UNTIE AND RELEASE FOR THE LORD’S USE

We live in a world ruled by the enemy. The scripture describes Satan as the ruler: (the prince) of this world (John 12:30), the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2) and the god of this age (2 Corinthians 4:4] as well as the adversary, accuser and evil one. The main duty of Satan is to tempt, accuse and torment, deceive, oppress and ensnare the people of God. The scriptures also say that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). It means as we live in the world, there are spiritual warfare’s that are on-going; whether we believe it or not. These warfare’s may not be physical and many of us tend to be ignorant of the devices of the enemy. They live their lives in a jolly good way as if nothing is happening. They are blind to the spiritual forces in the age we live. Funny enough some do not believe in the existent of demonic forces and the havoc they do to human beings who fail to stand sentinel and gird their loins (1Peter 1:13).

These groups of people do not have, understand or believe in discerning spirit but simply embrace the flesh (physical) and medical opinions. They do not understand that Satan wants people to believe that he does not exist or is not harmful to those who do not engage in spiritual warfare. These people do not think that they are vulnerable and mentally deficient – something is wrong with them. “The natural person receives not the things of the spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him/her; neither can he/she know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:14). The scripture warns, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). It also admonishes, “Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance……..(Proverbs 4:3); “Neither give place to the devil……(Ephesians 4:27). The devil will entice and deceive, distract and frustrate, persecute and ensnare, then cage you; you may not know it and simply think it is normal.

The Good News about Satan and its devices is that Jesus defeated Satan on the cross, disarmed and made a public show of him. Jesus is the Head over principalities and power and every dominion of the enemy. Christ came only once and for all time at just the right time to take away all sin by sacrificing Himself….so Christ offered as a sacrifice one time to take away the sins of many people……(Hebrew 9:26b-28). Jesus came to save and rescue all that was held captive; to loose and redeem them for Himself. “Jesus healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons……..” (Mark 1:34). That same Jesus is still doing the work of salvation and releasing those held captive in bondage through the power of the Holy Spirit, giving to His Church.

It then was not surprised that when Jesus was going to Jerusalem, He made a stop at Bethphage at the hill side called the Mount of Olives. Jesus sent two of His disciples into the nearby town and to untie and loose a donkey and a colt, those were never used and bring them to Him (Matthew 21:1-3; Mark 11:1-3). Once again He demonstrated what the Father had sent Him to do – to save and deliver those held in bondage. What Jesus did as He walked the streets of Jerusalem while He was here physically on earth, He does today in the power of the Holy Spirit (Mark 1:32-35).

There are many people even in our cities that are tied down spiritually; some from their town of birth or by strong persons in their families. When one is tied down in bondage, the person become stagnant, run in circles and in walking, standing. May be tied at the neck, around the wrist, and legs; in the shrine, coven or in a cage. The person becomes a rolling stone: walks around the globe but gathers little or nothing; do hard labor and earns much but has nothing to show for it. They start to enjoy their sufferings (God forbids) and think it is normal. They begin to buy into the economic hardship and accept we are in economic depression and passing through inflation. After-all, many people are passing through the same or similar situations. They do not see those who get best jobs during depression or set up new businesses and become employers of labor. The children of Israel while in bondage in Egypt had similar mentality. They worked hard and earn less or nothing, satisfied with the crumbs and became hopelessly comfortable in the cage, sweating like a Christmas goat in a coven or held in the shrine awaiting slaughter. They stand in the shrine and coven day and night, under rain, dew and sunshine. As they try to move, the string or chain around their necks drew them back – a man at the pool of Bethesda for 38 years had similar experience. He lost hope of getting help and well.

 Some people walking around our communities are moving corpse – living yet dead. Others stand or are position at a spot like a monument. In the story in Mark 11:1ff, nobody had ever used them perhaps they were locked down spiritually. It could be they were tied from birth or even from conception because the devil discerned their stars and future and attacked them. These people could be affected by the ancestral covenants made by the strong persons in their families. It could be their progresses and successes angered the strong persons of their family and they got provoked and schemed to put them down. Any form of tied down or bondage against God plan for the person is a reproach/curse.

Today, I say to you, that same Jesus that untied the donkey and the colt is still present in the power of the Holy Spirit; untieing, loosing and releasing those held in bandage (Acts 10:38). It does not matter who tied you or how long or where you are tied; why you were tied? Jesus sent His disciples, just as God sent Moses to Pharaoh to let go the children of Israel held in captivity. Jesus instructed them, whoever tried to ask you, why you are doing this, say; the Lord has need of it (Mark 11:3). Tell the possessors, that the true owner, the Lord of heaven and earth, the chairman of Supreme council of heaven has need of it. He exercises authority over His creation. Therefore if the Son makes you free you are free indeed (John 8:36).  

In this day of liberation (Romans 16:20),  in the name of Jesus Christ, the Lord of all, I make a pronouncement of release to every string, rope, chain that holds you captive to loose, untie, be broken. The Lord says, I have heard your cry and I have come to release you from whatever held you captive. This day comes your day of your manifestation and the Lord sends His disciples/prophets to untie, loose every one held in bondage, captivity, conscribed, or tied in every evil altar to be set free and brought forth for His kingdom (Mark 1:32-34;16:17-18). God sent His last prophet in Jesus Christ, who has commissioned His disciples to go into the world and: i) Set the captives free; ii) loose those tied unto evil altars and iii) Release those held in spiritual prisons and bondages for the Lord’s use.

In our world, “The wicked make evil plans against good people. They grind their teeth at them in anger. But the Lord laughs at the wicked because he sees that their day is coming. The wicked draws their swords and bends their arrows to kill the poor and helpless, to kill those who are upright. But their swords will stab their own hearts and their bows will break….. The power of the wicked will be broken but the Lord supports /preserve those who do right and watches over the lives of the innocent and their rewards will last forever”(Psalm 37:12-18). “May the road of the wicked be dark and slippery as the angel of the Lord chases them….Let ruin strike them suddenly, let them be caught in their own net; let them fall into the pit and die”(Psalm 35:6-8). May the Lord rise and scatter his enemies and chase away those who hate Him (Psalm 68:1-2). May God judge the wicked and convict them and their prayers become sin before the Lord. Their lives shall be cut short and let others take their places (Psalm 109: 7-8). May God make my blessings locate me and my divine helper shall not be held up or delayed but come up speedily to me.




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