REDISCOVER THE GOD IN YOU

                                              [Psalm 139: 13-24]

Even though the book of Genesis states emphatically that God created man in His image and likeness, many in our world still believe that man emanated from evolution. The Psalmist restates the obvious, “For you formed my inward parts; you covered me in my mother’s womb.” When it comes to creation, even Satan knows that he was created by God. The opinions of some social idealists neither matter nor have based. Again the mysteries of creation are full with complexities beyond human comprehension and full understanding. Little wonder the Psalmist could not but rejoice and sing, “I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are your works; and that my soul knows very well” [vs. 14].

In spite of scientific discoveries and developments in healthcare technology, the mystery of human creation remains only with Godhead. Who among the great scientists of the world can gather the earth and breathe into it and it becomes a living soul?  The Author of Psalm 8, says, ‘When we consider your heavens and the works of your hands [fingers], the moon and stars you have made, what’s man that you are mindful of him…..For you have made him a little lower than the angels….yet crown him with glory and honor and made him have dominion over the work of your hand and put all things under his feet [vs. 3-6]. How excellent and marvelous are you, oh Lord!

No human being can comprehend God’s thoughts about Him. There are too great and numerous to be counted. Surprisingly when I wake up I am still with God. I fool myself each time I try to run or hide from Him because I will end up full time in His presence. No human being can tolerate or harbor me and still love me with great compassion as He has always done. Its amazing how this great God who made us, knows our frame and reins; our limitations and drawbacks, could at a point in history thrust Himself into human situation and experience. He comes to us even in our fugitive and breaks all barriers to rescue us and win our allegiance back to Him. This caring and compassionate God says we cannot do anything apart from Him. Even when the atheists take His name in vain and deny His existence, He still love them and extends His mercies and compassion towards them because of His Fatherly love, He cannot let go. In God in man experience, Leonard Griffith wrote, “This God brings us not accusation but forgiveness, not imprisonment but freedom, not death but life- because He loves us with greater love than we can ever imagine.” His love is all embracing and total; no one reverses the power of the cross; it was for everybody whether you know it or not.

We join the Psalmist and ask God to search us and know our hearts. The heart is the power engine of the body. In it our thoughts and motives as well as desires emerge. It reveals the emotions and the anxieties of our lives. That is why we asked God to search us and know our hearts. Nothing in us is hidden from God. We plead that He purges the wicked ways in us; sanctify us and lead us in the way everlasting. When the iniquities in our hearts are cleansed, the spirit man becomes very visible, manifesting good fruit. It was in the light of this experience that Dr James P. Gills in Believe and Rejoice wrote, “We have no one but our creator, the Lord God and He is all we’ll ever need. The God who set the universe in motion also concern himself with the daily needs in each of our lives. And all we have to do is let Him be in control, acknowledging His majesty and greatness, believing in His promises and living in a loving relationship with Him. And in that relationship we find joy.”

The challenge as we read and meditate on this psalm is to know that God has searched and known us. There is nothing hidden before him. He knows our thoughts and desires. When we sinned deliberately in disobedience to His commands, when we allow our desires to cloud the truth of His Word, when we harbor iniquities in our hearts and raise ‘holy hands’ in worship, when we hide and rationalize our wrong doings but points hands on the deeds and failures of others, when we judge others in the very wrongs we commit, when we fail to speak the truth and condemn wickedness because of worldly pleasures, fears of being accused insensitive or loosing our crowds. Yet this great God, the Father of all mankind, Maker of the universe knows us because our frame is exposed to Him; has precious thought towards us, too great beyond our imaginations. If God count them, there will be more in number than the sands of the seashores [vs.16]. God upholds the great sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ on the cross of shame in every situation and His compassion cannot cease or reverse the work on the cross. Surprisingly God knows more than we imagine but He sits at the throne of mercy and loves unconditionally. May God try us and expose our anxieties and worries. In so doing, He will purge and sanctify as well as prepare us for righteous living and eternity.


Reach: Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill at: or P. O. Box 720035, Houston, Texas, 77272.

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