Proliferation of spiritual houses

Proliferation of spiritual houses. ‘And God says ……’


                About early 1980, the world witnessed tremendous out surged of prophetic ministries in churches. Today most of these ministries have been taken out of the mainline Churches and opened up armchair prophetic churches.. They specialized in prophesying dreadful things that could cut peoples heart and instill fears in them to seek their help. It is very easy to hear that God says you should marry a particular person. Or sow a seed of certain amount. They could prophesize that legion of demons are after you and shall destroy you if you do not act fast. Some go as far as prophesizing that your parents are responsible for the setback you are experiencing. It could be confusing and hard to understand. No matter how you perceive these messages, I doubt whether the entire God says stuff is true? Infact some are too good to be true. It could be expressions of personal intuition from cultural viewpoint.  May God have mercy on us.

                Just for the fact that one calls himself a prophet or prophetess and pastors a church or preaches with elegance, speak in a strange tongue and could move the crowd emotionally does not in anyway connote that the person speaks from God. How authentic are these claims? Some could even be contrary to the scriptures while others are quoted out of context, just to meet their goals.  I know God speaks through his word and his messengers, but God speaks in agreement with his word (the scripture). His word is eternal and changes not. God authentic voice must be Biblical. But occasionally some prophets and prophetesses speak from a leadership opinion, a denominational doctrine, ceremonial ritual, cultural prejudice, traditional theology, and public opinion, pop psychological and perhaps what the crowd wants to hear. Again some of them interpose the bible to support their stance. Christians must be careful and keep watchful eyes on those who claim to be God’s authorities yet fool people about God’s requirement for personal gain. Watch, the motive is either ego or gain.

                Even in Houston, the way mushroom Spiritual Houses are springing up is terrifying and of course alarming. They have found a market niche that helps them woo members of our community. They know that some Christians are biblically illiterate, believe in superstition and want miracles. All they do is to exploit the opportunity and make their cut while it’s day. It could be all about gain or power. How can God tell a prophet that he wants you to marry someone yet as a loving father he fails to reveal it to his child? Again do you notice that many of their pastors and core followers come from the same tribe? It’s a cultural thing. These followers are anchor people who help solicit for new catch. The Bible tells us that where the Spirit of God is there is liberty. The Holy Spirit is given to everyone [not all except you] for profit. If you are a child of God and God is your father, how can a father not speak first to his son or daughter before another person? Again God created us free thinking agents with ability to choose and be responsible for it. If he chooses a wife or a husband for us, is he not denying us a right of His freewill? What happened when God chose one for Adam? In case you don’t know, Adam turn around to blame God and that caused God to repent. God is not man that goes back to his vomit.

Some of these servants are wolfs in sheep garments. They are business people doing ‘churchanity.’ A great number these days open up churches but has no heart for God. Others are simply armchair motivational speakers who speak eloquently without substance. Their behaviors speak louder than words. Their motives and intentions are purely gain. They are prosperity preacher who themselves are poorer than proverbial church rats. These days the storeroom is richly stored that even the Church rats are obsessed. Their greediness is not only perceived in their preaching but also seen in their behavior and in their covetous eyes. The Lord shall ask them, do you love me more than these tithes, seed sowing and offerings? Apart from these monetary gains these zealots have nothing to do with the Church. Jesus warned against of the Pharisees and Scribes. They walk around in long robes, seek for reserved seat in public places, exploit widows and say long prayers in pretense [Mark 12:38ff]. Times may have changed but the same attitude remains. The Lord knows those who are truly His, sees their hearts and thoughts.

I sincerely believe they are genuine ministers whom God has called and still speaks through in agreement with the scriptures. They are good Shepherds; their sheep hear their voices. These oracles of God go through the gate and behave transparently. Like in Jeremiah’s case, God put His words in their mouth and command them to speak to the people. Today many speak what greed has put in their mouth; no body called them. They’ve chosen a viable profession just for gain. What they nurse in minds they do everything to bring it to fruition. When you hear one speak God says, weigh it in context with the Scripture. But if you are biblical illiterate you may fall victim and be consumed by their gimmick. So be watchful and test all prophesies against the Word of God. If you are still confused, go into your closet and ask God to direct you. The scripture had warned against this perilous times, so do not be fooled rather be wise as serpent. You could seek the opinions of other servants of God. God had sent his last prophet in Jesus Christ and said to us, “Here is my beloved son hear ye Him.’ Jesus is all that God wanted to say to the diseased world. For He shall saved us from sin and restore us to the Father. There shall be no new revelations except that recorded in the scriptures.

I however wish to thank respectfully most Spiritual Dads and Moms for standing in the gap at this turbulent period preaching and teaching diligently the unadulterated word and maintain decency in their lives such that they are no barriers for those who would want to know God and His Son, Jesus Christ. These servants are signposts for the kingdom of God. They are called and sent to make disciples of all nations. They are led by the Spirit of God to pursue their calling without knowing the outcome. They live in obedience and hope and open their hearts for God. Floating a Church or Faith based organization could be a viable business but find our whether God approves your opening one. Like David, it could be that your hands are stained with much uncleanness or God just don’t want you do it because of your motives and hidden agenda. No matter what you do there shall be accountability. No one ever deceived God. We should not forget that judgment shall begin in the house of God and God knows those who are His true worshippers, who worship in Spirit and in truth, not in greed, gains and deceit. Help us God.                                                          

 Reach Evangelist/Elder Ogbonnaya Godswill by email: or P.O. Box 720035, Houston, TX, 77272.



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