Between the month of July and September most communities in Nigeria celebrate New Yam Festival. The festival is an annual traditional ceremony to thank the creator and rejoice over the yields of the farmlands. It marked the end of one farming period while welcoming a new farm period which is similar to the financial end of year in an organization. During this ceremony, the cultural values and riches of the towns are promoted through display of play groups and masquerades. The celebration involves pouring of libation, offering of kola nut and sacrifice of animals such as cock, goat and even cows to God via mother earth – (“ALA” in Igbo language), stones, trees and around man-made objects. In the process, they invoke and reignite, and have communion with the spirits of ancestral gods and end up entering or renewing covenants with them. These things some do knowingly or ignorantly. It is customary for people to travel to their towns and villages for this ceremony. However, most born agains no longer show interest in such festivities and may deem it unnecessary to travel, while others who say “it does not matter” go home invariably to face a conflict; indeed a crises.

                While at home, they meet with mates and brethrens who are sons of the soil but may not have been regenerated, dig deep in the celebration. To them it bothers on culture and tradition which existed even before the coming to Africa of the religion of Jesus Christ known as Christianity. There is a belief that there’s only one true God and that all religions lead to Him eventually. Most religions accept that Jesus Christ is the son of God but also believe that God has also revealed Himself in different ways within different cultures and to different people. They further justify selves by claiming that our great grandparents observed and respected customs and tradition and equally belonged to the church. They seem to have forgotten the effect of changes and religion. Also Christianity is personal affair. Many wonder why one should kick against our rich culture and tradition which was handed over to us by our great ancestors. Are there really attacking culture? Far from that! What is being disagreed upon are those aspects of our culture that conflicts with the word of God as recorded in the scripture (Holy Bible) – on compromise. For one have accepted new faith in Christ Jesus, old things have passed and the person is a brand new person embracing a new faith, new position and new disposition which has a very universal culture. This is the message and life of the Lord Jesus Christ called the Gospel, any other is described as another gospel.


Participation in cultural affair is evidence that you are a true son of the soil and make you feel good and belonging, appreciate rich heritage and value of our ancestors. In some cases, participation may not debar you from church membership or holding top position in the church. You may be lucky to witness some other Christians share in this affair. You would have pressure from your parents, age group, peers and even fellow church members.

Deep in your heart, you are on the cross road pondering whether to join or not. You may say after all it is only a tradition. The Bible, they would quote, ask us “give to Caesar what is Caesar and to God that is Gods ‘. Is Jesus quoted correctly here? Was it in that context that Jesus spoke? At this point one is already in disharmony and facing conflict inwardly. One may ask, did God ask us in any place to celebrate the harvest of these new yields before we shall eat of them. From the going on the society has observed with dismay a drift from tradition to Christianity and are trying either a mix or outright transfer of cultural practice into Christianity, giving them new names to suit the taste and make church going members of the community feel comfortable. Many may not know that not all things in the culture can fit into Christianity. You do not attempt to transfer your ideas in a pagan world into new life in Christ for their masters and agents are different and oppose each other.


The message of Christianity urges people to forsake old ways of idolatry, ancestral spirit worship, sacrifices and pouring of libation to the spirit of the dead and around man-made objects such as stones, “Ala”, trees covered with new purples. There obviously arises a conflict within them. Discarding the old ways of life, beliefs, culture, tradition etc. becomes an uphill task. The foregone could stand as the real cost of accepting Christ. This setting is not new. The Corinthians who surrendered to new faith in Jesus had similar problems. To avoid loosing what were already comfortable with, they tried to Christianize every cultural practice (2 Cor.6:14-18); this could not succeed. Take an issue like libation, does God take hot drink? Why is wine poured to “Ala”? Has “Ala” become the intermediary between God and His created being? It has no basis in Christianity. Even African traditional religion does not teach that dead people drink the hot drink we pour as libation. What sense does it make? Even among those who practice this ritual, their parents died for lack of adequate care. What do you want to go to God through Ala when you can reach Him direct by praying in Jesus name?

I once asked an unbeliever why he offers sacrifices to Ala, trees and stones. He replied that God created man from the earth and all the fruits and yield that sustain man comes from the earth. He added that when man dies, he returns to the earth, so the earth is man’s brother”. This augment is logical and may sound real but shows the depth of ignorance of man against the requirements of God. Until one becomes a new creature in Christ Jesus, experiencing God’s grace, love and mercies, he will feel comfortable doing old things that no longer glorify God . It is impossible to mix the worship of false god/idol with the worship of the only true God. The blood of animal could not take away the sin of man, it was through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ about 2000 years ago that God made obsolete the sacrifice of bulls and goats (Ps.50:11-15, Heb.10:4, 9-10). Through Christ’s death our sins are forgiven; we are cleansed by His blood and reconciled with the Father Almighty, and therefore given new life through new birth.


 Brethren, know who you are. Cease from being children who are moved by every wind of doctrine. Do not remain an infant in faith, accepting every teaching/doctrine without testing them. Be determined not to betray God and please men, for we are to obey God rather than men (Act 5:29). Do not compromise your faith, for God will deliver you like He did to Daniel and the (3) Hebrew boys. This is a very trying period, in a civilization that has turned against their creator. You may in process be exposed to temptation but temptation is no sin; yielding to it is. If God is not for us then our hope, faith and security are in vain. As you celebrate this season, be mindful of where you go, what you eat, and the company you keep. The days are evil. Be steadfast and immovable which means firm, stable, constant and consistent; stand firm in the Lord (1 Cor.15:58). It will be foolishness after knowing the truth you are deceived into accepting less truth – false gods and idols: we are not unaware of the existence of these little gods but for us, God is our Lord, the savior and of course our culture (1Cor.8:5-6).


Accepting Christ as your Savior and Lord over your life is a decision not only of the mind but most importantly of the heart. The decision must be binding and enduring on individual. It is more than a mental assent and involves a total yield. This must happen simultaneously with accepting the Holy Spirit into our thought and imagination which stand against immoral and perverted thoughts. It is then that the Holy Spirit shall be welcomed to take charge of a believer’s life, his thoughts, actions and behavior. His life will be different. Apostle Paul writing to the Saints in Galatia (Galatians 4:8-11) assured us that having known God we are no longer slaves to nature gods. We are not to return to those weak and miserable principles nor continue observing days, months and years. Jesus in John 4:24 assured that true worshippers worship everywhere in truth and in Spirit for God is Omnipresent (everywhere at every time). If God is everywhere, why then do we behave as if there are places He’s not present. Refrain from being an environmental Christian”. Take heed and have a fruitful celebration in Christ.











  Passages to read:    Deut. 24:1-5, Mal.2:16, Math.5:31-32; 19:1-9 Mark 10:1-12;

                                 Rom.7:13; 1Cornt.7:10-16


What is Divorce?    The word DIVORCE is shameful and carries with it a stigma. When a man who has been united in wedlock separates, in order to remarry or due to inability to tolerate, accept, love, forgive one another, it is divorce.


The children of Israel had been living in the midst of heathen tribes who were very loose morally and divorced their wives with little or no excuse or cause whatsoever. Divorce was very rampant that they asked Moses for consent to legalize it. Moses gave a consent but not without a condition. Moses commandment introduced a restriction (not a support) unknown to the Jews.




i.              There must be a legitimate reason (Lev.20:10). Such reason(s) that may warrant divorce as an option instead of the death penalty by stoning.


ii.                    To get bill of divorcement takes time. It may imply going to court, adjournment of cases to allow time/chance for probably reconciliation/settlement.


iii.                  Implication – once divorce and remarry, one cannot go back to the first husband/wife. Moses suffered the Jews to have divorce as a best option to a worst case/situation, since their hearts were harden. Before Matt.19: if you would have noticed Jesus teaching and reply to Peter in Matt.18:21-22. Hence forgiveness as many as seventy times seven in a day is necessary and recommended.





–                   Testing to trap Jesus

–                   Schools of thought say that it was to permit divorce which was the expressed opinion of many male Jews of their day.

–                   Some believed that fornication was a sufficient reason for divorce and could permit them remarry.

–                   Others hold the view that fornication/uncleanliness was enough ground for divorce but not an adequate excuse for remarriage

–                   Jesus was being tempted to see whether He would disagree with the law of Moses

–                   Jesus answer was suppose to endanger Him in the hands of Herod, who was the ruler in Judea and beheaded John the Baptist for objecting to his marriage to Herodias – his brother, Phillip’s wife.

–                   To put Jesus in a theological corner for which there was no escape?


CAUSES OF DIVORCE:  There are many reasons which could cause or result to divorce.


 –            Hasty (trial) marriages – marry after they have known each other for few weeks. They

              acquaint themselves after marriage instead of before marriage.

–            Incompatibilities – Even though, couples had courted before marriages, some were still living

lonely together and had cheerful deceit of their courtship. They have different interest, taste,             values and reaction to issues and even attitude. This may bring the marital bounds under stains.

        –             they were not sharing because they never cleaved.


–  With an unbeliever – Christians are warned not to be unequally yoked. A marriage with     unbeliever could affect the believer’s attitude and service of the couple and may result to unhealthy relationship.

                   With different nationalities – greater compatibility usually exist between persons from similar

    background (Gen. 29:19; 24:3-4).  However people from different background can still make good marriage depending on exposure, understanding, acceptability and determination to success together.  

–  Prayerlessness in marriage – prayer less life hinders marriage success; prayers continue to   nourish life and relationship.

   –               infidelity – unfaithfulness could break relationship or cause couples to live lonely together

                   without trust or true love.


Biblical stances on marriage (Matt.19:3-6)

Marriage is a life-long relationship which vows are witnessed on earth and recorded in Heaven. A life-long contract never to be broken except by death; there rooms for divorce or remarry. Matt. 5:32 – even though separation is permissible on the grounds of infidelity but not encouraged.

–                   Matt. 18:21-23 – calls for daily forgiveness, if our relationship must succeed.

–                   Rom. 12:18 – recommend peaceful living together

–                   Divorce violates promise to be faithful – “for better for worse”

–                   Divorce violates prohibition against going to court

–                   Divorce violates God’s injunction to be separated from the world.

–                   Children brought up from Divorce homes live on emotional strains

–                   Remarry on any ground except death is sinful and constitute continues state of adultery.

–                   Divorces reflect lack of tolerance and love amongst couples



–                   It is better not to marry than make vows that are broken.

–                   We need daily brokenness and forgiveness if we aspire to succeed.

–                   Prayers together bring healing and restoration

–                   For better understanding of each other, resolve to live despite differences – God is honored and blessings/favor follows.

–                   Couple must decide to leave and cleave to each other less no oneness.












Have you ever pondered on the state of recession that has gripped this country as well as the entire globe, for some time now? Perhaps you may have wondered about the hardship, poverty and sordid state even societal decadence prevalent in this country. It will surprise you how many families feed, meet their bills and survive life’s hazzles. You will observe that rents are increased at wills with less care to the facilities and the state of the house. School fees rise while most – times the schools are closed. Electricity Bills are on the high side even when there where no light for months. Transport fares increased while routes are shortened and Buses breakdown at every shortest distance.


We are facing a state of rising cost. Nothing that ever goes up, comes down in our dear country. The currency is circulating within few well-placed or rich people and the masses undergo straineous difficulties to have a meal; many amongst them have never had a square meal in their lives. The resulting effect is that the rich get richer (no matter the means) and the poor gets poorer. Interesting enough, we also experience new idolatry – the worship of persons and riches. We hall those who mass riches, award them chieftaincy titles and tremble when they thunder. They dine with royalty even with their dirties deals. Decency is thrown abodes and righteousness forgotten.


Brethren we are passing through hand times, call it distress, recession or/and famine. It is characterized by rising cost, increased unemployment, factories short down, Bank failures and Bankruptcy and uncompleted (Elephant) projects just to mention a few. Nothing seems to be working in all the sectors- health cane, transportation, communication and Education. Civil service appears sick, wile economic and social lives are non-existence; consequently armed robbers terrorise helpless citizen everywhere, Town council raid traders, uniform man exploit innocent citizen and transporters. What is sure today is unsure tomorrow? There’s fear, insecurity and cofussion everywhere. Also poverty is stiring at people’s faces and greeting the well placed without a response. Many are constrained to doubt their self existence and worry about everything under the sun.


On other hand, many new religious houses are springing up and proliferation of new generation churches promising prosperty, blessings and miracles. Most of them preach blessings without holiness, prosperity without righteousness. Financial break though and success becomes the main theme of most sermons. Many have forgotten that true prosterity comes after turning to God (Due. 30:8-9) and neither prosperity nor poverty is an accident. There are all symptoms of hard – times and its associated problem. However hard time is not new to life and humanity.


As you read through the pages of the Bible, you will see that hard time is common place. In Genesis chapter 26; we read the story of Isaac as he passed through harsh famine/hardship. Famine had gripped the Promised Land. Harvest after harvest had failed. Everyone around, like the Television Andrew was checking out to Egypt in search of greener pastures. They looked at the winds of hard times. They regarded the clouds of glom and doom. They up-rooted their families, abandoned their possession and their homes, fleeing to Egypt. After all every other person was doing that. The question is – must we do what every other person is doing-419, robbery (pen or armed), cheating and deceitfulness? God forbid!


Isaac made plans to leave the Promised Land-the land of God’s provision. He was heading to Egypt –the land of man’s provision. He came dangerously close to blocking Gods ability to supply his needs.


The God of heaven and Earth intervened and spoke to Isaac. God said “look up unto ME, Isaac don’t look at your circumstances, or the famine around you. Do not look at what everyone else is doing” ; Ignore the winds, cloud and hard time; focus on God’s promise – to supply and prosper you”. God was saying: Isaac, if you want food for your family during famine you must first obey the following principles:


–                   Stay faithfully to God’s command (Gen. 26:2b-3a)

–                   Do not follow the world philosophy- the world philosophy is to hoard during hard times, in effect starve in the process (pro.11:24-25)

–                   Sow generously during hard time/famine (Gen.26:12b, Ecc.11:4) Enjoy part of your labour for it is a gift from God. Ecc.5:19, the blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich and add no sorrow with it (pro.10:22), if you do not work, you should not eat 2thess 3:10 sow seed and prosper 2.Cor.9:6; you reap what you sow Gal.6:9.

–                   Sow in tears and reap in joy Ps.126:5-6; you must release for an increase Pro. 1:24.

–                   Sow to your harvest size (What you expect to reap) and not from your harvest size.

–                   Hard time is the best time to sow/give to God (1Kg.5:17:12b, Luke 21:3b-4).


Isaac used his faith as a shield against bad news and advices of the best brains/minds of the day. He ignored science and human philosophy. He boldly obeyed God, ignoring every fear of failure and insufficiency. He planted seed and reaped hug harvest 2Ccr.9:6, Gen. 26:12.


As you pass though various foreign embassies, you will see a long queue of Nigerians seeking for visa to check out like the television Andrew. Many of them had controlled to the sordid state of this country. They find nothing again good in this country. As far as they are concern Nigerian problem is a curse from God. I would’ve been tempted to agree with them but believe that God is not only a God of judgement/justice but a God of mercy and amazing love. We are what we think we are. Many in christaindoom have harloted from one denomination to another looking for where it is happening, where worship is free and giving not emphasized. Some are in search of a perfect church. But remember that the moment you see and join one, that  church ceases to be perfect because of the imperfection in man.


Brethren, if we would prevail over hard times we must learn four 4 basic principles.

1.        Cry unto the Lord Ps. 50, 75:1-2, 138:8, 1Sam. 30:1-8. Many are quick to complain to friends and neighbors without calling unto the Lord. Some cry over death and emotions but have failed to petition God, bring burden to His in tears.

2.        Rest upon the Lord. It is one thing to complain and cry unto God but another to rest upon Him. Have a full reassurance in God, total yield and full surrender. Many claim to be born again but have no assurance of salvation

3.        Trust in the Lord. Brooding over worries and feeling, defeated shall not solve your problems. Believe on God saving grace and abilities. God is present everywhere at every time and able to meet our needs. Learn to trust in Him.

4.        Seek assurance in His WORD. No problem and situation that the Bible has no cerement or solution. Earth has no sorrow or problem that heaven cannot heal.


God knew the importance of His word when He said to Joshua 1:8- if you want to succeed, you must read, meditate on the word day and night. This charge is more relevant to believers now than it was to Joshua. Only the word can equip us for the battle ahead. 2Tim.2:15. The word was David’s’ delight Ps.119:14,143, Ps.1:1.


If you are conversant with the story of David, you will notice that He was a man characterized with problems, but David knew the Lord and trusted in Him. Each time he took his problem to God. He made his complains first to the Lord not people. He knew the arm of flesh shall ever fail. David delighted in the word while we delight in gossip, rumors etc. The word became a lamp to his feet and a light to his path. He resisted that God was His refuge and ever present in times of trouble (Ps. 4:16:1). Do not run away for winner never quit and quitters never win.


We must learn to look up unto Jesus at all times. The earth and the fullness blessing to God. He is bigger than all our problems and situation and His grace is sufficient for us.


Are you in a similar situation to that of Isaac? Perhaps your stomach and pocket are empty and hope go getting the next meal is shallow. Has God allowed one door to close an opened another but you are yet find it? God hand has not shorten and his vision blurred. The fault may be in you and your thought of yourself. Have a better vision, positic of yourself and environment. God has plans for our success and prosperity. Learn to surrender  your cares to the Lord. There’s nothing impossible for Him. Situations may change but God does not change but abided for ever. Because God abided for ever and His word is scttled in heaven. Walk with God is a walk of success. God able to sustain us in all situation and circumstance of life. He turns our darkness into glorious light and replaces our tears with joy. He’s present as we pass through the valley and shadow of hard times and even death (Ps.23). As you pass through this hard time, depend solely on the Lord. He will make you strong enough to weather this storm and strong waves. Knew that tough times do not last but tough people do.











I greet you all and thank your District Elder Mrs. C. Agwu for inviting me to talk on this topic. The topic challenged not only the practical sympathy of my profession but also my spiritual life. It has come at a time changes are being experienced in every facet of life – changes in politics, culture, social, religion and also in commerce and scientific world. These changes affect the society and create opportunities which man striven to satisfy, hence more business. All things change except the WORD OF GOD (Mal. 3.8).


A Christian operate I the same environment as a heathen. We buy from the same market, use money as a means of exchange, operate in environment regulated by various laws and controlled by factors such as Economic, society, Cultural and Financial.


Permit me to defined 2 major word sin the theme:


A Christian is a person or one who has given his/her life to Lord Jesus Christ accepting His salvation, believing in His WORD and strive to do it at all times.


A Business man many be said to be a person who produces goods and services, for gain – individual or firm.


           Concept of business  could be seen as a function which satisfies human needs and desires by

           production and distribution of goods and distribution of goods and services for profit. Since

           human needs and wants are limitless and ever-changing, these create always opportunities

          which tend to satisfy them. In unstable economy like ours, these opportunities are always

           present, competitive and at time, hazardous. The underlying push is profit making and to remain

           in business. Where profit is large the efforts are considered worthwhile. In a business world,

           there exist a competition and so an enterprise must provide goods and services that the public want, at a price they are willing to pay and of course in a form (size or state) and place they would want to fetch it. Other firms with specialist staff are also attempting to supply the public with similar goods/services. To succeed, the business man should pick a field: (1) that is not too over crowded (ii) He has some expertise/experience (iii) has room for expansion.


How a Christian should conduct his Business

–                   God is the Devine Creator, (Gen. 1:1, Mt. 11.28) giver of every perfect gift (including wealth (Due. 8:18) and wisdom for business opportunity Gen. 1:26/28

–                   Plan your business prayerfully-Jesus in wilderness and during transfiguration-asked God what to do.

–                   Whether you are in paid employment or self employed-seek God first in all you do (Ps. 37:3-5,25-26, Mt. 6:33-34, Ps. 75:6-7).

–                   Invite the Lord Jesus – the Cana Experience.

–                   Know what the WORD says concerning your business (Gal. 6:7, Due. 30:8-9, Jn. 15:7, Prov. 11:24, Ecc.11:4, 9:16, 3 Jn. 2, Ps. 35:27 (b) and stay faithfully to God’s command (Gen. 26: 2b-3a).

What type of a business should a Christian do? Should a Christian be involved in every type of profitable business-be it “hard drugs”, “alcoholic”, “419”-a Christian arrested by Police on contraband goods (Phil.4:8; 1 Thes. 5:21-22).


Six basic rules of a Christian in business

*  Reflect Christian in your business (Prov.3:32, 4:24)  

2. Accountable-seek counsel with your wife for a check.

3. Produce quality services/goods.

4. Honour your creditor (Prov. 3:27 Ja.2:12f).

5. Treat your employees fairly (Ja. 2:9, 1Pt. 4:7-11).

6. Treat your customers courteously (Phil. 2:3, Ps. 37:11, 1Pt 2:17)

7. Respect and pray for your employers.


Five basic character qualities in business

1.        Give your gift to God cheerfully. 2. Plant your seeds liberally. 3. Settle your debtors promptly Rom. 13:18a. 4. Resist impulse buying. 5. Invest wisely.

        Principle for business rewards     

1.        plant what you expect Gen. 1:12, good seeds, and on good ground (Mt. 13:8)

2.        Believe the word of God not the world philosophy).3. Use your business to bless God – tithe, thanksgiving, seed faith etc and mankind – 1 Cor.16:29, Mk. 12:41a. 4. Sow to your harvest size (what you expect to reap) and not from your Harvest size. Gen. 26:12.

3.        Sow in tears and reap in joy Ps.126:5-6. 6. Sow generously during hard times/famine Eccl.11:14, Gen. 26:12b. 6. Hard time is the best time to give to God 1 Kings 17:12b, Lk.21:3b-4

Hindrances to Business success  

·         Ungodliness and wickedness. * Greed, narrow mindedness and selfishness. * Lust, idolatry, love of money 1Tim.6:10a, Eccl. 10:19. * Lack of faith in the word of God/power of God-fear of insufficiency ungratefulness – Laziness in giving. (stinginess)

·         Believe that some are destined to be rich. Eccl. 9:16.










        We live in the world of filthiness, disobedience and lack of love and order. It does not matter what happens to the next person as far it place us. We do not care how it affects our partners even when they share equal responsibility and affection. There appear a dip and skip attitude. We dip when it favors us and skip when it is unfavorable/displeasing. There’s lack of understanding and love among couples and family members.


        These and many others have resulted to problems and conflict in even Christian home. On the other hand, it may look as well that they may have had different upbringing, philosophy and ideas and environmental and doctrinal differences. Notwithstanding, conflicts should be accepted as a learning process to co-exist with another individual. However, every problem has a solution especially since the Lord is the Head and presence in every Christian home.


HOW SHOULD THEY BE HANDLED?  Eph.4:26-27, Eph.5:32-33, Prov.15:1-2, 4,7, 8, Prov.16:32


WHO SHOULD INITIATE SETTLEMANT?  Rom.5:8, James 4:6 (Prov. 3:34) Gal.6:1-3 As much as possible try to settle disputes or misunderstanding between self, but where necessary invite a believer.


COMMUNICATION PROBLEM: Many couples live lonely together in their homes. Some do not talk to one another – bear malice, grudge and hates but pretends and fake good relationship at the sight of a visitor.

a. What are reasons for communications problems? Eph.4:14-16, 25, 30-32; Heb. 12:15-16. Mention causes of family communication problem. Suggested solution – Eph. 4:32.



MONEY MATTERS:  Even though money answers everything but it is not every thing. In this time of hard economic hardship, both couples work and earn income. The effective management/distribution of both incomes tosses problems. 1 Cor.4:2-, 7 Ps. 24:1 – Gods owns, while we keep.

(a) Separate/Joint Account: Matt. 19: 5-6, 1 Tim. 5:8. What are expected hindrances? Amos 4:4


SEXUAL PROBLEMS:  1Cor. 7:1-5; 1 Cor. 11:11-12. What was Paul’s advice to the Corinthians Christian? Does it apply to us today? What is the implication of 1 Peter 3:7 to couples especially on sexual matters?


WORKING WIVES: Prov. 31:10-31 Wives have always worked. Lydia was a working mother. How do we define this today? What are the merits and demerits? How do we attempt to strike a balance between merits and demerits? How does it affect children up bringings, care and love of wives and respect to husband.


EXTENDED FAMILY: Do we have any responsibilities towards our extended family (1 Tim 5:16, Ruth 2:11-12, Ruth 4:13-15). How far do we care to satisfy them?


What have we learnt from this study? (Everyone should mention at least one thing whether good or bad.)

Generally: Prov. 17:14, Prov. 15:30; 12:18






Someone once said “Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday”. We happen to live in an instant/jet age of human history; where generation of people live on cold drink, chewing gum, fast foods, instant coffee and milk, and pain relieving tablets. We live in a world of insecurity, uncertainty and near hopelessness. For what is sure today may be unsure tomorrow. Man’s success is measured by the riches he amazed with little cares on how he makes it. As long as you make it, you can dine with royalty, named respected son, given chieftaincy titles and other status recognition. The resulting effect is that people become deeply concerned over the cares of life, health, employment and business and of course financial difficulties as well as riches. And how to make it quick, fast and cheap.

 Most disturbing is the fact that many Christians inspite of their belief in the sufficiency of our Lord Jesus Christ are subject to the disease of worry.


WHAT THEN IS WORRY?  Literally Webster’s Dictionary defines worry as deep concern, trouble, disquiet, anxiety, fear, pain, harry, gull and grieve; to tug at repeatedly, to annoy and to irritate. In short worry is lack of peace with God and in self.


WHAT PEOPLE WORRY ABOUT:  Primary – people worry about life what to eat, what to drink and what to wear. Secondary – house, car, title, position, family (immediate and extended) employment/Business, children, health, protection and so on.


WHAT CAUSES WORRY: could be caused by many factors which include: insecurity of life, of job, of living; fear of the unknown (Eg: the devil and tomorrow), afraid of the past; lack of faith in God/assurance of salvation, inadequate knowledge of the WORD of God, power of God and His promises; ill-information and confidence on the flesh and man (you and who is in your side)

It could as well be caused by famine, poverty and wars (crises); uncertainties and doubts; sickness and diseases; failure in life and death. In summary, worry could be caused by fear, guilt, hate, inferiority complex, insecurity and so on.


EFFECT/CONSEOUENCE OF WORRY:- Worry never makes things better but worse (prov. 12:25) it harms the one who worries thereby resulting to : Restlessness; stress, regular/constant fever, body heat, high blood pressure and mental disturbances. It has the effect of discouraging others (Rom.14:7) worries becloud our spiritual vision and weaken our desire for prayer and meditation (Mark 4:19); it implies that God is unconcerned or unable to cope with or solve our problems and cares. YET WORRIES DO NOT SOLVE ANY PROBLEM (MATT. 6:27). Who amongst us by worrying can add a single hour to his/her life?

WHO SHOULD WORRY:  Matt. 6:32 (a) teaches us that worry is paganistic and worldly. It is for unbelievers, un-repented sinners and those not sure of their salvation in Christ Jesus. Those who doubt the presence of God in trails and difficulties and in hard times.


WHY WE MUST NOT WORRY: The scripture in several passages assures of the true nature of God, His unfailing love, mercies and grace and rich promise; some are stated below:


1.            Our God know our needs (Matt.6:32) and is exceedingly able to meet our cares.

2.            We are to be of good cheers for Jesus had overcome the world (Jn. 16:33

3.            God promises to provide ALL our needs/cares (Phil. 4:19)

4.            Jesus Christ is on the throne so all is well. He is IMMANUEL –God with us and always with us (Matt. 28:20)

5.            it is God wish to prosper us in health and wealth (2 Jn. 1:2)

6.            I will not leave you nor forsake you (Heb. 13;5)

7.            Humble yourselves under the might hand of God…… for He cares for you (1Pt. 5:6)

8.            He that keepeth you, will never stumble or faint (Ps. 121:3 )


Finally, all that bothers man are temporary. We should seek God first and His righteousness and ALL others things will be added unto us. Realizing that the battle is the Lords’ not ours, we should take everything, every thing, every situation, every burden to Him in prayers. Prayer changes Things and God answers fervent prayers. For this reason Jesus taught us to pray, to the Father through Him name. He’s the unchangeable changer and has sovereignty over the whole universe.


He’s Abba, Father which means that He is concerned for all our concern however trival they might appear to other people. “If a thing is big enough for worry about, it is big enough to pray about”


The problem with mankind is trying to solve our problems by ourselves. Like the children of Israel we are quick to surrender to God big problems and perhaps doubt his cares to our little burdens. When face with minute problems we ask “can God solve this little one? We always think our God is high up in heaven and is too big and busy for our little cares. This conception/thought is very wrong. He came for us in all things and He is Immanuel – God with us.


Let our prayers be ….. “Give us this day our daily bread”. (Matt. 6:27-34) and do not worry about ‘morrow for ‘morrow will worry about itself. God never promised problem – free life; but assures of His eternal presence even as we pass through the valley and shadow of death (Ps.23). Unknown to many, out of a hundred causes for our worries, ninety-nine, if not all, work together for our own good (Rom.8:28).


As we pass through the sunset slope of life; recall that you have never saved your life and that there was nothing you have that you created or even provided. In thanksgiving therefore let us approach the throne of grace with total yield, taking no anxious thought for tomorrow. We should surrender each passing day (with all it needs) into the hands of our bountiful, loving Father. For the God who provides for lesser beings like birds of the air, will surely provide for saints (Saved – souls). He that provided for yesterday shall provide for today and for tomorrow. He is Jehovah Jireh. He cares always.


























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