The last Thursday on the month of November has been designated a National Thanksgiving Day in the whole of North America. It is a kick off of a long Christmas season, a holiday that extends through New Year day.  The question people often ask is not “What is thanksgiving?” but how and when did it originate? Even amongst Christians, some believe it is an extension of fetish pilgrim festivity and demonic means of siphoning hard earned money from citizens. Could this be true?

History has it that the celebration is linked with harvest festivals observed by early pilgrims, who migrated to North America (the new world) from England. It is believed to have originated from the European countries, where the pilgrims passed through to America. It was an annual celebration over good harvest and started several years ago in many American colonies such as New England area. It wasn’t until 1789 that the first national Thanksgiving Day was proclaimed by President George Washington, in recognition of on going practice of the American people. Also in 1860, President Abraham Lincoln established a yearly national festival which subsequent presidents have honored.

As it is common with human beings in the things we do, one mans meat has always being another mans poison. No matter how good an idea is, some people will still find fault with it.  It is therefore not unusual to find people criticize and condemn Thanksgiving Day celebration. They ask questions such as who do we thank, God or Satan? Why choose a day in a year for thanksgiving when it is commanded to be a daily function? This has been saturated with sports events and encourages frequent glutton and drunkenness. There is also a commercial aspect involving an involuntary spending spree for example, many have imbibed the habit of buying what they cannot afford and do not need only to return them the next week. Others shop at stores, used and returned them at no cost. Some Christian sects argue that harvest celebration was not commended by Jesus Christ, as such, it is unchristian.  Also, some clergymen seize the opportunity to preach of that day to preach political sermons thereby interfering with the state.


Despite all the drawbacks expressed against National Thanks Giving Day celebrations, it is not without some positive effects. For many Americans the holiday is still a time of family reunion. The family is the smallest but the most important unit of the society. Anytime spent together would increase family ties and this is a plus for the society. For most family, it is a time to take a vacation to escape routines and boredom. Such periods invigorates and in-vitalizes the union. Most organizations find this holiday as a time to meet and discuss useful propositions.  Over the years, it has become a day to reflect on numerous manifold blessings, strength and upliftment that God had bestowed on this great country.

As we look back on the track of history, we would realize that we have causes to be grateful to God for His Grace and Mercy. America is the greatest country in the universe in democracy, in freedom and in liberations of other nations under tyrannical rules. America is in the forefront of spiritual liberation, provision and supply of food, clothing, healthcare needs, education and military assistance all over the world. This is one country where faith based organizations carry out programs that touches the lives of the masses.

We have more than enough reasons to be grateful and thankful America has been known as Gods own country, where not only their currency has the inscription “In God we trust” but until recently, God’s moral code, The Ten Commandments had its place in most public buildings. Before now, the words “God” and “prayers” had been severed from schools. Presently, detractors, in the name of religious rights are fighting to take away everything that has the inscription of God on it.

The national thanksgiving day should serve as a day of  prayers and reconciliation; special prayers of intercession offered for the president, national assembly representatives, state governors and all in corridors of power, asking for Gods wisdom in their deliberations and decisions (Ephesians 6:18; Colossians 4:2; 1Thessolanians 4:16-18; 1Timothy 2:1-3). We should not be an axe that the iron head had fallen off unnoticed.

During this celebration, we should be reminded that one day a year of gratitude is not enough for God that had so richly and numerous blessed His people. The scripture prescribes that we should be thankful every time. As we celebrate, eat turkey  and varieties of rich food, we should not forget those who have nobody to care for them, the poor, parentless, and even the aged, many who put their lives in line in pursuit of the freedom and peace we now enjoy. Some of these veterans now parade the streets begging for alms.

Even if the argument against Nation Thanksgiving Day celebration is that harvest festival was introduced by pagan pilgrims, and associated with paganic observance, over the years, it has long been over taken by worshippers of the Most High God. Change is a constant factor world wide, over time, and space. At the same time, just like the early object of tithe was sheep and farm products, today we tithe with money. In the Agrarian era, most people were farmers but after the Industrial Revolution, most people work in industries, but still eat from farms products to nourish the body and soul. We should jointly thank God who brings the increase. We also should as well pray for our hard working farmers who produce what we eat and send forth to other lands, for without them we could not boast of being self sufficient.

So, let us celebrate this season.

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