The Gospel of Matthew Chapter Two contains the ups and downs of the first Christmas. At the background of this story was the virgin conception of a teenage girl named Mary, espoused to a poor but well respected carpenter named Joseph, from the linage of King David.  How embarrassing it was for a young teenage virgin, Mary who was engaged to Joseph to realize she was pregnant of a baby when she was convinced she knew no man? Was Joseph not devastated that the virgin engaged to him was already pregnant of a baby without sleeping with her? That might have caused a lot of pressure, stress and disappointment. In the Old Testament, it was a curse that, you will pledge to be married to a woman but another shall take her and ravish her…. [Deuteronomy 28:30]. These agonies and more steered at Mary and Joseph’s faces. Little wonder Joseph was so furious and broken that he planned to divorce Mary in a private ceremony [Matthew 1:19].

At the fullness of time that supernatural conception resulted into a natural birth. The wise men asked after the born King of the Jews. That enquiry struck both terror and fears into King Herod. The king was troubled because of the birth of another King in the same kingdom. He was threatened and fears engulfed him. He assembled all the chief Priests and Scribes of the people and inquired where the said Christ was to be born. Of course, in Bethlehem of Judea [Isaiah 60:6]; Herod met with WISEMEN AND DETERMINED THE TIME THE STAR APPEARED. Herod mandated the wise men to conduct a search in Bethlehem, of baby Christ and revert to him; so that he might go to worship Him.

 The star led the Shepherds and became their compass. So shall your star appear and never dim. The elemental forces – the sun, the moon and the stars shall work in your favor and benefits; your light shines in darkness. The star led them into the place Joseph, Mary and new born Jesus laid. Your Star shall lead to your place of manifestation and destinies. They bowed down and worshipped Him and presented Him with tangible gifts: gold [royalty]; frankincense [Priesthood] and Myrrh [oilment of death]. The three also provided financial resources that helped in their flight to Egypt. God will surprise you with uncommon gifts that will herald your breakthrough and testimonies.

However, God warned the shepherds in the dream not to return to King Herod because he had planed for war-ship; like his master, Satan to steal, kill and destroy. The shepherds obeyed God and went away in a different direction [verse 12]. It may have been a longer trip and very inconveniencing, but in obedience to God. God has never promised a hitch-free trip but safe landing. All that God requires from us even in our life’s journeys is to listen and follow. “Obedience is better than sacrifice.”

Later on, God instructed Joseph to take the child, Jesus and the mother away to Egypt because Herod had plans to kill the young child [Verse 13]. Even before the child was born He already had enemies. The trip was unplanned and the decision to make it a tough one but Joseph yielded to the plan of God. Egypt was an idolatrous and immoral nation but for the safety of the child and in obedience to God, the heavenly Father of Jesus, he took the child and mother and fled by night to Egypt. Herod became furious for waiting and not seeing the wise men. In the same way God shall disappoint your enemies; they shall come in one way but you shall escape through another. Herod ordered the killing of all male children in all its surroundings under the age of two [verse 16]. An enemy is ready to go extra miles in order to carry out its diabolical desires.  Those in foreign lands and strange places took to their heels after weighing their options diligently.

The first Christmas was not all rejoicing and celebrating. They were some persons who went through struggles and pains to usher in what we enjoy today. Satan knew Jesus was an uncommon child with great anointing and determined to kill him. Satan still attack new born children even before their birth. Today, as you stand on your calling, doing discipleship, Satan is still offensive and diabolical. He enters into people you love and do good to and they turn around to hate and demonize you. But God word promises that no weapon fashion against me shall prosper.

While the angels sang praises in near by field, a teenager put to birth the Son of God. Mary endured the birth pain and agonies of her baby’s arrival without any medical aid. Was Joseph, an inexperienced labor nurse that ushered in the King of kings? It was a combination of wonder, excitement, pain and fear. How did Mary felt as a virgin yet she was pregnant and gave birth? Show me that man like Joseph whose bride, he never slept with; yet told she was pregnant and he accepted her. Have you considered the emotional torture and the shame, if at all, that a respected tradesman in a community would suffer because of the news of His spouse’s sudden pregnancy?

Which court of law or clergy or medical expert would have consented that a virgin could get pregnant without sexual intercourse? It does not make natural sense or support scientific beliefs or theories. One would have been prejudged and condemned for committing fornication. Even the evangelicals who put God in their pockets and determine how He looks and when He speaks would have denied the virgin birth, by the way some still do and say this is not God.  The same would support and accept an unbeliever and a male clergy who sleeps with another man just because they look red, brown or yellow. God of Jews and Gentiles, of love and justice chooses who He wishes and most of His uncommon doings are strange and mysterious.

In this season, as we celebrate the birth of Christ and some others live in objections, we may not know the difficulties, persecutions and death threats that these first parents faced. In the same way, as we pass through life’s challenges, we encounter trials, pressures, pains and fears that other people may not understand or had experienced. It’s a time to learn to trust God, depends on His word and obeys Him no matter what happens; even when we feel less of His presence. May every problem you pass through bring you to ultimate laughter and promotion? This season, you are the next evidence of God’s miracle. He will fulfill His purpose in your life. I wish you and yours a wonderful, exciting and Merry Christmas.

Reach: Evangelist/Elder Ogbonnaya, Godswill at: Email:; Web: OR P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272. Phone: 832.881.3929©.






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