Every New Year ushers in a new beginning of great hopes and expectations. It does not really matter how it started. However some people tend to worry and get anxious about what the future holds. The greatest problem facing mankind is fears of the unknown or the future. Going by the bad experiences of past years, some are disturbed and worried about what the future holds; while others anticipates and hope for a better year. They hold on to God’s promise: “God’s eyes are on them that fear Him, upon them that hope in His mercy; to deliver their soul from death and to keep them alive in famine [Psalm34:18-19]. To seek for what the future has in stock, some approach Seers while others are so concerned that they seek help from Fortune tellers. Some people just trust God for whom He is, and believe that even though they may not know what the future holds, they know who holds the future. That gives great confidence and hope to face the days ahead.

It’s human tendency to get worried about a couple of things especially one’s future; things they have no clue or solution for. It may be ill health, accidents or even death. These needs have open up new ministries for armchair ‘Spiritualist’ taking advantage of the situation and are making fortune; opening mushroom Churches and prophesying anything in the dreadful world to penetrate the viable market and woe followership. Everyone feels anxious and stress out from time to time. It’s the butterflies in our stomach before the first date; could be the thought of an angry boss in a working place, or spending time with troublesome/nagging spouse, meeting tight deadlines, important social obligation or preparing for a test or interview. We know how we feel tense up when threatened by something or the way our hearts pounce if we anticipate or are in danger. Such mild anxiety gears us up to face a challenging situation. It makes a student study hard to pass an examination or keep you on your toes. It may help us cope with what ever situation we are facing. This sort of mild anxiety has some positive effect.

UNLIKE THE NORMAL FEELING OF NERVOUSNESS THAT SPURS US INTO ACTION, ANXIETY DISORDER IS A MENTAL ILLNESS THAT OCCURS AS ALARMING REACTIONS AND TURNS THE SIMPLEST LIFE ROUTINE SOURCES INTO POTIENTIAL TERROR OR UNBEARABLE DISCOMFORT. However anxiety disorders cause severe distress over a period of time and disrupt the lives of individuals suffering from them. It causes people to feel frightened, distressed, and merely for no apparent reason. People having this sickness often experience fear, worry or uneasiness that interferes with their daily lives. The frequency and intensity of anxiety involved in these disorders is often debilitating. There are the most common psychiatric illness affecting both children and adults. However if left untreated, these disorders can dramatically reduce productivity, family obligations and qualify of life in individuals.

(A) Major kinds of anxiety disorders: These include: Panic disorder, agoraphobia, general anxiety disorder, and phobia and post traumatic stress disorder.

[i] Phobia: Two major types of phobia are: Social Anxiety Disorder and Specific phobia.

(a). Social anxiety phobia[SAD]: Social phobia is characterized by extreme anxiety about being judged by others or behaving in a way that might cause embarrassment, ridicule or humiliation in social situations which could result to absenting or avoidance of pleasurable and meaningful activities. People with social phobia experience symptoms such as heart palpitations, confusions, faintness, blushing and profuse sweating. They are sensitive to criticism and rejection; suffer from low self-esteem and fear of speaking in public or to a stranger and fear of meeting new people.

[b]. Specific phobia: Involves intense or irritational fears about certain objects and situations, or of something that poses little or no actual danger; such as spiders, dogs, or height. This could lead to avoidance of common everyday situations.

(ii). General Anxiety disorder:[GAD]. People with this disorder have recurring fears of exaggerated worries and tensions about everyday routine life, events and activities. Such as about health, finance, loss of job, lasting at least six months. With little or no reason, they anticipate worst things happening to them. These fears could distract them from concentrating in daily tasks and accompanied by physical symptoms such as fatigue, trembling, muscle tension, headache or nausea.

(iii). Obsessive Compulsive Disorder:(OCD) Characterized by repeated, uncontrollable and unwanted thoughts or feelings or compulsive behaviors. Such as counting, hand washing or repeated phrases that seem impossible to stop or control. Typical Obsessions include worry about contamination, fear of acting disorderly or violently.

[vi] Panic [or Mood] Disorder: Involves sudden, intense and unprovoked feelings of terror and dread; repeated episodes of intense fear that strike often and without warning. Physical symptoms include chest pains, heart palpitations, and shortness of breath, dizziness, abnormal distress, feelings of unreality, fear of dying; mood swings and restriction in activities.

[v] Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: [PTSD]: A pattern of flashbacks and other symptoms. Severe physical or emotional trauma one suffered or exposed to such as sexual or physical assault, witnessed murder, the unexpected death of a loved one, or natural disasters. Three main symptoms associated with PTSD are: “reliving” of the traumatic events (flashbacks, nightmares); avoidance behaviors (avoid places related to the trauma) and emotional detachment from others; psychological arousal such as difficulty sleeping, irritability or poor concentration. These could happen months or years after the traumatic experience.

[B]. Causes of anxiety disorders: Anxiety disorders run in families, so there’s some evidence of a genetic or family predisposition in combination with life experiences. Brain chemistry also seems to play a critical role since the relieve by medications alter levels of chemicals in the brain. Other cause could be personality related. People with a low self-esteem and poor coping skills may be prone to the disorders. In addition, life experience[s] such as long term exposure to abuse, violence, or poverty may affect individual’s susceptibility to this illness. Finally, lack of trust in God could cause someone to worry and develop anxiety and depression etc. Also sinful lifestyle and immortal behaviors could lead to fears and worries [Isaiah 57:21]. [C]. TREATMENT: It’s not uncommon for an anxiety disorder to be associated with other type of disorders such as depression, eating disorder, or substance abuse. It could co-exist with the illness such as heart disease, high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, thyroid conditions, and migraine headaches. The first step shall require meeting an experienced primary-care physician and undergoing thorough medical examination. Those specialized in Internal medicine are helpful. [i]. Proper and effective medications are often prescribed for treatment along with psychotherapy. If one drug is not successful, then another should be tried. It is important for patients to realize that every medication has side effects which becomes tolerated or diminished over time.

(ii). According to the National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], research has demonstrated that both “behavioral therapy” and “Cognitive therapy” are highly effective in treating severe anxiety disorders. Behavioral therapy focuses on changing specific actions and several techniques to reduce or stop the unwanted behaviors. For example: one technique trains patients in relaxation and deep breathing to counteract the agitation and hyperventilation. Another technique-Exposure therapy-gradually exposes patients to what frightens them and helps them cope with their fear factors. Cognitive therapy teaches patients to react different to the situations and body sensations that trigger panic attack and other anxiety symptoms. They also helped on how to change their thought patterns to reduce the likelihood of occurrence and the intensity of reaction.

It is important that an experienced licensed psychologist diagnosed and treat anxiety disorders. Treatment needs to be tailored to the needs of the patient and to the type of disorders. Various kinds of anxiety disorders can severely impair a person’s function in work, family and social environment.

[D] SPIRITUAL COUNSLLING: Anxiety is very terrible and stubborn. It’s instigated by fears and insecurity. Surprising most people who suffer this disorder belong to various religion. Each religion has teachings against fears and anxiety. Christianity rest on the assurance that the God of the Bible is our sufficiency [2 Cor.12:8]. The scripture contains several promises of God’s grace, mercies and provision. It intimates that Jesus came to save sinners and those who believes in His saving grace shall enjoy life and have it abundantly. Most people ask: why are professing Christians having this disorder? The simple truth is that life is not at all easy. Jesus Christ didn’t promise his followers worry- free life, but assured they would experience peace in their hearts when they come to know, love and yield to Him. Another truth is that mankind is a depended creation on God. God therefore is our sole source of life and strength. He promised to set Shepherd’s over us who will care for us and we shall fear no more (Jeremiah 23:4). In our most popular Shepherd Psalms (Ps 23) God said “I will restore your soul” (vs. 3).

Jesus warned his disciples against worries and anxiety (Matt. 6:25, 31-35). Apostle Paul admonished “Do no worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking in a thankful heart. The peace that passes human understanding will keep your heart and mind safe in union with Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:6-7). Other passages of care include Colossians 3:17 and 1Thess. 5:16-23. 1Peter 5:17 urges us to cast our anxiety on God, for He cares for us. King David experienced much trouble and cried unto the Lord in Psalms – Ps 41, 42:3-5, 45:3, 118:5ff. In life one battles not with flesh and blood, but against principalities, dominion and powers in high places. The devil does whatever it takes to inflict pains, sufferings, and persecution on Christians. But God is our help in trouble and Jesus promises his everlasting presence. As part of continuous efforts to reach our minds, there’s therefore crucial need for spiritual counselor who taped into the power of God’s word and also stand with us in prayers of deliverance and intercession. For nothing is too hard for God to do. He’s an incredible Healer.

Sources: American Psychiatric association, National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], Focus Adolescent Services, Health and Emotional Wellness, Healthy living and

Elder G. Ogbonnaya can be reached by e-mail:

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