THE CALLING OF GOD: The man Moses.

The birth and calling of Moses reveals that it was predestined by God even before his conception. Moses rose in Egyptian luxury and schooled in their idol doctrine and theology. However, his heart beat, passion and zeal were for the God of Israel who made him and had chosen him. Notwithstanding, the devil also had planned his demotion. Satan may have used his zeal to see all people treated equally to misconstrue the leadership calling on his life that led into his striking and killing an Egyptian who manhandled an Israelite slave boy. Unknown to Moses, in the supernatural God allowed the devil do what He did because it was another way for Moses to leave Egypt and get prepared for the real task of complete release. Out of fear of what would become of him after the murder had revealed, he voluntarily vacated his noble promising role in king’s palace of Egypt and went into exile. “Fears can and will keep many good leaders from becoming great leaders.” These include: fears of the unknown, fears of facing the justice system, fears of criticism and what people will say as well as fear of lost of confidence and being seen as an internal enemy. “Fears can kill our God given abilities; it can suffocate our dreams. Being chosen to lead is pretty easy but actually leading is hard.” James Smith of Preach says, “Many mountain climbers have stood at the base camp of Mt. Everest, yet only a small percentage of them have had the courage it takes to accurately climb to the top of the mountain.” Yet God sees things in us that neither I nor others don’t. Our God is Alpha and Omega and sees things in their complete state –ultimate victory.

The Birth of Moses:

Moses was born after the death of Joseph [a governor in Egypt] and a new dynasty came on the throne in Egypt. Under Joseph, the children of Israel had become wealthy and increased geometrically in numbers that they become a threat and point of suspicion to the Egyptian Pharaoh. That Pharaoh reduced them to the worst state of slavery. In this state of harshness and persecution, Moses was born to the family of Am’ran [Dad] and Jachebed [Mom] both from the tribe of Levi, very religious and serving the Lord. During that time it was a tragedy to give birth to a male child because the new Pharaoh had ordered the killing of every new born Israel male child. Moses was hid inside the home for 3 months. When the parents could no longer hide the child it was time for a tough decision. What would you have done? Kill the baby, bury him alive, throw him into a pit or gutter or put him in an airtight spot to suffocate and die? God forbid, nothing of sort would have made sense.

            They prepared a basket, laid the child and placed it on a tall grass by the side of Nile River and make the baby’s old sister watch him. The place they put him was airy, protected and a strategically spot on the tall grass, close to where Pharaoh’s daughter had her shower and recreation. He was put on a pinnacle, I mean on a higher ground; the taller the grass, the nearer to Heaven. The child was in the basket but not abandoned. He was placed in a safe place where no wild or dangerous animal could have gotten to him or crawling pest swallow him. The baby was put in a spot where he could catch attention. When we are on a death end, we should stand where God’s mercies shall reach us; where we could easily be rescued, help could get at us. We stand where Jesus can see us while he is passing by; should be at a place where God can hear our cry.

The baby Moses started crying. He did not keep quiet but was crying continuously, not epileptically. The atmosphere outside was different from the warmth inside the house where he spent the first three months of his life. Even though he was rapped with clothes and secured in a basket but the environment was different and harsh for a young child of his age. He cried for attention and help. When you cry unto God, He will hear and send help from the throne of grace. The queen noticed the baby was Hebrew, handsome and healthy but needed pity and help; he is neither harmful nor a threat. A close look reveals God unction on the child [special baby]. What type of child would this be [Luke 1:31-33]. Unknown to him, someone was watching, caring, praying and alert. The parents were praying, watching and keeping Virgil. They had implicit faith that the child came from God and only the Lord could save him. They did not know how but had assurance God is everywhere and able to help even in the worst situation in life. The parents stood on the gab, steadfastly, consistently and persuading; they did not keep quiet. Their unrelenting attitude attracted God’s compassion and grace; cause the queen to extend favor on him.

Drawn from water: The Kings’ daughter adopted the child and named him Moses that means “I drew him out from the water” [Exodus 2:10]. The circumstances of the child’s birth could have given inspiration for his name. Come to think of it, everyone is pulled/drawn from somewhere. Do you know where you were drawn from? Many of us have forgotten where we were pulled or drawn from and forgotten the meaning of our names. Some were drawn out of prison, out of trespasses and iniquities, pulled out from death traps and from eminent danger. We should not forget that while we where sinners, Christ died for us. He brought us from darkness into the glorious light of God. We were bought with a price and are no longer our own and should not live for ourselves anymore. God who is rich in mercies redeemed us; by grace we are saved through faith. They have forgotten the blood of sheep, men and cows could not save mankind. It was not by academic excellence, monetary riches or family backgrounds were we delivered.

Our salvation is too big price to pay. But for the cross, we were blind and condemned to death; we were separated from God. Some of us were in secret societies for years; worshipped idols and lived in deadness of mind and had no hope, but God….. We have forgotten that our great grand parents were idol worshippers and that it took Gods’ mighty hand to break the covenant and curses that affected us from birth. Does God exist when you do not know what to do; in the midst of what you are going through? King David says even in the valley of the shadow of death [Ps 23:6], God is present. Do you know who you are in the midst of calamities? Can you believe as you pass through crises, someone is caring and ready to come to your rescue? Where do you stand in times like this, in days of trials, in the life of your household, in your standing in the house of God; when the church is looking for more volunteers/workers? We were pulled out from grievous sin into righteousness to worship and serve Him who delivered us.

Promotion: Moses went to bed a night before as a shepherd, woke up in the morning as a passionate shepherd, who was anxious of how to take his father-in-law’s flocks across the mountain area; to avoid the scorching heat while walking across the hill county of Hereb [mountain of God]. God decided to surprise him; He met him in terrifying moment. In the same way, God has already planned your surprise. He has already predestined his promotion from shepherd boy to national leader. God gave him a job he neither wanted nor applied for. By every indication he was not a born leader and in his opinion, had no inclination or credentials for such leadership job at that crucial time. But God preferred him amongst others. In his greatest need for security, he was insured. When he recalled how he was raised in the king’s palace in royalty, but he denounced that opportunity to live in Egyptian luxury and preferred a back stage position. Is pharaoh still chasing him? Are your pasts still pursuing you? Moses must have said, “God, my name is Moses; I do not want this job. Please send another person”; when God calls, you must answer. Moses was left to handle his resignation as Jethro’s shepherd boy. As Moses had no credentials for the job he never applied for but God preferred him; so shall God prefer you in this new season. You will be invited to pick a job you neither applied for nor have credentials. This shall be your portion in Jesus name. 

The Burning bush experience: Moses had been walking past that mountain side of Hereb and desert looking for greener pasture for his sheep – for food and water, for protection and safety. In the usual place but in uncommon manner, he found a bush on fire. That was nothing unusual in time of drought. Bush fires often happen but could be dangerous if met with wild wind. On that day, at that very moment, there was not even strong or mild breeze, so he must have felt no alarm; the fire shall go off after a time. This was no ordinary fire; it was an inexplicable spiritual instinct. It did not only attract the eyes, but felt it in his spirit. Whatever it was in the spiritual realm, was of concern to God and him but no one else. Nature was no more than a spectator in what was happening. It’s my prayer that as you stand faithfully and sentinel in you calling, God shall bring forth your promotion. All the prayers you’ve said shall come to pass. Whatever is going on in your life is between you and God, and no one else. “God treats us as individuals doing what is necessary to persuade us to obey him, although many of us give Him a hard time.”

However the fire did not frighten him but something in him was drawing his attention as he crept closer to the burning bush. Come to think of it, how a fire of such flame could be burning and the bush is not burning up with the fire. Moses did not know it was an angel of God posing in the flame [vs. 2]. Moses had a burning zeal inside of him to see that strange site. How do we react when something strange is happening inside us, in our family, work place, town and church? Do we feel concerned enough to turn around and see?  When God saw that Moses had moved close to look, he called him, Moses, Moses [vs. 3, 4]. Moses just heard a voice calling his name from within the fire. Moses could have been calm, perhaps looked around but he answer reluctantly—Here I am [Exodus 3:4]. Before he made further move, the call changed to a command: Do not come any closer. You have passed your free exit on the freeway. Take off your sandals for the place you are standing on is a Holy Ground. Moses could have thought, I have walked passed here times without numbers. How can it now be a Holy place? God was quick to identify himself: “I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob” [vs. 6]. The name of God is a strong tower, his name is power and authority; his name introduces holy fears, His glory and splendor as well as His presence. Moses was afraid to look up, so he hid his face.

It’s my prayer that you will go to sleep a shepherd and wake up a passionate leader; but this day God will surprise you beyond your belief. As you planned to walk through the wilderness of crisis, the God who turned chaos into cosmic shall surprise you and turn your problems into prelude. As you bow in the dance of love with God, He has remembered you and fast forwarded your promotion; you may not know that God has already answered you and has sent help on your way. That protracted sickness had been healed; God has granted you an open door and has turned your mourning into dancing. As you wash in the blood of the lamb, your dangerous disease is gone; your notorious habit is broken. A sinner has been made a saint; the poor has been made rich and the lack now living in abundance. God has embarrassed you with double promotion and your financial situation has improved.

God knows our afflictions and struggles: God said to Moses, “I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmaster; for I know their sorrows.” The Lord introduced Himself to Moses and declared His complete knowledge of Israel sufferings. Do we know that the Lord has a complete knowledge of us when we plunged into the depths of disappointment and despair, thinking we are in it alone and no one cared about us? Did our cries fell on deaf ears and the god of our fathers lay buried in an impotent past? Indeed, God knows all our troubles. He was determined to lead us out of harsh slavery into the rich life of a new country. Moses must have pondered, “I know you’re an All Knowing God, why have you delayed in reaction and why are you telling me? Be reminded it was in trying to rescue one of my own who was treated meanly that I mistakenly killed someone and that was the beginning of my troubles. But God continued, “So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of the land into a good and specious land…….now their cry has reached me and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them” [Exodus 3:7-9]. Every big man hates interruption; they expect you to listen more even when you are bubbling with so many questions inside you. I want to believe that one of the questions that Moses never asked was: Since you were fully aware of these sufferings and oppressions these past years, why did you not do something to free them. But God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform; His way is not our way neither is His thought our thought. At the fullness of time God brings to pass His intensions and no one can change it. Is anything too difficult for the Lord to do?

When God calls, He sends: Unaware to Moses God was preparing his mind for a great task. Indeed, what these preambles led to was very disturbing and displeasing to Moses. It was time for God to release the bomb shell. “So now go; I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people, the Israelites out of Egypt” [Exodus 3: 10]. Did Moses hear God well or just thought it was an illusion? He could’ve sent me again to Egypt? Hell no, this cannot be true. Even though Moses was an admirable and adorable adopted son of the Egyptian dynasty and the Egyptians around the palace loved him; they had earlier advised him to forget his Hebrew origin and enjoy the luxury of the Egyptian palace. If God was looking for someone to go to Pharaoh and Do you mean He saw no other person than Moses? This sounded too good to be true. How then God does claim He’s an all knowing God? Does God not know I have disabilities and unfortunate incident in Egypt? Moses must have asked: should I believe God? Who am I that I should face Pharaoh? Apart from Pharaoh, how can I wake up overnight and claim to be a national leader whom God has sent: who would believe me?  What is my background and of course where is the strength and boldness to face these people? I hope God is not just trying to crack jokes with me? In, I am Moses, Alan Pain said, “When He want you to serve Him, it’s not your previous faith or your personal attributes which matters; it’s His freedom to break into your life without explaining Himself.”  Again some Egyptians who knew when and why I escaped from Egypt are still a life and would recognize me. I may still be in the list of the most wanted persons in Egypt.

            As if that was not enough troubles, Moses then asked God: what do I tell both Pharaoh and the children of Israel when I get to them? People who have lived in sufferings and agonies for years, their mentality, attitudes and self images have reduced next to nothing. They would ask me: who is this God of our fathers who has sent you to us; where was He since and by the way what is His name? The answer God gave Moses: ‘I AM THAT I AM,’ did not make much sense to him. It means I am the past and the present. If I didn’t understand what God meant, how could I have explained it to Pharaoh and the brethren who are hurting in abstract oppression?  Moses wanted God to tell Him His name and its meaning because a name reveals someone character. Supposing they disbelieve me and say God did not appear to you. God was very gracious and patience. God then said to Moses: Now go, I will be with you; I will give you all the help you need and teach you what to say [Exodus 3:12; 4:12]. Whoever God calls He equips; every vision has a provision. Moses said if God would not accept my excuses, I will ask Him for more time. Perhaps someday I shall hold them together in an exciting tension but not now. Am I sure that it’s not my past still chasing me? But I have a mighty Jehovah who keeps His promises and neither lies nor fails. Brethren, listen to this, your past will never follow you again. Your past has been broken, as if it never existed. You have been called into a new life, new role, and new dimension. When the son of man set you free you are free indeed. There is therefore no condemnation now for those in who lived in union with Christ Jesus. Every past was nailed on the cross and buried with Jesus. The past forgiven gives rise to a new life of resurrection. Your future shall be like a morning star.

 The trial of our faith: You may think that Moses was behaving funny and foolish; resisting God’s calling. He’s not alone. Most patriarchs of the scripture and men of faith resisted God’s calling. Some cried like Moses, Jeremiah and Jonah, etc. It’s not easy to fall into the hand of the Mighty God. They all expressed fears and reluctance to accept God’s call. This was not only peculiar to the man and women of old; most ministers of God today still resist the call of God on their lives. Some confessed they ran like Jonah and weep like Jeremiah but at the fullness of time they were convicted and yield to Him. Who can battle with the Lord? When God calls you, you must answer; whether you know the outcome or not. You are simply expected to obey and follow Him. Indeed, a hymn writer put it right: “Trust and obey, there is no other way to be happy in Jesus; but to trust and obey.” You may have no options. Some of the calls were predestined even before conception.

             Even in this age, many people do not even recognize God’s callings on their lives. That’s why in the body of Christ we have so many people floating around that dread God’s assignment. Those who know prefer you send another person or desire where they are not called. We have many empty seats in the choir, ushering groups, caring and welfare committees, prayer fellowships, door greeters and sanctuary cleaners. Some Churches need people in youth ministries and bible study groups. Some people cannot discern God’s calling on their lives. They do not like serving in background but where their services shall be easily noticeable by people. Some want to know what would be their rewards or outcome. They have not trusted God who sees the bigger picture and knows our ultimate end from the beginning. God wants us to surrender fully to Him, acknowledge and experience Him in all our ways. Little wonder King David says, “As for God, His way is perfect; the Word of the Lord is tried: He is a buckler to all those that trust in Him [Psalm 18:30].

                 When the Lord calls you, you may decide to run but know He will catch up with you. He delights not in the strength of the horse; He takes no pleasure in the legs of man. The Lord takes pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that hope in His mercy [Psalm 147:10-11]. Whoever God calls, He had predestined him/her even before conception to perform that specific tasks, He will equip and provide all that is needed to meet that goal, even if it means turning the person’s weakness into strengths, God already knew and provided.  Whatever you are passing through is to prepare you for the call God has made on your life. Everything is therefore working out for your favor and benefit. Again God who has called you is more than able to keep, preserve you and uphold you to meet that need and destiny. “… God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” [2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV]


Reach Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill at: or P. O. Box 720035, Houston. Texas, 77272



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