The cross is a wooden object where condemned criminals were executed in ancient Israel. Webster’s dictionary describes a cross as a structure of an upright and transverse piece upon which persons were formerly put to death. The word “cross” is derived from a Latin word “crux” which means the central or pivotal. The cross of Christ could be described as a device in which Jesus Christ of Nazareth was executed. Literally, an enemy is a person who hates or fosters harmful designs against another; something harmful or prejudicial. An opposing military force is also known as an enemy. The cross of Christ destroys the seriousness of the law, of empire of the army, of blood, of sacrifice and of obsession. The figure of the cross has become a Christian symbol of Christian faith and worship. Some denominations make sign of the cross before and after prayers and meals as well as when anticipating danger. Little surprised, it is seen in all places of Christian worship.

It is for these and other reasons that the cross is offensive to many unbelievers and enemies of Christ – both internal and external. Those who believe in the multiplicity of gods do not believe that Jesus is the only way to the Father and entrance into His kingdom [John 14: 6].

External enemies: Atheists are enemies of the cross; they deny the existence of God. The cross is offensive to non – Christians such as Muslims, Hindus and other religions – those who reject Jesus as God’s only begotten son, the Savior of the world and the Lord of life. A good example is in reference to the “Red cross.” Long before we were born there already existed the Red Cross Movement. In the recent past, the Muslims in protest of the cross introduced the Red Crescent. The sign of the crescent excludes the Red Cross; just because they hate the cross.

Internal enemies: They are within Christendom and are even more dangerous than the external enemies. They are members of the Church denominations and some hold leadership positions in the Church. Examples are: unfriendly friends, carnal minded, full of hatred like Joseph’s brothers who planned and sold their brother (Joseph) to slave merchants from Egypt. They are full of ego, pride, betrayal and greed as well as jealousy.

1) The gospel of Mark 14:43-62 exposed the characteristics of internal enemies as follows: Run away in the face of trail [vs. 50-51]; looked for loopholes for scandal/destruction [vs. 55]; make false testimony/accusation against Christ [vs. 56-57]; disagree among themselves because of their false testimony did not agree [vs. 59]; the High priest incited others to reaction/ tearing his cloth [vs. 63]; already preplanned with the leaders that the man he will kiss is the culprit (kiss of betrayal or death). It may not be a kiss but by finger pointing or deceitful presentation of gifts or shake of hand. They are always looking for clues to get evidence against you. That brings to mind another biblical character – Delilah, Samson’s wife [Judges 16:6]. She was a woman who mischievously and sedulously obtained life’s determined information from Samson and passed them to the enemies. She had deadly motives.

2) Another New Testament exposition comes from Apostle Paul letter to the Philippians: Their destiny is destruction, those whose god is their belly. They worship their stomach; make a god of their desires [Phil.3:19f]. Their god is bodily desire and whatever satisfies their flesh. These people glory in their iniquities and shameful acts; are proud of what they should be shameful of. Their minds are on earthly things, perishable things that would not last or stand the test of time. They put confidence on the flesh [Phil. 3:2-3]; cause their pastors and members many tears because of disobedience, lies, hate, greed, guilt etc.

Apostle Paul moved with compassion and emotion decries that the enemies of the cross are many; some in the pews, in chancels and on pulpits. He was concerned about their spiritual state and well being. The enemies Paul meant here are those steeped in religion but are not death to flesh. He referred to those who profess Christ but have no personal relationship with Him; are spiritual counterfeits. There are those who have reduced salvation to an empty meaningless confession that doesn’t imply commitment or transformation and genuine change of heart. These set of people whose lifestyles betray the cross of Christ. Jesus warns, “Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ravenous wolves” [Matthew 7: 15]. Paul was weeping about those who desire to follow Christ  but are not willing to deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Christ [Matthew 16:24]. In another occasion Paul charged and for-warned,”………For I know this that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you not sparing the flock. Also from among you men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves” [Acts 20: 28-30]. Among them are religionists who neither recognize the Lordship of our Lord Jesus Christ nor accept the Bible as the true word of God.

The book of Joshua chapter 7 exposes similar character that put Israel to shame.  Achan sinned with devoted things that put Israel to act unfaithfully, thereby loosing the lead of the God Almighty. Israel lost not only the war but also the lives of devoted soldiers and the enemies even chased them into their own territory [Joshua 7:1-5]. Today Christians whom Christ sent to reach out to the lost world are often being overpowered by the world and pursued into the Church. A spiritual writer put it this way, “God has put the Church into the world but the devil has put the world into the Church” [Phil. 3:14-15].  Let us honestly search our minds: what devoted things have we stolen and hidden that is causing us spiritual failures as we lost many spiritual battles? Have we hidden in our hearts, idols like greed, covetousness, grudges and un-forgiveness, jealousies, malice, pride, anger and rage as well as backbiting and bitterness?  Pondering on these misgivings, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon said, “Beloved, I would rather have a thousand devils out of the Church, than have one in it. I do not care about all the adversaries outside; our greatest cause of fear is from the crafty wolves in sheep’s clothing. It is against such that ………….we would shed our bitter tears of sorrow. They are the enemies of the cross of Christ.”

Brethren, let us present ourselves before God, tribe by tribe, clan by clan, family by family, church by church and person by person. Let’s purge our minds and hearts to see whether we harbor things that we have no business holding, that hinder answer to our cries to God; causing barriers to our breakthroughs. I’m sure God is not deaf and His hands short to deliver us but our sins have built barriers between us and God. But be assured that for this reason Christ came, died and resurrected from death, thereby saving us from Sins, immoralities and death.  Jeremiah 7:3 admonished us to reform our ways and our actions and the Lord Almighty will grant us power to live and have dominion in our lives. Apostle Paul urged the Saints in Rome, “I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God which is your reasonable service” [Rom 12:1].


Reach Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.


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