The number 7 signifies completion and 14 stands for double completion and fulfillment. As we celebrate this season of love –The Christmas – God’s greatest gift to mankind, which also bring us to the end of the year, it’s time to get ready for victory, higher achievement and good success. This seems to suggest that those who would respond to this charge positively are already winners. Their victories do not depend on their own strengths and abilities but on the unfailing promises of God. Crossing over to the New Year also rest solely on God’s faithfulness.

The children of Israel under the new leadership of Joshua faced similar challenges as they moved out of the desert and headed to crossing the Jordan River into the Promised Land of Canaan. They camped on the western edge of the Jordan valley in readiness to enter but faced obstacles – strong giants of a people, fortified cities and well-equipped armies. God had promised Joshua of His ever presence and good success, only if he would not fear, trust Him and meditate on the word as well as obey all His instructions. God promised Abraham’s descendants to go in and take the land He promised to Abraham long ago. God assured Joshua that no matter the giant of Canaan forces, they would bow to His presence, His power and His promise. God promised, “No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life.”

All who have accepted Christ as a Savior and Lord of life are winners. As they face the overwhelming task of the future – crossing into a New Year and new dimension, they would not trust on their human abilities but on the presence and power of God’s faithfulness. God is our Help in ages past and our Hope for the future. If we shall trust Him and His promises; respond obediently to His commands, our victory is assured.

We may have failed our spouse, children and friends severally and tried to explain away our lapses. At one point or the other we have made promises we did not keep. We also have been disappointed and hurt by failed promises made to us and not kept. Against human inconsistencies and failures, God is faithful and a promise keeper. God has never failed in His promises; He always has and always will keep them. God is a covenant keeper, even when human beings fail on our part; He will surely keep His part. We may not know what the New Year holds for us but we can trust God to lead us through it and give us victory, double completion and fulfillment. God has never promise trouble free journey but safe landing. By His strength and power we shall pursue, subdue and overtake the enemies as well as thwart their plans. This great God is our God; He is worthy of our trust and dependent and shall lead us to the end.


Evangelist Ogbonnaya, Godswill

Director of affairs, Weefree Ministries


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