This is a foundational doctrine of Christian faith. It is a recreating of spiritual life in a human heart. When one hears the word of God and receives it into his heart, he becomes saved [born again]. The word, in the power of the Holy Spirit recreates the spirit man and turns it into a living being. The person sees his wreck state and long for God’s forgiveness by putting faith in Jesus Christ. He accepts that Jesus Christ, the son of God died for him and resurrected to save his soul from sin. By this simple process one is born again and his name has been written in the book of life. He can now see and enter the kingdom of God. God has imparted eternal life in his heart and he becomes a new creation and a child of God. Henceforth he desires to please God and live in righteousness and true holiness. New birth is critically a necessary step to all mankind because every human being is born in sin and is spiritually dead. He is incapable of obeying and living for God; so you need a life changing encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ.




A teacher of the law, a Pharisee, Nicodimus made a nuctorial visit to Jesus. He went on fact finding mission. He has taught lessons on the coming of the messiah and believed it. What was astonishing was whether this son of Mary and Joseph, the carpenter, born in a sheep vent was the messiah? He said, we know you’re a teacher like us and no one can do what you if God is not with him. Jesus foreknew what his intention was and did not want to enter into unnecessary discussion with him. Jesus said to Him, “Verily verily, I say unto you, except a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” [John 3:3]. On further discuss, again Jesus said, “Verily, verily I say unto you, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God” [John 3:5].


Jesus’ teaching reveals that you can have religion, being a Pharisee, Teacher of the law, a ruler of the Jews but except your spirit man is recreated by the Spirit of God you cannot see or enter into the kingdom of God. New birth is not a natural phenomenon; it’s a spiritual concept and can only be received in spirit. New Birth is being born in the Spirit and not of flesh. The works of the spirit may not be seen but like the wind, its activities are noticeable and sound heard [vs 6-8]. Jesus said, I am telling you heavenly things because I am the son of God that came from heaven [vs11-12].

I, Jesus Christ came to die for all mankind to save the world of sin. However not everyone I died for shall be saved but those who believes that Jesus is God in the flesh, He died for our sins and God raised him from death for our sake. Whosoever believes in me shall have eternal life. This is the love of God that He sacrifices His son for the sin of the world. For this purpose He sent his son into the world and whosoever believes is saved and not condemned. But as many as received him, to them he gave power to become the sons [children] of God, even to them that believe in his name [John 1:12]. Through this process all believers’ heart receives the impartation of God’s spirit and become children of God and new creation in Christ.






Saul was a Pharisee and core Jew from the town of Tarsus and had obtained an authority to go to Jerusalem and arrest followers of Christ in the Synagogues.  He was on a mission to persecute the people of the way [followers of Christ]. As he journeyed near Damascus, his conversion took place somewhere outside the city.

Suddenly, a light from heaven shown around him and he fell on the ground. A voice asked him, Saul, Saul why are you persecuting Me? Saul could not see any man and he reverts to the voice saying, who is you Lord? The voice replied, I am Jesus who you’re persecuting; it is hard for you to kick against the goads. Saul was astonished and tremblingly asked what you would have me do? And the Lord said, “Arise and go into the city and it shall be told thee what thou must do.”

Those who were with him could not believe that they heard a voice but saw no man. Saul woke up from the ground unable to see and was led by hand into Damascus. There a man of God called Ananias whom God had already revealed what he ought to do through a vision met him and prayed for him and he received his sight, became filled with the Holy Spirit and was baptized.

 Saul encountered Christ and his conversion was instant. He obeyed and responded to Jesus and became his bond servant. His name was changed to Paul. He became an apostle to the Gentiles according to the commandment of His Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. He set himself apart for prayers, fasting and meditation.  After then He preached Christ in the synagogues that He was the son of God. Those who heard him were amazed and wondered: Is this not he who persecuted the people of the way?

Paul preached Christ all over the countries of Asia and his ministry witness tremendous signs and wonders, healings and great persecution. He is known as the Apostles to the gentiles and because of the manner of his conversion, his teachings and letters form the greater part of the epistles in the New Testament.  Apostle Paul understood what happened to him and no other person had the revelations of Christ the way he had. He had neither dream nor trance on his way to Damascus. He had great passion to keep and uphold Jewish laws. Little wonder his zeal and vision for the kingdom had no equal. It was in his writing that followers of Christ were called Saints, disciples, believers and Christians first in Antioch.

The book of Acts of the Apostles records details of his conversion, missionary journeys and persecutions. He confirmed to the Jews that salvation is only through Christ Jesus [Acts 4: 12]. To the Romans he taught that all have sinned and no one is righteous but there is salvation through Jesus. Whoever is in Christ has no condemnation. The Lord forgives us and declares us righteous. He set the tone for the Corinthians over marriages, faith in Christ, against idolatry and assured them that one in Christ is a new creature.  He took great pains to present his credentials as an Apostle. He defended the Gospel everywhere he went. To the Galatians He reaffirmed his experience of Jesus and on the mysteries of the law and grace and Christian liberty.  Paul taught the Ephesians about grace through faith in Christ and how we were bought with the blood of Christ to become his witnesses and workmanship.






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