While growing up, I witnessed some adults attend night schools. This “Adult Education” was fondly tagged ‘Second Chance’. Most of those who attended had missed the opportunity of formal education as teens. Others, who had formal education, sought ways to improving themselves or started new careers, while engaged in paid employment in the day. For whatever reason, they went to night school to acquire knowledge and skills. There was also a TV play titled Second Chance, portraying adult education. Indeed, there’s no end to learning; we learn daily. Today, there are opportunities for adult school everywhere, with the associated difficulties and rich benefits.

As you read through the Gospel of John chapter three, verses 1-13, you will come across the typical yet familiar story of a learned Pharisee, who was so intrigued by Jesus’ actions and personality that he chose to pay Him a nocturnal visit. Nicodemus had such an impressive credential that one would’ve thought it out of place to visit Jesus at night. He was a proud Pharisee, a custodian of the law, a member of Jewish ruling council; Israel’s teacher – a respected authority, reference point and a top rich guy. Despite all these chains of reputable achievements, Nicodemus visited Jesus by night while other leaders were too pompous and rebellious to be honest and sincere. He was bothered by something no other person could resolve, so he stepped out to satisfy such curiosity. Zig Ziglar observed, ‘What you picture in your mind, your mind will go to work to accomplish.’ Nicodemus said to Jesus, Rabbi we know you are a teacher from God. No one has the boldness to perform miracles such as you do except God was with him.

Nicodemus was a smart person. He put behind him all his acquisitions and humbly seeks answers to the problems that confronted the Jewish ruling council. This no doubt is the mark of most brilliant teachers. They are not ashamed to learn and seek wisdom but accept changes as constant factor. In our world that is witnessing tremendous changes, learning to update and increase knowledge is the only way to remain relevant. Jesus unbelievable deeds had become serious concern to the law makers and teachers. He boldly turned over the money changer’s table and rebuked them; called the temple His father’s house, boasted to destroy the temple that took years to build and rebuilt it in three days. Another report that Jesus turned water into wine in the marriage at Cana of Galilee had invaded the town like wild fire. How could the son of a poor carpenter do all these? Where did he acquire the knowledge? He had no record of formal education or any noteworthy credentials. The Pharisees knew the prophesy that a messiah shall come from Nazareth but dismissed that as folly because nothing good ever came from there. Little wonder why none of them cared to visit when He was born. The disturbing question then was: could this son of Joseph, the poor carpenter be the Messiah? Nicodemus went on fact finding mission by night.

Nicodemus visit risked his prestige as a learned Pharisee, Jewish teacher and importantly, a member of the Sanhedrin. He did not loose sight of the imminent caricature of his peer group. Little did He know it would turn out a life changing mission. Jesus told an adult, a grown man that except he was born again, he shall not see and enter God’s kingdom. That’s a hard pill, too difficult to swallow; a lesson beyond his comprehension. Jesus was on a spiritual plane while Nicodemus was on the flesh. Flesh gives birth to flesh, while the Spirit gives birth to Spirit. Jesus further made it easy, ‘you must be born again of water and the Spirit.’ Yet he did not get it. Jesus did not say you must be born of water alone.  Water baptism is for salvation following repentance while Spirit baptism gives power and anointing for God’s work – bless, forgive, bind, loose, and witness. ‘The Word of God proclaims, Baptism seals and Holy Communion sustains.’

Second chance is what every repentant believer craves for. It follows God’s forgiveness and restoration. In Luke 22:31-34, Jesus told Peter that Satan had obtained permission to tempt him. He was about to sift him as wheat, to test his confession and profession of faith. His attack was imminent. Even today, Satan is still on offensive. But Jesus reassured Peter that He had prayed that his faith would not fail [not to stop Satan testing him]. The hymn writer, Horatio R. Palmer [1834-1907] wrote: “Yield not to temptation, for yielding [not temptation] is sin. Each victory will help you some other to win; fight manfully onward, dark passion subdue. Look unto Jesus, He will carry you through.” However Jesus charged Peter, when you have returned; use your experience to strengthen your brethren. After Pentecost, God chose Peter to deliver the most revealing sermon in Church history. Preacher George Duncan said some Christians have some measure of forgiveness for unbelievers but none for fellow believers. He added I’m glad God does. No one calls Jesus Lord except prompted by the Holy Spirit [1 Corinthians 12:3b]

In Acts of Apostles 2:37-39, Apostle Peter renewed by the power of the Holy Spirit affirmed out of his personal experience the life changing process, ‘Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for remission of sin and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost[Vs. 38]. Apostle Paul confirmed this experience in Acts19:2ff. He asked the Saints in Ephesus, did you receive the Holy Spirit when you became believers? They replied, ‘We have not even heard much about the Holy Spirit; we only had John’s [water] baptism.’ Paul then baptized them in the name of Jesus Christ and there after laid hands on them and the Holy Spirit came upon them. Then they spoke in tongues, prophesied and with boldness went about persuading people to believe in Jesus Christ.

Nicodemus must’ve repented but perhaps kept his conversion secret but could not hide for long. In John 7:50-52, he testified for Jesus in the gathering of the Pharisee, when it mattered most. Again in John 19:38-42, Nicodemus accompanied Joseph of Arimathea to obtain Jesus’ release from Pilate. He also brought about 100 pounds mixture of myrrh and aloes and jointly wrapped Jesus’ corpse with the spices in strips of linen according to Jewish custom. He was among those who buried Jesus. It was for times like these that the object of his mission to Jesus was predestined.

It does not matter how big, rich, or popular you are; how long you have been in Church, baptized, confirmed and wedded; the position you hold in the Church or State. You may sing in Choir, be a celebrated member of the Church committee, fattest donor and the highest tithe payer in the Church; belongs to many philanthropic organizations and help out the poor. These are all commendable activities but without the new birth experience you shall neither see nor enter God’s kingdom. You are no doubt born naturally but you need the second birth of water and the Holy Spirit. If you have been baptized of water in the name of the Father, Son [Jesus Christ] and the Holy Spirit, ask God in faith, for the manifestation that follows. This second chance experience, God availed to us through Jesus’ death on the cross and his resurrection.  Whosoever put faith in Him and be baptized shall have His peace and eternal life.

 Christianity is the only faith that gives anybody whosoever desires a second Chance. God’s grace should not be taken for granted. Therefore take advantage of this real privilege of God’s mercy and grace, and become a believer today. Jesus is the founder and teacher of the second chance school, admission is free and you are already pre-approved for every assistance. Don’t delay, apply now.                                              


Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya Godswill at: or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.



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