(This article is dedicated to Mama Oyidie)

The Psalmist says, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints” (Psalm 116:15-NIV). Amplified Edition put it this way, “Precious (Important and no light matter) in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints (His loving ones). That is to say there is some death that means nothing to God. It does not matter to God, whether all the dignitaries in the city attended such funeral, whether the service is conducted by the highest priest in the land. It is nothing to heaven whether the casket is made of gold and the grave cemented in marbles. It’s possible that a standing Church choir and popular band playing and singing in the oration. There must be something that matters to God. It is nothing than the death of God’s child, loved one, a saint or one that is born again or born of God and lives the life of God.   If you’re not a child of God, then God is not interested in your death. Again, you may not make heaven or enjoy eternity.

“Life is live forward but understood (learnt and appreciated) backward.” Joe E. Lewis once said, “You only live once but if you work it right, once is enough.” Happiness is not having what you want but wanting what you have. Many postpone or procrastinate the issue of life. What they could have done today shift to tomorrow, without knowing what the next day holds in stock for them.  Some plan as if they have control of their lives. The scriptures say, “But seek (aim at and strive after) first the kingdom of God and its righteousness (His way of doing and being right) and then all these things/taken together will be given you besides” (Matthew 6:33-Amp).

The Boy Scout has a motto: Be prepared. It means be always ready. This motto also applies to God’s kingdom. We live in the midst of wolves and the enemy is still roaring like a lion looking for those to be taken on aware. Little Surprised Amos, one of the Minor Prophets admonished the children of Israel to be prepared to meet their God, Oh Israel (Amos 4:12).  Jesus said, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and preach the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:60). The dead is dead; it has no usefulness anymore. Anybody can bury the dead. There are more urgent and crucial things about the kingdom that cannot wait. The dead in spirit can bury the deceased but cannot bury the living. Only the spiritual alive can preach the kingdom of God fruitfully. The dead cannot praise the Lord or witness for Christ.

Apostle Paul said, “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21). It is He who was ordained by God to be judge of the living and the dead. Whether I live or die, I shall certainly meet with the Lord Jesus Christ. How prepared are you? Our core responsibility is to follow Christ and glorify Him. Many early chaoses debar us from following Christ and worshipping Him. There are: money, work, pursuit of happiness and enjoyment; sickness, dead, laziness or procrastination and family problems.

CHARACTERSTICS OF DEADNESS (LIVING CORPSE): Alien to God’s life; blind in heart; fear light and love darkness; greedy and selfish in nature; mourn hopelessly; uncleanliness; lustful, live in feelings; cannot please God; enmity with God; vain in mind; dark in understanding.

Characteristics of a Life person: Born again – has a relationship with Christ; have no confidence in flesh; no self righteous; rejoice in Christ; believe in God and praise Him; Thank God in all things; worship God in Spirit; press forward for a price; pursue the race; Believe in life after death; look for a city in heaven; honor God with 3t’s – time, talent, and treasure; stewardship of God’s gift; live a life of community –helping one another.

TO DIE (personal gain): Go to be with Christ and welcome to eternity; rewarded for my labor; enjoy peace perfect peace; no more hassles and stress, no more temptation, trail and fears, persecution, attack of enemies; no more terror, suicide bomber; no more broken home, broken heart, broken lives or broken dreams. No more sickness, pains, hospital, death, funeral, grief and disappointment. Many people are dead while living but don’t know it.

TO LIVE: Abide in Christ; depend on Him; work for Him; trust Him; praise and worship Him; love God; love neighbors; support one another; practice daily forgiveness; keep His commands; face persecutions; be brother’s keeper; be steadfast, firm and strong confession and win souls for Christ.

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