resolute. It comes from the knowledge of the law and fear of God. The book of 2 Samuel chapter 11 contained the story of Uriah’s resolution, resilience and devotion. The question that this character poses to us is: what is your resolve?

At spring season when kings go to war, King David stayed back in Jerusalem but sent his commander Joab and his soldiers to battle. One evening, King David woke up from a nap and walked out of his bed into and around the flat roof of his palace, enjoying the natural breeze and sight seeing the surroundings of his palace. It just happened that a beautiful and a cute women well built in stature was below the court yard taking her bath. The king’s eyes lust at her and he sent one of his servants to enquire about her. He went and came back to inform the king, “Her name is Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam and wife to Uriah, the Hittite.” The King could not resist the urge and lust after his servant’s wife. He then used his authority as a king and took advantage of Bathsheba while Uriah, her husband was at the war front defending Israel’s freedom. Bathsheba became pregnant and King David in an attempt to cover his flaws and lapses recalled Uriah home from the war front, with a pretence he wanted to obtain some information about the war front (vs. 6).

King David persuaded Uriah to go home and relax; enjoy the comfort of his home and have fun with his wife.  Also a gift from the king was sent after him. Surprisingly, Uriah refused to go home; instead he slept outside at the entrance to the royal court with the king’s guards. King David was informed that Uriah didn’t go home. He sent for Uriah and enquired why He didn’t go home. The King asked, “Haven’t you been away from home for long?” (Vs.7-10). This unwarranted and unexplainable excuse from the war zone did not sound right to Uriah. His response to the king (in 2 Sam. 11:11) can be broken into 6 sections: i). The Ark of God (God presence) was in the field for worship and to seek guidance for the war and the king chose to stay at home and had fun and leisure’s. ii). The Ark of God was at the war zone with the whole army of Israel( covenant). iii). Israel and Judah were out there in tents. iv). My master (commander/leader) Joab was in open field. v). My Lord’s men (fellow soldiers and troops) were out there in the war zone. vi). Do you really think I would go home to eat and dine and sleep with my wife? As surely as you live, I will not do such thing. King David became furious but because of trying to achieve his manipulations, he down played it and asked him to stay in Jerusalem and He will send him back the next day (vs. 11-12).

Uriah’s dedication and devotion to duty superseded King David’s and exposed King David’s lukewarmness and dereliction to duty. Uriah response pricked King David’s mind and conscience. He might have asked: Is this commoner trying to prove more righteous and resilience than I the king?  Uriah answer was telling King David that he put out in the field the Ark of God and the armies of Israel yet he stayed at home committing sin with his servant’s wife who was at war zone fighting for him. What the King did constituted a violation of the law and shamelessly abuse of power. Uriah was indirectly asking King David: You and God of Israel, who is greater? Don’t you dare care and fear God enough that you should put God out in the field while you live in leisure in the palace?

Uriah, a combatant, dedicated soldier and a naturalized Israelite, disobeyed an earthly king for his devotion and loyalty to the God of Israel. Even today in our world, those that were converted from other religion to Christian faith show more commitment, resilience and resolution than those born into Christianity. What is your resolve? How far are you prepared to go for Christ? Do you recognize God as the king of kings? Do you want to be where God’s presence is: Praise worship and enjoy Him? Do you want to be where the Israelites (God’s people) are? Do you forsake the gathering of God’s children: whether in worship service, fellowship meetings or bible studies; night vigil, visitations and evangelism, etc. Are you in the Lord’s army – soldiers for Christ?

As a combatant and loyal soldier, you signed to war and report to your post of assignment and with other colleagues fight to protect and defend the nation of Israel and show the power of Israel’s God. His commander in chief was at the field, as a devoted soldier, he should not be having leisure at home.  Our own commander, the Lord Jesus Christ is saying to us: keep watch, be alert, vigilant, and await His coming. The devil is still roaring and moving about looking for God’s children to devour. As committed soldiers of the Lord, we should be able to defend our faith; have nothing to do with civilian affairs (2 Tim. 2:3-4). God’s command supersedes the power and commands of an earthly king (Acts 5:29). Have you resolved to worship God alone and serve Him even at the cost of your life? Paul wrote, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Christian faith means accepting to believe, live and die in and with Christ. Uriah died in the battle obeying and referencing God than man. The Apostles of Christ all died the same way. What’s your resolve?  Do you deny Christ in the face of fierce battle?

In a political climate such as ours, we rationalize the word of God such as not to be accused of being insensitive or politically incorrect.  Do we resolve to abhor idolatry, abortion, alternative life style?  We swore by the scripture in baptism and in marriage vows to live our lives as prescribed in the bible but soon after we turn to live the opposite according to television broadcast lifestyle and man made constitution. We believed that God instituted marriage and it is to be entered into between a man and a woman. Today in our world, we want to give those living in same sex a right to marry and be happy and disobey God’s command. Which report do we believe: God’s or news, economic, health reports or misgiving religious prophesies?

The laws of God urge us to choose light but we dwell in darkness. The grace demands we should love and forgive one another but we hold malice, grudges and unforgiveness. God forbids idolatry but we covert and worship money (greed), and people; indulged in gains, ego and power and position. Human beings are selfish and self–centered; live in tribalism and racism. We seek power in witchcrafts and marine spirit yet claim to be Christians. We are instructed to give and it will be given unto us for it’s better to give than to receive but we practice receiving and have become give me, give me Christians. God says the man is the head in a family but we practice two leaders in the boat and in most home the woman has overthrown the man because she brings in more bacon than the man. God says do not make graven images but we possess sexual toys, pornography, sexual magazines and masturbate to satisfy our sexual orgies. Anything that is not of faith is sin.

How far are you ready to go for God? If you draw near to God, He will draw nearer to you; submit completely to God and Satan will flee from you and yours. If we must move forward and abide in God, we must remove weights, sins, misgivings, idols and iniquities; unforgiveness and stony hearts of all sorts. Do not listen to the voice of distractions around the world, and among colleagues; be focus and steadfast on what God says than on human rationalization and manipulations. Daniel resolved in his heart he will not eat the king’s delicacies and will not worship man made idols (Dan. 1:8; 6:10, 14, 16, 21).  The three Hebrew Boys resolved they would not worship Images of gold (Dan.3:16-18). What is your resolve?  Is your moderation known or being tugs around by winds of compromises and doctrines?










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